Yandere Killer Klowns x Reader

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Requested by @Kathyperez851


I searched the vintage store for my friend. She had wandered off while I was checking out some of the old vinyls and now I couldn't find her. My long search ended up bringing me to the back of the shop in a corner. This section had more bright and colorful things then the common beige and brown that dominated the rest of the vintage shop.

A red and white striped, mini circus tent caught my attention. It was a music box of sorts. I turned the small lever and it began to play this eerie, cheerful music. I listened to the music before it started sounding scratchy. After gingerly setting the music box back where I found it I turned to this floor length mirror, seeing the reflection of a wonky, cartoony clown behind me.

A scream escaped my mouth as I swiftly turned around. Instead of the same clown I saw in the mirror, Chloe stood before me with a clown mask on.


My heart was racing and chest heaving for air as I stared at her. No way the thing I saw in the mirror was fake! I never hallucinate and that couldn't have been Chloe.

Chloe pulled the mask off with a concerned frown and walked over to me. She didn't think I had a fear of clowns and was alarmed by my shaken state.

"Did I go too far?" She asked, "I'm sorry, I didn't think I'd scare you that bad."

I composed myself and shook the nerves off. Maybe my eyes were just playing tricks on me.

"It's quite alright," I reassured her, "I just thought I saw... something else in the mirror."

Chloe tilted her head in confusion, "Something else?"

"A real clown."

"Do you have a fear of clowns?" She had an idea in the back of her mind that the clown mask reminded her of, but if I was afraid of clowns she was going to forget about the idea for my sake.

"No, I just spooked myself," I glanced at the mirror, "Maybe I need more sleep."

We walked out of the vintage shop, I had gotten the circus music box and some vinyls while Chloe found some items to spruce up her 70s styled room. The drive back we talked about everything we saw in the store and what we wished we could get if we had more money.

"I have a wonderful idea," Chloe grinned as we took her stuff inside her house.

I raised a brow, "And that idea is?"

"There's this abandoned circus tent way back in the woods I heard the Smith's whispering about," she told, "I thought that you liked the music box so much why don't we see a real one... or what's left of one for that matter."

A small smile formed on my face as I how'd the small music box in my hand. Perhaps that would be a fun thing to do. Dangerous and stupid but fun and adventurous.

"Let's do it."

Chloe smiled at my answer before putting away the last of her items and taking me by the hand.

"If we go now we can see the tent before sunset," she pulled me downstairs, grabbing two flashlights incase we stayed out longer and it got dark.

We left her house, taking her car to get there. I brought the music box with me, but found a note on the bottom.

"Fixed it. See you soon ~"

My eyebrows knitted in confusion, wondering how the note got there or if I just missed it. I played the circus music box again and this time noticed that it played fine the whole tune. The scratchy notes nonexistent like how it played at the shop. That was odd. Perhaps the cashier quickly fixed it before giving it to me? But the note also said see you soon...

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