Yandere Norman Bates x Reader

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   "Hello?" I called out to no one in particular.

The motel looked abandoned but I needed to stay the night and rest before another ten hours of driving literally drove me crazy. I heard distant footsteps before a man quickly went behind the front desk, muttering a thousand apologies to me while fumbling with his hands.

"It's quite alright," I reassured, "I'd just like to get a room for one night."

  He looked like he zoned out while he gazed at me but soon recollected himself.

"Yes, yes of course!" He swiftly looked down to write something down before pausing to look back up at me.

"How many people will be staying with you?" He asked, his voice sounded like he was nervous.

"Just me."

  He nodded as he wrote down something quick, then turned to the wall of keys, without asking me anymore questions he handed me a key that felt a little old and rusty. Which made a little bit of sense due to the fact that this motel looked older, but an old nice like it was a hotel back in its day.

"Thank you," I picked up my bag and grabbed my rolling suitcase.

"Would you like me to- to escort you?" He rubbed the back of his neck.


"I'm Norman, by the way."


  He brought me up a flight of stairs and into this long hallway. It was a bit of a walk, luckily Norman offered to bring up my suitcase while I held onto my backpack.

  Upon arriving the the door to my room I noticed two things. One, the door looked battered and messed up. And two, it appeared to be a doorknob and lock looked to never have been replaced like most of the doors I observed here.

"Something wrong?" Norman stood beside me.

"No, just admiring the vintage look of the place," I assured him, though he didn't quite believe me.

  I handed him the key to open the door and he led me inside, rolling my suitcase behind him. The room was average size for a motel. It basically looked like and had motel accommodations but with a nicer, vintage look to it. Smelled nicer too. There was a small kitchen-like area to the side, along with a closet and bathroom to the other side.

"I hope this is to your liking," Norman gestured to the room with hopeful eyes.

"It's wonderful, Norman."

  He beamed at my response and straightened up. I pulled my suitcase to the side and left my backpack on the bed.

"If you need anything I'll be downstairs or in my room," Norman softly smiled, "It's the room across from yours."

I nodded and thanked him, letting him leave before I realized he still had the key. I sighed and walked over to the door to open it. At first I thought the door was just being stubborn until after several tries it wouldn't budge. I felt embarrassed to do it and unsure if there were any other guests in the building, but I resorted to shouting for Norman.

With a cream and snap the door opened and revealed a perplexed Norman. I sighed in relief with a nervous chuckle and matched his gaze.

"The door was jammed and I realized you still have the key," I explained to him.

"Oh!" Norman searched his pockets and pulled out the key, "I'm- I'm really sorry about that, I forgot I had it."

He handed me the key and I took it gingerly, placing it in my pocket. Norman seemed nervous but I deemed that one of his common personality traits so I thought not much of it.

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