Freddy Krueger x (PetStore Worker) Reader

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  I walked through the halls of the pet store, making sure everything was in place before I would close up the store and leave for home. While passing by the cages I saw that we still had one cat for adoption, it was a Donskoy cat, or as it is often referred to as a hairless cat.

  You could guess why it wasn't immediately adopted when it came here. Some people found the cat weird or gross for being hairless and wanted some fluffy ball of joy for their family. Alright, you hairless ape. I opened the cage and gingerly took out the cat I had named Pizza, ironically because once he got out of his cage someone and tried eating me and my coworkers pizza. We all thought it was pretty funny. Except Jerry. It was Jerry's slice.

  I held the cat against me as I walked over to the register to sit down in one of the chairs, Pizza purring as he fell asleep. I tired to get some work done but ended up falling asleep with Pizza. How I did that on the chair I have no idea but I did.

  I became startled awake and quickly held onto Pizza when I heard several things fall off a shelf somewhere in the back. I set Pizza down on the chair and went to go check it out and was relieved to find that nothing was there. I picked up the cans of cat food and placed them back to their original places before going back to the register.

I looked at the time and groaned in annoyance. I was supposed to have closed the shop an hour ago and leave. I was about to stand up before the sounds of footsteps nearby made me come to a halt. What the hell was that? The footsteps were nearing me and so I, along with Pizza in my arms, hid under the desk.

  The steps stopped right before the desk, the sounds of something scratching the desk echoed throughout the shop like nails on a chalkboard. Pizza whined in discomfort by the noise and I held my breath.

"Get the fuck out of there."

  Who the hell is that? Pizza jumped out of my arms and hid in a corner under the desk. I didn't move.

"Do I have to drag your fucking ass out?"

   A moment passed before I slowly stood up. I was honestly surprised at what I saw. Instead of a man clad in black ready to rob me a man with a sweater, a hat, and knife-finger-glove-thing was before me. He obviously noticed my confusion and was irritated.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, sweetheart?" He took a step closer, "what were you fucking expecting?"

"I don't know," I shrugged, "a burglar?"

"For a fucking pet store?" He scoffed.

"Then why are you in here?"

   He was about to speak before Pizza meowed. Pizza walked out from under the desk, seeing that I was frightened anymore he thought it was okay to come out.

"No! Pizza go back!" I whisper-shouted to the cat.

"What the fuck did you just call me?" The man raised his knifed hand before I scoffed at him.

"I'm not talking to you," Pizza jumped onto the desk from the chair and stared at the man, "His name is Pizza."


  Pizza just stared and meowed occasionally while I tried to figure out what the hell kind of a situation this was. The man gave the cat an odd look.

"So... why are you here?" I returned my gaze to him.

"Well, I was gonna steal that fucking cat," he huffed, a little embarrassed to be confessing this to me, "But I didn't know anyone was still around."

"Oh," I got a little closer to Pizza, protectively, "You want to... steal Pizza? For what?"

"To... keep," He avoided eye contact, "for company."

  I tilted my head to the side in confusion, a little flabbergasted that this man broke into the store to steal a cat.

"Why didn't you just walk into the store during open hours?"

"Are you fucking kidding me? While I look like this and what I've fucking done?"

"I don't know who you are," I knitted my brows, trying to see if I could recognize him, "And you look fine sir."

  I had assumed he was a burn victim so I didn't bring any attention to his skin. Maybe that angered him. He gave me an odd look of confusion before straightening up and thinking.

"Okay, then, sweetcheeks, how about I adopt little ol'..."


"Yeah, Pizza," He got closer to cat who looked interested in him, "And be on my merry way."

"Nuh uh."

"Nuh uh?" His grin fell, "What do you fucking mean by Nuh uh?"

"You need to fill out an adoption form," I explained.

"No fucking way."

"Yes fucking way."

  I pulled out a drawer and slid the adoption form to him while he eyed it with annoyance. I placed a pen right beside the paper with Pizza close to me.

"Now lets get started."

SLASHER SLASHER SLASHEROnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora