Chapter 9- Game Night

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The night was booming for the Southern Virginia football game. Xander, Liz, and I walked out of the entrance where the ticket stand was to find our seats closest to the field.
"How about we sit here?" I asked, pointing at the front row in the center. I wanted to get a good view if I was going to attempt to watch this game. I am glad I brought Xander, he's a huge football fan. So he should be able to tell me what is going on.
"Yeah, that's fine by me Muffin," Xander smiles.
We took our seats in the location I pointed out before I began my search for the men. The first one I spotted was Nathaniel. He was waving wildly at me as he noticed me as well. I noticed John when he turned to see who Nathaniel was getting excited about. He gave me a slight wave which I returned to him. Next was Lucas, I only noticed him because he was talking to a particular redhead, that I'm not a fan of. Lastly, was Derek who waved once Nathaniel pointed me out to him. I wave back smiling, it still feels weird to be here for them.
"Did you find them all?" Liz asks.
"Yeah, Nathaniel was the easiest," I giggled
"Right! Especially how he was waving at you crazily," Liz laughs.
"So, how do you know all these guys?" Xander asks.
"I told you, it was from Justin trying to get at me. In the end it backfired on him," I smiled. I feel like I'm not getting through to him. I love Xander, but he is way too overprotective of me. He doesn't believe these guys want to be my friend. He thinks they have some kind of cruel trick up their sleeves.

The game started; my eyes were going back and forth trying to figure out what was going on. Xander and Liz are trying to explain to me what's going on, but I swear it went in one ear to go out the other. After watching the game for ten minutes, I decided to quit trying to figure it out.
"Okay, How about you two just tell me when I should cheer?" I asked, annoyed with myself.
"Of course, Babe," Liz smiles, bumping into me.
The match looks to be an easy one for the guys,  they are winning by eight to zero. The other team looks to be getting frustrated by the unstoppable force that Southern Virginia has presented to them. Half-time was announced over the intercom.  Everyone was getting up to either get snacks or go to the bathroom.
"Don't think we automatically win based on the score. We might be in the lead, but it's only half-time. Now, it's about to get serious," Xander says next to me.
"Wait, Why?" I asked, confused.
"The other team can surpass us after half-time. I've seen it happen before where a team was in our situation. The other team passed them in a matter of minutes after half-time. It really fucks you up, so the guys better stay in top gear." Liz explains.
"Wow, that is insane," I say shocked.
"Yep! Now, do any of you girls want some snacks? I'm going to buy a drink," Xander asks while getting up.
"Oh, get me a coke, hotdog, and some nachos," I say with a bright smile.
"Got it. Liz?" He asks, looking at her.
"Umm, water and some popcorn," she says with a hit of pink on her cheeks.
"Gotcha," he said before leaving the two of us alone. I waited a couple of minutes. I want to make sure Xander is completely out of sight before I start talking.
"So, why are your cheeks so pink?" I ask.
"That's because you never mentioned how sexy your roommate is, doll," she says blushing even more. I let out a chuckle at her response. I wasn't expecting her to say that.
"Is that so, well he is single," I say, giving her a nudge.
"Doll, there is no way that man would ever go for me," she says.
"Why not, your beautiful Liz," I say, smiling at her.
"Well I have a feeling he already has his eyes set on someone already," she says looking deeply at me.
"Doubtful, He hasn't talked about anything with me. If he had someone, he would have told me already," I reassure her.
"Babycakes, how do you feel about Xander," Liz asks.
"What do you mean? I mean of course I love him," I say laughing as I think it was a silly question to ask.
"What kind of love?" She asks.
"I guess you could say I love him like you would a sibling or a BFF," I say.
"So you love him as if he was your brother?" She asks.
"Of course, I basically was raised with him. Why are you asking all this anyway Liz?" I asked, it was a bit weird for her to be asking me all of this.
"I'm asking because I think Xander loves you in a not so sibling way, Babe," Liz says looking straight in my eye. I can see how serious she is with this.
"No, that's crazy Liz. Plus, Xander is older than me and we have known each other since we were kids," I say, confused.
"I'm just saying. I think it's something you should bring up to him," Liz says.
"Maybe," I say, but I know I would never do so. I don't want to put a weird air between us. Especially, since he never showed any sign of liking me like that. I mean, Xander has always treated me like I was his baby sister. I would have never imagined he would intimately like me. I think Liz just wanted to get the top off of her. Which is alright, I shouldn't have pressured her in the first place. Soon Xander came back with everything we wanted on time. The players started to come back out to start the second half of the game.
The second half of the game was way more intense than the first. The other team really upped their game. They got up to where our team was in ten minutes of the game. How in the world was that even possible? Right now they are going back and forth with scoring points, everyone was on the edge of their seat. Xander, Liz, and I were screaming and chanting, wanting our team to win. We were down to the last two minutes of the game. It was our play and both teams were in a tie. We need to score a touchdown to win this game. Everyone goes into their position, ready to start. You hear the word "hike" yelled before players run into position. Lucas throws the ball to Justin. Justin runs like his life depended on it towards the end of the field when they get a touchdown. Oddly I see Lucas running in the same direction. Why would he do that after already throwing the ball?
"He didn't throw the ball," Xander mumbles beside me.
I glanced back up to see that Xander was right! The other team hadn't even noticed that Justin didn't even have the ball. With the way Justin has his arms and body position, you can't really tell. Soon, Justin gets tackled to the ground not far from where he was planning on going. Even as he fell he acted like he was trying to keep a hold of this ball that doesn't even exist. Some of the opposing team members pile on him while others do a little victory dance. No one noticed that Lucas made a touchdown till the announcer said it. The referee checked Justin to confirm that he did not in fact have the ball. The crowd goes wild over the amazing play that our university pulled off.
"Damn, that was a risky play they pulled off." Xander says, impressed.
"That Southern Virginia for yeah," Liz smiles, happy that we just won our home game.
"Well, I guess I can say football isn't completely awful," I laugh, Xander gives me a look because he's been trying so hard to get me to watch the games with him.
"Does that mean you'll watch the games with me?" Xander asks with a brow raised.
"I might," I laugh, should have known he was going to ask.
"Oh! I almost forgot, Babe! Are you going to the after game party? It's going to be a raver, especially since we won," Liz brights with excitement vibrating her entire body.
"What? I didn't hear anything about a party," Xander glares. I bet he's remembering the last time I went to a party.
"Don't worry Xander. Liz isn't going to be my only friend watching over me at the party. Plus I promised not to get drunk," I smiled, trying hard to reassure him that nothing would happen. Besides, Lucas was plastered that day. The same mistake can't happen twice. I am positive that this time will be a fun night with no regrets coming to ruin everything.
"Fine, but you make damn sure you call me if you're staying the night. You also call when you decide to leave so I know when to expect you," Xander says in his parenting voice.
"Yes, Dad. I understand, I promise not to embarrass you," I smirk as he gives me a deep glare. He hates it anytime I call him Dad, even when he knows I'm joking.
I hitch a ride with Liz for this after-game party. In the car ride, Liz would talk about how amazing game parties are. She said at the last one, she hooked up with a hottie from the baseball team who was a rocker in bed. I giggled like a schoolgirl as I never had conversations like this before. I had no stories of my own, but I was glad to listen. The stories went on for thirty minutes because it took us that long to get to the party location. As we walked up to the doors, we could hear the music booming and people were everywhere.
"HARPER!!" Yells a voice from behind me. I turned to see Nathaniel charging my way with the biggest smile on his face. He brings me into a bear hug before letting me go.
"I didn't know if you were going to come or not," he says.
"Well, of course I was going to be here. Got to celebrate with you guys for that win you got." I smile while nudging him.
"Damn right!" He shouts.
Nathaniel dragged me and Liz into the house where the noise got even louder and the heat was smothering. He brought us into the kitchen where we could get some drinks before leading us to the living room where others were dancing. Liz found a dance partner quickly leaving me by myself. Well, Nathaniel is with me, but I doubt he would dance with me.
"Want to dance?" Nathaniel asks.
"Yeah, but it's alright. I can dance on my own, so go have fun," I say while looking around.
"Why can't we dance," he asked, gesturing his figure to go back and forth between us.
"Umm, I know we are friends. But I don't want you getting a bad reputation because you're dancing with me," I commented.
"That some dumb shit," he says before dragging me to the dance floor.
As we got to the dance floor, a song I hadn't listened to in years started to play.
Doctor, doctor, need you back home, baby
Doctor, doctor, where ya at? Give me something
I need your love, I need your love, I need your lovin
"OMG, I love this song," I shouted so Nathaniel could hear me. My body started moving with the beat. My hips were swaying in a way that I felt like some kind of stripper while his hands were on my hips. Honestly, this song was a bit too sexual to be dancing to with Nathaniel. Especially when the next few lyrics started to play:
Make me come alive, come on, and turn me on
Touch me, save my life, come on and turn me on
Mine and Nathaniel's hips started to move in sync with the music's beat. I turn around where I'm facing him so my ass wasn't rubbing against him anymore. I feel a slight push from behind, pushing me up against Nathaniel. I look up to see him glaring at the person behind me. I fix myself before going back to the beat. I felt Nathaniel's breath on my ear as he leaned forward.
"Don't worry about what other people think, Harper. Just enjoy yourself," he says in my ear. The sensation sends a rush through my body. My ears are one of my weak spots that almost always send me into overdrive.
"I understand, but could you not get so close to me ear," I say.
"Why," he says, sending another shiver. The song shifts from Turn me on to S&M. Dammit, why are the songs so sexual right now?
"Because it is a very sensitive spot. If you know what I mean," I turned to look at him when I said the last part. Nathaniel's smile turns into a smirk when I feel his hands tighten around me. Pulling me closer to his body before feeling his teeth graze my ear. I let out an involuntary gasp as my body shuts in arousal.
"Now, that was hot," he mutters, pulling his face back to look me in the eye. I felt his breath on my lips as if he was closing in for a kiss. Before any contact could happen I felt him pull back. I look to see that Lucas is behind him.
"Mind if I take her for a few rounds?" Lucas asks.
"Sure," Nathaniel says to Lucas before turning back to me.
"Maybe next time, Harper," he smiles before walking away to let Lucas in my presence. At the moment, Lucas' facial expression is hard to understand. He looked as if he was mad or upset about something. The next song started, All About That Bass. I smiled as that was another old-time favorite of mine. Especially since I always had a negative outlook on myself. I smile at the song before changing my movement to a fun way instead of a sexual one.
"You seemed to be having fun with Nathaniel," Lucas says.
"Well a little since I thought I was going to be in a corner alone and not having fun dancing," I reply.
"What about that kiss I stopped?" He asked with a scowl.
"Honestly, I don't know what that was about. I guess we got carried away by the moment," I answered, honestly.
"And the nip on the ear," Lucas growls. I look up a bit shocked because I don't understand. Is Lucas mad at me? Is it because of what happened between me and Nathaniel?
"I told him I have sensitive ears," I answered, feeling like a child that broke something. Lucas was full-on looking down on me. As if what I did with Nathaniel was crossing some imaginary line. Even though we didn't really do anything because he interrupted.
"Does it arouse you?" He asks before touching my ear, getting a slight gasp as the sensation comes back.
"Could you not do that?" I asked, feeling embarrassed at how turned on I was getting by just my ears.
"No," he says, getting closer so he can nip my ear. A small moan escaped my lips before I could stop them. I felt Lucas pull me in closer to him where I was completely against his body. I swear, I think I feel his arousal against me.
"How about your neck," he whispers against my ear, sending another shudder of arousal over my body. His breath moves from my ear to my neck as teeth graze across my sensitive skin.
"Lu...cas," I moan. I hear a low growl before I feel him pulling away from my body before grasping my wrist and dragging me off the dance floor. Lucas led me up the stairs to the second floor. We went down the hall till we got to the door at the end of the hall. He opens the door and pulls me inside before pressing me up against the door.
"Lucas," I breathed as I felt so out of breath, "are you drunk?" He pauses looking deep into my eye, "Harper, why would you ask if I'm drunk?"
"Well why else would you be," I pause. I didn't want to finish what I was saying. Tonight has been very weird for me as I have had two men be sexual with me. This has never happened to me except for once when Lucas was drunk and had sex with me.
"I just don't want you to make another mistake," I mumble. I feel his hand brush my cheek to make me look up at him.
"I promise you, Harper. I'm not making any mistakes when it comes to you," he whispers before bending down and brushing his lips gently against mine. The kiss was gentle and innocent as if he had never given a kiss before. My heart flutters at his jester, wanting him to kiss me again. I lean up, expressing how I want him to give me his lips again. Fulfilling my request, I feel his lip once again except this time it was filled with hunger. Lucas kissed me as if he was overcome with passion and a hunger that he couldn't fulfill. His hands were pressed against the lower parts of my back to bring me closer to his embrace. All the while listening to the song Play with Fire, that was blaring downstairs.
I always like to play with fire.
I deepen the kiss with Lucas by entering his mouth with a brush of my tongue. I think to the song playing, I guess there is some truth to that verse. I smile with joy, slipping my hand into Lucas' blond hair and pulling him in closer to me. I feel Lucas move backwards pulling me along with him. I feel him fall back, breaking our kiss, as he lands on top of the bed. 
"I need to send a message to Xander," I pant after pulling away from Lucas to catch my breath.
"Why?" He breaths.
"Well because I have a feeling you want me to stay the night, right?" I ask with a brow raised.
"Yes..." he drags. 
"Then I need to text him to tell him that I won't be home tonight," I smile, pulling out my phone so I can start texting Xander.
ME: Hey, I won't be coming home tonight. I'm going to crash at the guy's house.
I wait a couple of minutes to give Xander time to message me back. Lucas tugged at my hips, bringing me down to where I was now straddling his hips.
"That's better," he groaned as his erection rubbed against my center as I adjusted myself on top of him. I was about to say something when my phone made a ding noise.
Xander: Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. Please, make good choices and be safe.
I let out a small chuckle before answering.
ME: I will
I push send before tossing my phone on the bed and leaning down capturing Lucas' lips again. We both moaned at the contact as we didn't want to stop. As we kiss my hands roam, feeling his body up as this is the first time I've ever gotten the opportunity besides being dead-ass drunk. His chest is firm underneath my hands and his shirt that he still has on. It crossed my mind to take his shirt off, but I was afraid of moving too fast. As if on cue from what I'm thinking. Lucas pulls back from the kiss to look at me.
"How far are you wanting to go?" He asks.
"I'm..." I sigh, "I'm not sure. I honestly think we are moving pretty quick. Like I know we have had sex once before, but I was a virgin and I don't remember anything. So I'll be a bit scared of going too far." I feel Lucas' body go frigid underneath me.
"You were a virgin?" He asks.
"Yeah. I thought you knew that? Didn't I tell you I was a virgin?" I ask.
"No, or if you did. I totally fucking forgot," Lucas groans covering his face.
"Is it a bad thing that I was a virgin?" I asked, confused by how he was acting. Oh god, I hope he doesn't have a weird thing against virgins.
"Dammit Harper, I can't believe I took your virginity. Especially taking it when you was fucking drunk and don't remember. God I'm really shitty," He groans even more.
"I mean, mentally I'm still a virgin," I shrug. I don't get why he's acting like this. I can't tell if he is disappointed or aggravated.
"I mean yeah in a way, but Harper you should have kicked my ass or something for doing that to you," he says.
"Well I did try to ignore you and stuff, but you can be pretty annoying," I say. I don't really see why he is making a big deal of it.
"It just...ughh..I do, ugh... how to explain it," he groans. Well, if I'm being honest. This killed the mood for anything we were trying to do.
"How about we just hang out a bit," I suggest.
"Yeah, the mood is gone," he grumbles.
"I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that," I giggled.

For the rest of the night, Lucas and I  just chatted amongst ourselves till we fell asleep.

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