Chapter 2 - Orientation

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"Now students, if you would follow me. We will be heading to the University's gymnasium for the president to give you a welcome speech," the tutor guide said excitedly. I give Xander the look of 'what the heck are we doing' as he chuckles at my response. Xander told me the importance of me doing orientation, I thought he was right since I still had to sign up for my classes. All we have done is walk around this big campus while our tour guide makes jokes and tells stories. If I really wanted to explore the college I would have done so already. All I want to do is get this day over with so I can know what classes I am taking and see what books I am going to need. When we entered the gymnasium, the speech that the president gave us was thirty minutes long. Half of the students looked as if they were going to pass out from pure boredom by the time it was all done. I give Xander a glare for making me go through all of this. He just chuckles while giving me a shrug basically telling me 'Oh well kid'. Which boiled my anger towards him as I elbowed him while our guide was walking us toward another building that we had to go to. When entering the building, there were people holding a sign that had a major on it.
"Alright, now if you would please split up and go to the area of your major we can then move on to registration. Also, parents I need you all to come with me as there is only room for our helpers and your children" the guide yells. I look at Xander as he gives me a smile that assures me that I'll be just fine as he walks off with the guide.The rest of us divided up into our major, this continued on as another group came in behind us. I didn't pay much attention to any of the students who came in.
"Piggy?" My body went completely rigid as that was the voice of somebody I never wanted to meet again. I turn to see Lucas staring at me, shocked to be seeing me here. I noticed that we were in a corner, meaning we were in the same major. My eyes widened even more knowing we were in the same university witht he same major. 
"Yo, Piggy! Did you not hear me?" He asked, waving his hands in front of my face.
"What?" I asked, still in complete panic mode as all I want to do is run away. I mean why do the gods hate me. I thought I could start new here, instead my nightmares followed me to cause me more pain and humiliation.
"I was saying that I am shocked to see you here. I also asked about your concentration since I know you're majoring in education." he smiles, acting like we are friends when we aren't.
"I want to be a science teacher," I mumbled.
"Oh, nice. I'm concentrating in physical education," he smirks. I couldn't respond as our group was moving to our next location. We walked to the build next door to a large computer room. I guess we are registering for classes now. I quickly found a seat next to the wall, happy that I might be able to do this in peace. Sadly, I was wrong as Lucas sits right next to me with a smirk.
"So you have any idea on what classes you're going to take?" he asks, smiling, trying to be all buddy buddy with me when he knows I don't want him near me. I mean I have to end this, I can't go through college dealing with the same crap as high school.
"Lucas, what are you doing?" I asked
"I am logging into the computer with the information they handed us, why?" he smiles.
"No, why are you acting like we are friends," I blurted out, not knowing a nice way to ask why he is even near me.
"That's a bit harsh, don't you think? I mean we went to the same high school." he says while still focusing on his screen.
"Really? Lucas, you and your buddies bullied and picked on me every single day. I thought I could finally get away and now you're here. Just because we went to the same school does not mean we are friends." I say sternly. I felt as if he insulted me by saying I was harsh. The only one that is harsh is the guy who calls me Piggy.
"You're just being sensitive, we were only joking around with you." he replies, "We don't actually mean the things we say and we are all about having fun."
"That is the most arrogant thing to say," I huff as now I was getting mad, "What right do you have to say I am sensitive when you know nothing about me." I grit my teeth, thinkin of all the cruel things that have been said to me. Feeling the heat of my anger, I pull a hairband from my wrist and put my hair up into a bun. I rarely even wore my hair down, but I wanted it down today. Now I have to do a head dive into my comforzones, but sadly I didn't wear any of my baggy clothing. I'm actually wearing clothing that was meant for my body style. I tried to turn away from Lucas as I tried to hide the fact that my shirt is a bit revealing and I was actually wearing jeans instead of joggers.
"Why are you wearing those types of clothing if they make you uncomfortable?" he asks, giving a slight glare as he looks at me. Really? Is he seriously changing the subject?
"I wasn't uncomfortable with them, but being around you makes me feel uncomfortable with them," I say, keeping away from him. Lucas went quiet after that, which I was grateful for. I quickly selected my classes and figured out my schedule. I was going to be mostly bust on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday. Meaning I have Tuesdays and Thursdays to do homework or to hang out. When I had everything together and completed, I turned off the computer and left as this was the last thing we had to do.
"Did you figure everything out?" The helper asked me.
"Yep, I'm all set," I smiled. The helper gave me a nod before attending to another student who needed help. I walk out of the room and head to the front doors to leave when someone grabs my wrist. I give an annoyed sigh before turning around to see Lucas. I seriously do not understand why he has a habit of just grabbing me whenever he wants.
"Do you hate me?" He genuinely asks me. Well I might as well put an end to this and try to keep him out of my life.
"Yes, I hate you Lucas Thompson and I want nothing to do with you," with that I walked away. I finally had the courage to walk away and I will never look back. I meant what I said, but I hated how I said it. I don't like being harsh, but I think that will be the only way to get it through to him. As I walk out the doors I see Xander chilling under a tree waiting for me.
"What are you, so prince charming from a romance novel."I laughed knowing he hates being called a prince. Especially since his mother would dress him as a Disney prince for halloween. One time I remember us going as a couple, I was Belle and he was Adam. He was angry, but settled when he saw how happy I was since Belle was my favorite Disney princess.
"You know I hate being called a prince," he grumbled when I reached him under the tree.
"Well you're lying under a tree like some character in a romance novel. What did you expect me to call you," I chuckled. 
"Oh, we got jokes," he smiles.
"Yeah, but only with you," I shrug knowingI can never joke around with anyone else.
"Hey, did anything happen while you were registering for classes," he asks, giving me a serious look that makes my heart happen as I always had him to count on.
"Yeah, I saw one of my bullies," I say as I start walking to the car. There is nothing more I want to do than go home and read a good book to forget this whole day.
"Which one?" He asked, following behind me.
"The worst of the worst," I say, not really wanting to say the name or I feel like bad luck will come my way.
"You mean that Lucas boy?" He asked.
"That's right, you hit it straight on the head." I mock wanting to drop the subject because I know how defensive he is when it comes to me. I also don't want him to go back and try to find Lucas. Now that would be super embarrassing and would make me want to dig my grave up so I could lie in it.
"So you're saying that little shit is here too," he glares.
"Yes, but I swear to god if you go looking for him I will drive off without you. Then you would have to walk back home." I warn.
"You do know that is not much of a treat since we live like what ten minutes away," he smirks with that devilish look of mischief.
"Fine, then if you go off to find him, then I would make dinner and I was going to make your favorite today," I threw out my last threat knowing how much he loves my cooking.
"That's so not fair, Harper. You know I love your cooking! Total bitch move,"he whines catching up so he is beside me.
"I have to be a bitch because you don't listen," I smirk. Soon we made it to the car and left the campus to go home. The ride was silent, but I knew he had more to say. As soon as we got home and into the apartment I got attacked with the questions.
"So what did he say? He wasn't an ass to you, was he?" Xander started off.
"Jezz, take a chill pill Xander," I rolled my eyes, "He basically expressed how he was shocked to see me."
"Didn't you specifically pick this school because you noticed it wasn't even in his redar?" Xander asks with. brow raise.
"Yeah, so you could imagine how shocked I was when I saw him. All the work of making sure we never go to the same University down the drain." I huffed as it was super annoying keeping up with his selection to pick from. I even remember him saying he would never go to this University, that's why I jumped the gun on my rewards letter from them.
"Did he say anything else?" he asked while leaning against the counter. It's like he is trying to pose for a magazine cover of something.
"He asked why I was wearing my outfit if it made me uncomfortable and asked if I hated him," I say, grabbing my arm showing my discomfort with that question Lucas asked because I didn't understand his expression or the way he said it.
"What did you tell him?" Xander asked, crossing his arms.
"I told him that the clothes weren't what was making me uncomfortable, that it was him who was making me uncomfortable. To his second question, I told him that I did indeed hate him," I reply, feeling as if I am being interrogated at the moment. I know Xander doesn't mean to interrogate me and that it's just the policeman side of him.
"Did you actually mean it," he asked, confusing me with his words.
"What do you mean by that?" I retorted back.
"Harper, I know what kind of girl you're. You are not the type to actually hate another person. In a way, you can say you're too nice for your own good," he replies.
"Oh come on. I basically grew out of that. Plus I do hate him and I don't want anything to do with him either." I say in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Hmm, alright. If you say so then I'll drop it," he shrugs moving off the counter.
"Thank you, I was starting to stress out a bit there," I breathed in relief.
"Sure," he rolls his eyes at my exaggeration, "Now what are you making for dinner?" he asks.
"We are having meatloaf, mashed cauliflower, and chicken salad so you can have a healthy meal. I saw what you had in your cabinets at your last apartment. You had nothing but pre-made dinner or lunch plus a bunch of junk," I glared. I have eaten super healthy my entire life, so I find it a bit unfair when he eats garbage and still has an amazing body.
"Oh don't get that look now, Muffin. You are perfect the way you are," he smiles, giving me a hug to show comfort as he knows how much I have battled with my body image. I give him a smil back before diving into cooking our meal for dinner. I set the oven in advance before grabbing my seasonings, onions, bread, egg, and hamburger meat. I mixed the ingredients properly before placing it into a square pan then into the oven for one hour and thirty minutes. While that was cooking I placed cauliflower above a pot of boiling water so that it could steam cooked till softened.
"Do you need any help?" Xander asks from behind me.
"Could you get the salt and butter. Oh and I need Katchup, washitisher sauce, and brown sugar as well to make the sauce for the meatloaf." I replied. It's nice to have help in the kitchen. My parents are always so busy, so I am usually on my own. I especially got lonely when we moved because my parents had to work twice as hard to pay off some of the debt we collected to move up here. They have it almost paid off by now and it will be easier for them since they don't have to worry about me.
"Hey, Muffin don't get too trapped in your thoughts or you think too much into things," Xander reminds me. I just stuck my tongue out on him before giving my utmost attention to what I was cooking. After an hour and thirty minutes the food was ready for us to devour.  We didn't finish it all, which I expected so I packed it into a lunch box so that he could take it with him to work. Plus, we got him that super handy lunch box where it heats your food up when plugged up. It comes in handy, plus it makes Xander happy as he is now saving tons of money from not eating out all the time. After I pack his lunch I start cleaning up my mess, which I never do alone. Xander is right next to me helping with the dishes.
"You're still excited about school, right?" Xander asks. I swear this man doesn't like silence.
"Xander I'll be fine, I'm not going to drop out or anything. I promise, besides I am a big girl now so I need to stop avoiding conflicts all the time." I smile to reassure him that I am going to be just fine. His facial features relax as he continues doing the dishes. Once all that was over we did what we had to do to get ready for the next day before going to bed.
I lie in my room thinking about today's events and how awful my luck truly was. Harper, just because Lucas is in your major does not mean you are going to see him all the time. I thought to myself, I meant heck we have different concentrations meaning that we won't take the same classes. Today could have been the one and only time I get to see him. Just a one time thing, I smile hoping my happy energy will reach some type of force to make sure I am right. I mean I got one week before college starts, so I might as well make the most of it. Besides, what's the worst that can happen, us getting the same class and becoming partners for the class project? Yeah, right! That only happens in books and movies, not actually life. I smile happily knowing that I am right and there is no reason to freak out. Not long after, I slowly drifted to sleep accepting the sweet darkness.

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