Chapter 4 - Cruel Reality

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I wake to the noise of my ringtone Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots that I have set for Xander. I let out a groan as my head and body were killing me. I drank way too much last night and I really don't appreciate him waking me up like this instead of just coming to my room.
"What, Xander," I groaned in frustration when I answered the phone.
"Do you have any idea how worried I am?" He shouts through the phone making me hate him more at this moment.
"Yo, chill I already have a headache. Your nagging is making it worse." I mumble through all my pain sitting up with much regret.
"Don't you dare tell me to chill missy! Not when you never came home. Now where are you, Harper?" He basically growls in anger.
"Stop acting like your my dad, I went to a party. I must have passed out in one of the rooms," I explained.
"I'm not acting like I'm your dad, but you should have gotten ahold of me, Harper. Do you know what goes on at those parties? How do I know you didn't get piss ass drunk and got taken advantage of?" He asks with worry, lacing his voice.
"Hey, don't worry. I'll head home soon, alright," I smiled into the phone to try and reassure him.  I hear a long pause on the phone before he agrees and hangs up. I flop back down on the pillow with great regret as pain traveled all around my head. Now I understand the praise that hangovers are bitches, as I lie there I feel a hand touch me. What??? I quickly sat up, I realized I was completely naked and that the person beside me was too. Oh shit, this is exactly what Xander was just talking about.
"You know it's rude to talk to another guy while in bed with one, right?" My body went completely rigid, no it can't be. I panic as I quickly get out of bed rushing to get  my clothes on
"Hey, where are you going? We had so much fun last night I thought we would have morning sex before I had to get ready for my classes," he mumbles.
"The fuck we are!" I yelled, shocked and pissed off at what I had heard. Lucas pauses as he now recognizes who I was.
"Piggy?" He asks in complete confusion. I ignored him as I finished getting dressed and ran out where I was welcomed by a bright flash.
"Oh boy, we have Lucas's first victim! Let's see who this fine beauty is that has to do the walk of shame ...." Justin pauses, seeing it was me who ran out of the room, "Piggy?" I gave him a good glare before shaving passed him, tired of all this. All I wanted was to get home to my best friend, the only person that I can trust. Dammit, did I really have to lose my virginity to a jerk like that? I almost cried as I ran all the way back home. When I got home I was panting hard and it felt as if my heart would beat out of my chest. I could hear Xander's voice, but also not hear it as it was far from the loud beating noise. I try my best to calm down, but it seems like I am stuck in this panic. I feel Xander grab both sides of my arm and slightly shake me while yelling my name. I feel tears run down my face. All I felt was shame and embarrassment from what had just happened along with vowing to never drink like that ever again. Soon I feel strong arms wrap around me as one hand starts to pant my head. Slowly I feel myself relaxing and the beating to be as loud anymore.  Xander held onto me till I was completely calm and my breathing was regular again.
"I'm not mad, but I need to know what happened?" Xander whispers in my ear as he is still holding me.
"As a friend or as a cop?" I asked, Xander knows what I mean when I say this because he got to the point that he would act like a cop with me and I hated it. When I talk to him, especially in situations like this, I only want my friend.
"As a friend, I promise not to take any legal actions even if I really want to," he smiles to reassure me.
"So you know how you told me girls get taken advantage of at those parties," I mumbled, but knew she could still hear me by the glare I could feel forming.
"Yeah," he almost growls.
"Well, as soon as I got off the phone with you I found out I lost my virginity to the guy I hated the most," I almost cried again, but stayed braved to continue, "And his asshole of a friend took a photo of me as soon as I left the room." As soon as I finished I could tell that Xander was trying his best to stay cool for me.
"You know you're really making it hard for me to not take legal actions here," Xander growls deeply. I pulled back, giving him a look of 'don't you dare.'
"I don't want to make a scene, Xander. Also, I don't remember it so that doesn't bother me. What got me was how embarrassing it was for me to lose control like that because of alcohol. I thought drunk me would have better standards. Plus, I have to still deal with Lucas so I rather act like none of it ever happened." I admit.
Xander lets out a deep sigh before looking me straight in the eyes, "Just promise me that you will never blame yourself."
"I promise, I blame the alcohol because he was shocked as well so I say neither of us is to be blamed." I nod.
"Will you also promise to never drink like that again," Xander asks, hoping I'd say yes? Which I am because I've had enough of that crap already.
"I promise," I smile brightly glad that I have him by my side in all of this.
"Good, now I know you have a hangover so I made hangover food," he smiles, leading me to the kitchen. I sit down at the bar that separates the kitchen and living room from each other. Xander places a plate in front of me that contains bacon, eggs, and some fruit.  I started eating the food and right away I could feel that awful feeling go away. As I continued eating something kept bothering me, like I forgot something important. I shake my head thinking I might be going crazy as I finish up my breakfast.
"Hey, Harper, I have to go in today and won't be back till late tonight," Xander says as he comes out of his room with his uniform on.
"Oh, shoot. Do you want me to quickly pack something for you?" I asked, upset that I didn't already have it ready.
"Nah, you had a long night and should rest on," he smiles while patting my head. I give Xander a hug and wave goodbye to him as he leaves for work. I put my dishes into the dishwasher before heading to my bedroom which has its own bathroom. I get into the shower to wash away all that has happened to me yesterday night. The jerk even had the nerve to cum inside of me. Man, who does that it's a complete pain to clean out. I don't think I'll have to have a morning-after pill since I'm not in my ovulation period, so it should be good. When I leave my bathroom I feel completely refreshed in my cozy shorts and Deadpool tank top. As I start to relax in the living room I hear a knock on my door. Who the heck could that be? I get up and walk to the peephole only to see a chest and nothing else. Wow, this is fucking useless. I grumbled to myself as I opened the door only to shut it back when I saw who was there.
"Harper, open the door," Lucas yells. When the hell has he ever used my actual name instead of the stupid one his friends made up for me?
"Why the heck are you here after what happened!" I yelled back confused.
"Oh, come on. We have our group project to work on," he shouts. Dang I completely forgot about how we have a project together. I slowly opened the door to get a full view of Lucas. He was wearing dark blue jeans with a plain red v-neck shirt along with his black Nike backpack hanging on one shoulder and he had a grip on it.
"Couldn't we have just not worked on it this week?" I asked, leaning against my door.
"No, because if I can't get you to work on it with me now then I won't be able to get you to work with my letter." he glares, I hate how he knew I would have definitely done that.
"Fine. come on in," I say, motioning with my arm to come in. He walks into my apartment looking around like he was looking for something.
"Where is your roommate?" he asked.
"Xander is at work, he left not long ago." I explained. Before I knew it, Lucas was right in front of me glaring down like something was on his mind. 
"What?" I asked, starting to get a little bit freaked out by how he is reacting.
"So you do live with that guy who picked you up from school?" I'm not sure if he was asking me if Xander was or what. I just gave a nod which seemed to deepen the glare that was already on his face.
"Okay, could you not stare at me like that?" I asked.
"Like what?" he questioned.
"Like you some kind of possessive boyfriend who hates that his girl was alone with another guy," I described, Lucas has always been a weird one as he is one way one minute then another way like five minutes later. He looks away quickly, which wasn't helping his case here.
"We need to start on this project," he says, changing the subject completely, making me think I was right on what I said. Wouldn't that mean that he likes me or am I thinking too much into this? I paused for a bit, realizing I'm just putting too much thought into something that didn't matter.
"Fine, it looks as if the teacher has given us Geological Structures as our topic. This means we have to figure out all the different structures and the cause of these structures. May also show some examples explaining the area that said structure is in and how it may have formed and when." I explained.
"How the hell would we be able to explain when the structure was formed?" Lucas asked, thinking I am crazy.
"Based on the layers of the bed, plus we can research it, duh" I mocked, wanting to have a little stab at him.
"Okay Mrs. Smarty-Pants what would be an example you would give for a geological structure?" he asked, thinking he got me with a trick question or something.
"Grand Canyon, Yellow Stones volcano, San Andreas fault, I mean I can keep going if you want me to," I smiled, feeling as if I have a victory.
"Really, it's just that easy then?" he asks, glaring at me for being a smarty pants like he said.
"Yes and no. It can be easy, but we have to give an example of every Geological structure." I explained, expressing how we aren't going to pass that easily.
"Alright, do you want to split them or do you want us to work together slowly so we get it right?" he asked.
"I mean, I want to get it right so that I can pass this class easily and move on to my other classes. Is that the same for you?" I asked. I get our textbook out to see how many structures there are.
"Why are you getting the textbook out?" he asked with a brow raised.
"Oh, I don't know maybe to see how many there are," I mock thinking how he couldn't have thought about it.
"Oh," he looks away a bit embarrassed, but I just ignore him as I search for what I was looking for.  
"Ah, found it. There are six geological structures," I say, happy I found it.
"What are they?" I give him the look of 'You couldn't just get your book out and see for yourself.'
"They are bedding planes, planes of foliation, dykes and sills, fractures, faults, and folds."  I named, wondering how long this professor is wanting this presentation to be.
"Damn, How are we going to cover all of that in one presentation?" Lucas asked, shocked.
"Well, I guess that will be something we are going to have to ask him tomorrow," I exhale in aggravation as it feels as if I am working with a child instead of another college student. 
"Hey, don't give me that look," Lucas frowned.
"What look?" I laughed, knowing what he meant, but also not knowing.
"You know what look, the one you give when you think someone is being childish," he fake growls. I was shocked he even knew what I was thinking about, but at the same time, I also thought it was funny because he was right and I didn't really care. Cruel as it may seem, but when you have been given so much you're bound to give back.
"Wow, should I just call you sassy-pants instead of smarty-pants from now on," he glares.
"I have no idea what you mean Lucas, I didn't say anything and you're just assuming."  I smile innocently.
"You're not being funny Harper," Lucas growls. I paused and looked at him, I stopped laughing as soon as my name left his lips.
"I could say the same about you Lucas," I stared blankly at him. I wanted him to know that we are not friends. I didn't want to hear my name leave his lips because he has only said my name a handful of times when we first met and I didn't want to be fooled again.
"What do you mean?" he asked, now confused by how I was acting.
"What I mean is now that you slept with me, you think you have the right to call me by my name instead of the iconic nickname you and your jocky friends made for me in high school, Piggy.....Piggy because I was the fatass who didn't know how to put down the cakes even though I hate cakes. I hate fake sweets and the only thing I eat that is sweet is fruits." I glared at his shocked face.
"That's not..." he starts, but I cut him off.
"Not what Lucas? Not what you want intending, or you thought I was overjoyed by the fact that a rich football player had sex with me and is now calling me by my name. No, it's a fucking joke," I stand up as my nerves won't let me sit down anymore as I felt anger overwhelm me to a degree that I have never experienced. I knew this would go south, but I was hoping we could work on this project and move on. I don't know why he would even care if I thought he was childish, or how he knew I thought that. It's annoying how he is, like you hate me so why notice anything about me?
"Harper calm down," he says, keeping his hands hovering around me, but not touching me. God, why is he so confusing?
"I said don't say my name," I glared.
"You seriously want me to call you Piggy?" he asked, confused.
"I rather you say that then my name," I say, pulling away from him.
"Come on..." he started, but I didn't want to hear it.
"No, I don't want to hear it and I am going to pretend we never had sex because it sickens me to know I lost my virginity to a guy like you." I feel all the emotions from this morning whelming up inside of me again, making it hard to breathe.
"Virgin?" Lucas asked, completely shocked, "I thought you lost it to your roommate...." he drifted off.
"Are you serious? Xander is my childhood friend! He is like a brother to me and has been the only friend I have ever had!" I yelled.
Lucas stares at me in complete disbelief as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing and I bet he didn't want to be stamped as the asshole who took my virginity. I look into his face watching his facial expressions change as if he was having a discussion with himself. I didn't want to deal with his presence anymore.
"Get out of my apartment, Lucas," I mumbled. He quickly looks into my eyes like I was the first girl to ever kick him out of their place, but I'm not like most girls.
"Piggy.." he tries, but I can't.
"We discussed what we needed to do and now it is time to go home. Do your own research and we will compare next time we meet up," I rushed. Noticing he wasn't moving, I grabbed his wrist and almost dragged him to my front door before pushing him out and slamming the door. I look into the peephole to see if he has left, but he stands there a good minute or two before finally leaving with a pouty poster. I slide down my door and feel the tears run down as my emotions have been through a complete rollercoaster and I didn't know how to cope. Why did he have to come today? Just why? Do guys get a thrill to see the girl they just wrecked going through complete self-destruction? Feeling numb, I drag myself to the couch that we were sitting on to turn on the TV to watch Deadliest Women, understanding why some of them just crack

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