Jack Torrance x Reader

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I had been staying at this motel for a week by now, meeting a small family. Jack was the head of the family and a peculiar man. He was quite irritated and easily agitated by his wife and son, but when it came to me he was happy and genuinely smiled more.

His behavior was odd and made me tread lightly, seeing that he was a moody guy. I only ever was around him when his family was near, but that didn't stop him from trying to talk to me alone, complaining about how dull his life was and thankful that there was someone else to talk to.

Minding my business, I was walking down the hall to return to my room when Jack had shouted after me. I stopped in my tracks and turned around to see him jogging my way, his wife and son not in sight.

"Yes, Jack?" I wanted to make this quick so I could be on my way.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to join me for dinner," he stood in front of me now, a sly smile ok his face.

"Of course," I raised a brow, "As long as you guys don't mind."

"My wife and kid are sleeping early tonight," he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "So it would just be the two of us."

I saw that coming from a mile away. His eagerness to talk to someone else soon became more of an eagerness to have fun with someone out of his family. He was neglecting his poor boy. I was trying to let him down easy but he wasn't trying my patience.

"Jack," my voice held a slight stern tone to it, but not so stern as to sound mad, "As much as I appreciate you wanting to... hang out with me, I don't think that will be for the best."

He tilted his head, much like a dog would do, confused as to what I was trying to say, "I'm sure she wouldn't care, it's not like we're doin' anything, right?"

"Thank you," I persisted, "But no thank you. Goodnight, Jack."

I turned around to continue walking before I felt a hand firmly grasp my wrist, pulling me back to look at Jack.


"C'mon, please?" He begged, "Just this once."

I yanked my wrist out of his hand, holding them behind my back so he couldn't do it again. He was desperate.

"No, Jack," I groaned, "Listen to me, I'm serious."

"As am I!" He strained, "Is it my wife? I can fix that!"

My eyebrows knitted in concern. Fix his wife? Jack was unstable and a problem to be around, a problem I would no longer be associating myself with.

"Goodbye, Jack."

Before he could say anything or grab me again, I hurried into my room and locked it behind me. Letting a breath out I didn't know I was holding as I entered deeper into the room, an odd feeling of dread weighing me down. I couldn't possibly feel guilty I had probably hurt his feelings. He had a wife! A son even! And I wouldn't get in the way of that.

My plan was to start avoiding him even more the next day, but before I could even lay on my bed to get a wink of sleep I heard someone let out a bloodcurdling scream. The walls muffled it but I could tell it was a scream of agony. Dare I leave and investigate?

The only people that were still here were Jack and his family... shit. I rushed out the room to find them, hoping and praying that Jack didn't do anything to his son. That was a woman's scream, I was sure if it.

I bumped into a smaller human as I ran down the hall. It was Jack's son who was terrified and sobbing. I almost felt like crying seeing the sight of him. I kneeled down in front of him as he hugged me tightly.

"Where are Your parents?" I whispered to him after a minute.

"Daddy's trying to hurt mommy," he stammered inbetween sobs.

I couldn't just leave him alone but I also needed to help his mother out. Is this all my fault? All because I said I would not have dinner with a married man? I picked him up and brought him to my room, setting him down in the bathroom. I gave him snacks and water along with a children's book I had found and planned on giving to him.

His sobbing settled down to soft cries as I told him everything would be alright and I would help his mother. He gingerly took the book from me and began to slowly read it, struggling with some of the words. I locked him in the bathroom and locked the room before leaving to go find the happy couple.

I heard more screaming and ran down the hall to find Jack hacking at a door with an axe. His screaming wife inside the room. Jack didn't even hear me approach, his main objective to get to his wife.


Jack stopped his attacking of the door and turned around to face me with a crazed look, a maniac smile adorning his face.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I stayed a safe distance from him.

"I'm simply going to bash her fucking brains out!" He told me like it was obvious and normal.

"No, you won't."

"What?" He lowered his axe.

"What do you want?" I said between gritted teeth.

"Dinner..." he said, "With you."

"Okay, if I have dinner with you will you let them leave..." I asked, "Alive?"

His focus was now completely on me, happy to get what he wanted.

"Of course," He grinned, "But you'll have to do much more than that."

"What do you mean?"

"Dinner in exchange for letting someone live feels like an unfair deal," Jack laughed.

"Then what else do you want?"

"How about we talk about it over dinner?"

I thought for a minute. I wasn't naive, I knew what he wanted. Maybe I could trick him? For the time being I would need to play along.

"Okay, you have a deal," I finally answered.

"Wonderful!" He beamed before turning to the door he was hacking at to yell at his wife, "Darling, you can come out now!"

I grabbed Jack's hand, taking him by surprise. I didn't trust that he would let his wife walk past him without him attacking her so I had to act fast. He looked at me with startstruck eyes.

"Forget her," I said, "Let's go."

He nodded and followed me like a lost puppy. As we walked to the dining room I saw his wife flee out of the corner of my eye. She was heading towards my room, knowing that I probably hid her son there. She trusted me and I her.

Once we were in the dining room I heard The scampering of two people leaving the motel in a hurry. I smiled at Jack, who sat across from me, but really I was smiling knowing that the two got out alive. Jack took both of my hands, his intense gaze boring into my worried eyes.

"Now," He started, "Let's talk."

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