Leatherface x Reader (part 1)

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(Guys, I'm honestly really confused on the whole bubba and/or leatherface and/or Thomas stuff. IDK WHO BELONGS TO WHAT PLOT. I've read fanfics but have no idea the correct movie stuff and have not watched the movies so please bear with me with all the wrong names, settings and shit ❤️)


    Staring down at the letter in my grasp, I flipped it over within my hands several times before telling my father that I was all set. Apparently there had been some murder nearby and a vital piece of information had to be passed confidentiality to officer Hoyt.

  Hoyt treated me like his own kin, even being my taxi when my dad was too busy. We only had one car so either I would have to walk a long distance or hitchhike in the back of someone's truck to wherever I wanted to go. Hoyt offering to drive me was a blessing, we tried inviting his whole family over for dinner as a thank you but he always came alone, insisting that his family was always busy.

  My father and I didn't pry but still was happy to have him over, even if it was just himself. But recently the murders and missing people cases have made dinner on the weekends become dinner every other week, or when the time between my father and Hoyt is more free.

Today I was walking down the road once again in the blazing heat. A wide brim hat upon my head and a handheld fan furiously trying to cool me down. It felt like a heat wave had struck Texas. My father was currently using the car for the latest missing persons case, two men who were out hunting somehow got lost. But then the missing persons case turned into a murder upon seeing trails of blood.

I was used to hearing his crime stories or whatever happened to him that day so I wasn't grossed out hearing it. But these murders were getting out of control, I had tried convincing my dad to move to a different state but he said he was needed here. I couldn't change his mind.

A car honked at me from behind and I jumped in surprise before turning around to see Officer Hoyt smiling at me. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the passenger side, his window rolled down.

"Heading home or to a case?" I asked.

"A case," he answered.

"Can I come and watch?" I had nothing else planned for the rest of the day and was honestly going to be bored, "I'll sit in the car quietly and watch from a distance."

Hoyt thought for a quick minute beofre agreeing and unlocking the door so I could get in. Once I shut the door he drove off. We needed up driving to a corn patch, but all the corn was already cut down to the stem near the ground. This made it especially easy to see a set of blood streaks along with tracks on the ground.

Once Hoyt stopped the car I didn't move or unbuckle until he spoke after getting his stuff together, "How's about you come and take a look as well?"


"Yeah, you're father's not here to help me and I need another set of eyes," he shrugged with a smile.

I stepped out of the car and cautiously approached the crime scene. It had looked like one person dragged two bleeding people into the woods. In the same direction I believe Hoyt's house was. Speaking of him, he walked over to my side and gazed at the blood.

"So What do you think—"

"That's gotta be one hell of a strong guy to drag two full grown men into the woods."

"What makes you say that?" He raised a brow at me in suspicioun, I assumed he was curious.

"The two missing guys about a week or so ago... another set of guys went out looking for him since they didn't believe my father was doing a good enough job," I scoffed, "Apparently they thought they could handle serial killers."

"You say killers... more than one?"

I crouched down to the ground to view the dirt, the marks of dragging feet and bodies evident on the ground.

"Well, I thought it would be more than one but there was only one guy here," I pointed to the ground, as if it was the most obvious thing to know what happened.

Hoyt knew what went down here, but he was curious as to how I knew quite a lot. He was interrupted from his thoughts when I waved a hand in front of him, no longer crouching to the ground.


"I think you should alert your family."

"...why?" Again, he raised his brow at me.

"Because I believe our culprit dragged the body in the direction of your house," I explained with urgency, "The killer might not go to the house but it's certainly not safe."

"I appreciate your care for people you haven't even met yet, but they'll be more than fine," He chuckled as if he said an inside joke he only understood.

"If you say so," I pondered something beofre asking, "Say... how far is your house from here?"

"Well, uh... I think it's about..." He stammered, which is something I never caught him doing.

  Something was wrong. I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye and I froze. Leaning over to Hoyt, I shut him up and told him to act natural as if we didn't see anything.

"Someone's watching us..."

"Where?" He squinted his eyes.


  I turned my direction to the woods as a large man was standing menacingly in the woods, he wasn't even trying to hide himself.

"Should we run?" I whispered to him.

"Don't run." He sounded calm and collected, unlike me, but since he was acting so naturally calm I assumed he had it all under control.

  That just had to be the same man who killed the others! He looked like he could bench a freaking bull or two.

"What do We do?" I hated not knowing what to do, I had absolutely no idea how to handle a situation like this.

"Back up slowly to the truck," he answered, shaking his head at the burly man.

"What are you doing?"

  He stopped shaking his head and took his eyes off the beast and onto me. The suspected killer rushed out of the woods and towards us.

"Run!" There was no time to go safely to the car, we would surely die.

   But he was too fast...

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