Pennywise x Reader

665 17 1

"Hey! You freak!"

They were at it once again. Trying to bully me into giving them my money. Like hell I'd let that slide today. I had twenty bucks on me that I was going to use at that new antique store down the road from the diner.

  The old lady had opened up recently and not many people were going, so the poor woman was afraid she would have to close up shop.

"What is it, asshole?" I fired back.

This group of guys walked up to me. They were juniors and I was a graduating senior, as summer was just a few days away. They thought it would be a good idea to get all there bullying in these few days before I would be gone for good.

"What the fuck did you just call me?" He sneered as he got up in my face.

"Get any closer and I'll fucking kill you," I threatened.

I wasn't a weak ass loser they could pick on, they bullied me relentlessly but if one of them tried to take me on by themself they would walk out all bloody and blue. Little bitches.

  Like a bunch of wolves who only fought in a pack. I was the rabbit. The deer. The poor animal to happen upon the beasts. Strangly beasts. Sometimes I'd like to image I could take on the whole group in a fight and come out the winner.

"I'd like to see you fucking try, bitch," he snapped back.

  Five against one wasn't fair at all but I had a good habit with getting myself out of tricky situations. I found a way that would get me out of the way and give me a straight passage down the street. I uppercut the boy in my face and he stumbled backwards. I took that short chance to jump over him and run.

  I got past the bullies and ran. But they persisted. I passed a drain but something tripped me. I looked behind me but none of the guys were close enough. My eyes darted to something moving in the sewer and I froze in shock.

"What the fuck are you doing there?!" I exclaimed as I scooted away from the clownish thing.

  The clown was about to speak and grab for me until one of the bullies stood before me.

"Little bitch tripped, huh?" He teased.

  I ignored the clown, for now, and looked up at the guy. He didn't notice the clown in the sewer, somehow, until it reached out for him. The other bullies shortly came up behind him.

  It all happened so fast, the screaming, the blood, the loud cackling and screeching sounds. I was frozen in fear. What the actual fuck is happening? Do I move? If I move would I die? Should I just spontaneously die? Die? Hell no.

I scrambled to my feet and ran while two of the other guys still followed, too afraid to look back at their fellow boy who was now gone.

The forest was in my line of sight so I ran straight over to it. You would probably guess I had been here before with the way I swiftly headed straight for the tallest tree near the main sewage pipeline to sorts. I jumped to the first branch and climbed up quickly, earning scratches and a sliver or two.

"Where the fuck did they go?"

The branches were parted enough for me to see the boys down below. If this were a movie they would be dumb enough to not look up. But since it wasn't they did. I didn't even make a sound but they still managed to spot me.




I gave them the finger, stifling a laugh at their dumbfounded faces.

"When I get up there you'll regret doing that!"

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