Chapter 1 - Flashback

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Why is it that every book or TV show, shows a false representation of what high school life is actually like? They always show one side or the other, but you never see it for the way it actually was. High school was an opportunity to figure out who you wanted to be once you left. For me, I figured I just be myself because no matter how hard I try. I will always be a loser in everyone's eyes, so why not own it? I mean let's look back to show what I mean:

  "Hey, Piggy! Why don't you put down that salad? It's clear to see that it's not working for you." Justin Banks laughs while imitating the sound of a pig. He was one of the main jerks that wouldn't leave me alone when I first moved to Mclean, Virginia. Justin was tall with red hair, which made him very noticeable. Which also made it easier for me to avoid him. He was very handsome, probably the second-hottest guy on the football team. His body had a nice amount of muscles, and his eyes were piercing green. The only problem is his attitude and behavior, which made him unattractive. Heck, I've heard girls talk about him in class, and even they admitted they couldn't get past his behavior. Once, I heard a girl say if he never talked, he would be perfect.
  I ignored Justin by going around and walking straight ahead to my seat in the far left corner of the cafeteria. Before I could even make it to my seat in the corner, a hand grabbed my wrist, turning around. When I saw who grabbed me, I gave them a harsh glare. In front of me was Lucas Thompson, superstar football player of Mclean High School and the number one hottest guy on the football team. He was tall, tan, built like a demigod, and had ocean-blue eyes that always seemed to sparkle.
  "Hey, Piggy, I was looking for you," he said with a smile that always seemed to give mixed signals. I look down at my wrist, which he still has a hold of, before pulling it out of his grasp.
  "Exactly what can I do for you, Lucas," I smile. I have never been the one to show my true emotions to a person. Behind the sweet smile that I am giving Lucas, is a girl who wishes to tell him to fuck off.
  "Mrs. Jackson wanted me to tell you to come to her room. Once you're done with lunch, that is," he smirks while leaning against the wall. I rolled my eyes at how cocky he was right now but knew I had to give a reply so he would leave me alone.
  "Lucas, I got the message. You can leave now." I motioned with my hands for him to buzz off.
  "Why do you gotta be so unsociable, Piggy?" he nudged at me. I give him a look that says he should know why I am the way I am. We got along fine when I first moved here, but after a month, he started with the Piggy comments. Not to mention that his buddies would constantly make fun of me as he laughed along with them. At first, I thought that Lucas could be my friend. But in the end, I was wrong. He proved why I don't trust people much. Seeing him mock me like the other football players hurt me. I couldn't control my weight. The doctors told me that because of my bone structure, this was how my body was supposed to be. I want nothing to do with anyone from this school, but I especially want nothing to do with Lucas.
  "It's not unsociable it is called I want to eat my lunch, so I can quickly go to Mrs. Jackson," I reply, hoping my answer is good enough for him. Instead, he shrugs and takes a place in front of me.
  "Are you just eating a salad?" he asked, confused. I bet he was expecting me to eat more based on my size.
  "Yep," I say quickly, all I wanted was for him to move on and go to his friends. Instead, he is sitting there watching me as I eat my salad. This was probably one of the most uncomfortable experiences I have ever had. I wasn't able to take it anymore. I just got up, dumped my tray, and walked straight to Mrs. Jackson's room. I walk down the hall in the direction that I know for Mrs. Jackson's room. When I got to her classroom, her door was open. When I peeped inside, she was sitting at her desk, and it looked like she was reading some documents. I give a light knock on her door to gain her attention. She turns her head towards the noise and brightens when she sees me.
"Oh, dear, come on in. I wasn't expecting you this early," a pixie-like voice sings as Mrs. Jackson walks towards me, grabbing my wrist as she guides me into her classroom.
"I just wanted to talk to you about your college applications that you want to go to. I'm a bit worried darling, none of these are big-time schools. Why is that?"
  "I feel like these will be the ones that are easier for me to get in," I lie. I have a reason why I'm not picking big-time schools.
  "Now, Harper, you are too talented to not go to a pristine school. I believe you could make the scholarships as well, but you haven't applied," she looks confused and a bit of something else. I can't explain to Mrs. Jackson why I am picking the school the way I am, but I can reassure her.
  "Look, Mrs. Jackson, I don't think I need an uppity school to do great. I will be just fine at one of these schools. Besides, I always believed that everything works out in the end." I reassured her. Mrs. Jackson's worried face dissolved by the confidence that I had given her. I'm lucky to have a teacher who cares about me as much as she does. We discussed the differences between these colleges that we missed here and there before I had to go. The last class I absolutely hated, but it was a requirement, was Physical Education. In my previous school, they didn't require it for you to graduate, but that was a different story for this school. So, now I have PE with a bunch of preppy girls and the one guy I hate being around, plus his buddies. I entered the locker room and noticed that not all of the girls had left to go to the gym yet. I try to walk by without being noticed...
  "Oh look, if it isn't Piggy fat ass walking by. Now, don't stomp around too hard or the floors will collapse," the head of the cheerleading squad laughed. All the other girls joined, but I had learned to ignore them. I went to a stall to change so I wouldn't be bothered. Sadly, that doesn't stop them from crowding the door when I walk out. I put on some basketball shorts so they come to my knees and an old T-shirt. As soon as I was finished, I got out to see them glaring at me like I did something wrong.
  "You know, it is really annoying that you ignore me," she says in a threatening voice.
  "I have nothing to say, so could you please step to the side so I can leave?" I asked politely, hoping it would get her to move, but sadly it did not.
  "You see, this is why I hate you, Piggy. The teacher all praises you and seems to kiss your ass because you're so polite. Well, I'm going to call bullshit on it. I know you are a fake ass bitch, so why don't you show your real colors for once," she glares while her group of friends follows.
  "I have no idea what you are talking about, but I do know we will be late. So once again, can you please move," I reply, not understanding how she thinks I am a completely different person.
  "You can go when I say you can go," she grits her teeth. I don't understand what is happening right now. Most of the time, they say really rude stuff and laugh, but nothing more or less.
"I know you have feelings for Lucas, you fucking little stalker!" she yells, but one of the girls places a hand on her shoulder to assure her to be quiet, I assume.
  "Okay, now I really have no idea what you're talking about,'' I say, confused about why she could ever think that I could have a crush on Lucas.
  "You Piggy Bitch! I know you do because you have been stalking him over what school he is going to," she shouts, " I'm surprised the teacher hasn't come in yet with all this noise.
  "Oh, I know what you're talking about now. Yes, I am keeping up with what schools Lucas applied to. But no, I have absolutely no feelings for him whatsoever." I so flatly want to clear up this horrible misunderstanding.
  "Ohh right, then if you have no feeling for him, then why the hell are you stalking on what colleges he is planning to go to," she says in a matter-of-fact type of way. Now that I understand what, she was thinking, I don't blame her for the confusion. I let out a deep sigh as I am tired of this conversation, which I am.
  "I'm keeping an eye on them, so I'd never go to them," I say flatly.
  "Why would you.." she tried, but I cut her off.
  "Because I want nothing to do with him once I graduate from high school. I want to make sure we never go to the same college,'' I say in a frustrated tone as I never wanted to explain it.
  "Is that how you feel, Piggy," says the voice I didn't want to hear. I look behind me to see Lucas leaning against the now-opened door to the girl's locker room. My body froze up when I saw his face, Lucas was angry. I had no idea why he would be. The rest of the girls left quickly, but the head cheerleader had to smirk at me before she left. Now it's just me and Lucas. The air between us was making it hard for me to breathe. Like his presence has somehow made it toxic in here.
  "Is it true?" he asks, glaring at me with heated eyes.
  "About?" I ask back, trying hard to play dumb.
  "You want nothing to do with me," he growls, sending shivers through my body. I'm not sure how I should feel about the situation. Lucas is pissed because his object of humor wants nothing to do with him. I mean, do I have to explain this to him. I would rather not have to explain myself.
  "I mean, what do you expect," I mumbled, trying to pick up my voice, "you made me think you could be a friend and then crushed it by hitting me with my insecurities every day with your meathead buddies. So yes, I want nothing to do with you or anyone else in this school." I finished, shocked I was brave enough to even say it. I don't look up even when I hear a gruff noise of aggravation coming from him.
  " Well, expect nothing, you hideous pig. No one could ever love you," Lucas growls out, before slamming the door shut. I dropped as his words hit me hard, harder than they ever had before. All I wanted to do now was escape from the hell I put myself in once again. I mean, maybe he is right. Everyone from my old school hated me as well. I only have one friend, and I think it's because this petty stuff doesn't matter to him. Xander is my childhood friend and the only friend I could ever make. The only reason we moved to Virginia was because Xander lived here. My parents wanted me to be close to him. All I wanted to do was call him because he was the only saving grace I have ever had. I am almost positive that if Xander wasn't around. I would have off myself already. Before I knew it, I was calling his number, listening for the ring. I'm hoping he will pick it up.
  "Hey, Muffin," a hoarse voice answered. I laughed hearing the nickname he had given me a long time ago.
  "Hey, can you come get me?" I asked.
  "What happened?" he asked.
  "I just need you," I sniffled, as I could never control my emotions with him.
  "Give me ten minutes," he said before hanging up his phone. I changed back to my other clothes as I refused to do PE with all those bullies out there. The coach came to the locker room to check on me. I told them I wasn't feeling well. They said I had to at least come out of the locker room so they could keep an eye on me. I wanted to say no, but didn't want to cause any problems. I put my hood up and exited the locker room into the gymnasium. As soon as I entered, all eyes were on me. I could see the girls whispering and laughing while looking at me. I almost wanted to run out, but before the thought could process, the doors opened up again.
  "Hey, Harper, are you ready to go?" I turned to see a tall, tan gentleman in a police uniform with wild black hair, Xander. I go to him, hugging him like it's been forever since I last saw him when I saw him two days ago.
  "Are you her guardian?" my teacher asked with a brow raised, knowing we weren't related and he was too young to be my dad.
  "Close friend, I'm on her pick-up sheet. So it should all be good," Xander smiles.
  "God, what is a hottie like that doing with Piggy?" I hear the head cheerleader say to another girl. Xander turns to look at this girl, his expression is telling her that he heard what she said.
  "I don't tolerate bullying," he glares. Xander always hated it when people made fun of me. He got into a fight once because another kid called me a fatass whale.
  "Not only does he not tolerate it, but the school doesn't either young lady. Your head cheerleader, Megan, those girls look up to you. This is not the type of behavior you should be showing," the teacher rants, making Megan feel small. Never knew that her name was Megan. Xander put his arm around my shoulder in a protective brother-type of way as if he was warning them not to mess with me.
  "How are you two close when she just moved here this school year," Lucas speaks up. Everyone turned their head to him, shocked that he was getting involved in petty matters.
  "I lived in Georgia before I moved here. Her family moved up here because I'm here. They wanted someone to be close. Though that's not really any of your business, kid." Lucas' features sharpen when Xander finishes talking.
  "Hey, can we go now," I say, tugging at Xander's shirt. He looked at my face before giving me a nod, and we left. I refused to look back. I refused to look at Lucas' expression. Without a second thought, I dragged Xander out of the gym as I couldn't hang all the stares I was getting. We quickly got me signed out of school and into his car, where I could finally breathe. I almost felt like I was going to go into a panic attack as my breathing was uncontrollable. I felt a familiar hand rubbing my back to calm me down, and soon I was able to breathe normally.
  "You good now, Muffin," Xander asks, with a worried expression.
  "Yeah, I'm good. No thanks to you," I smile as it's always good to see him. It is always good to see Xander, especially since I spent six years without seeing him. The only form of contact we had was text messages and video chats, even though that didn't seem like it was enough.
  "So spill it, what's been going on?" Xander asks.
  "Not much, it's the same as always. I just think that: I'm such a loser that no one wants to be around me." I explained, knowing it would do no good for me to hide anything from him.
  "Damn, Muffin, I thought you said you were making friends," I questioned, confused by my answer.
  "You and I both. I tried and tried, but nothing ever seems to work." I shrugged. I think I was only meant to be friends with Xander, and that's it.
  "Don't get your hopes down," he says, providing me a reassuring look.
  "I'm not. I mean, I have college. I'm sure someone will like me there," I say, trying my best to stay positive. Though deep down I feel that it will be the same at college, as well, and I'll always be a loner.
  "At least you're looking at the upside of things, Muffin." he smiles while driving off to take me to either his or my place to hang out.
  "By the way, you don't work today. Why are you in your gear?" I asked.
  "Well, the best way for them to let me on the school grounds to get you. Well, with not many questions asked." he smiles. I roll my eyes at him for his ridiculousness but know that if anything happens. He still does his job even off the clock. We arrived at his house after twenty minutes of driving, which makes me think how fast he was driving to get to my school to get me.
  "I just turned on my blue lights and went on," he answers, even though I said nothing. I give him a confused look, wondering if I did say it out loud, but he just smiles at me.
  "We've been best friends for a long time, Muffin. I know what you were thinking based on your facial expression," he explains. I shook my head at his explanation. I got out of his way, so I could go up to his apartment. As we entered his home, he started taking off his uniform until he was in his briefs and a white t-shirt.
  "You know... I know we've known each other for a very long time, but can't you change in your room?" I asked.
  "Ah, shit. Sorry, anymore it's just a habit. It's my basic routine when I get home after work." He says while going into his room to get some pants. When he gets back, he comes beside me and sits down. He was giving me the 'what happened' look. I let out a very exaggerated breath before explaining what happened. As always, he sits listening to every word I say before telling me anything. Once I was done, I almost let a tear fall thinking about it, but I decided to be strong and not worry about people who didn't matter. He gave me a smile and a moment to collect myself before he began to talk.
  "How about you go to Southern Virginia University?" he asked. Wow, that was way off of what I was thinking he was going to say.
  "What?" is all I could voice out through my confusion.
  "Well, it's still in the States, and I can be nearby since I have to move up there. It is not one of the schools you mentioned for that jerk, you don't like. I think it has a lot of win-win factors to it. Plus, you can save money if you can stay with me." He explained. Thinking about it, he brings up a lot of good factors that would benefit me a lot. Plus! South Virginia is one of the universities that offered me a good scholarship. They gave me the highest offer out of all the schools I applied to. I had other offers, but they were schools that Lucas had been looking at. Lastly, I'll have my best friend to live with. So even if I don't make friends, I'll still have somebody.
  "Xander, I love how you think sometimes," I smile, "Yeah, that would be perfect, but are you sure it's alright for me to live with you?" I asked.
  "Of course. Plus, your parents wanted me to convince you to go there because I would be." he smiles sheepishly, letting his true reason come out.
  "Xander, you can't just follow my parents' orders. Even if it's a good one." I laugh, knowing that will never change because he is as protective as my parents when it comes to me.
  "Alright, That settles it. I'll be going to Southern Virginia University," I say. Still worried about how the outcome will be.

  You have to love, how there is always one person to be by your side. I look at Xander as he is driving. All of our stuff is in the back, as we have already picked an apartment that works for both of us. I am still surprised that Xander is okay with me living with him, but he has always been like a big brother. Tomorrow is my orientation day at Southern Virginia University, and I am super nervous. I mean, nothing bad can happen at orientation, right? Maybe I'll finally make a new friend, that would be nice.

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