Chapter 6 - Mall Trip

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Three days have passed since I told Lucas that I hated him. Not much has changed since that day except Lucas doesn't communicate with me unless he has to. On Tuesday and Thursday we talked about our class project and that was it. He didn't try to make small talk and he kept to my word of not saying my name. It's odd, but it is also peaceful to not have to deal with all the crap that camws with Lucas Thompson. Now I am just laying in my room with time to think about this crap because Xander had to work. He even sent a text to not wait up for him for dinner because he will be getting home late tonight. What the heck am I going to do, I'm caught up with all my homework. I've read all the books I own and I am caught up to all the anime series that I was watching. The new Hero Academia doesn't come out until next month. Wait, I wonder how busy Xander is?

ME: How busy are you?

I wait a couple of minutes as I dress up to go to the mall. I am hoping Xander will take me real quick if he is able.

XANDER: Well, I have a guy in the back that I have to take to jail. Why do you ask?
ME: Dang, I wanted to see if you could take me to the mall real quick.
XANDER: Yeah sorry Muffin. I can't, I'm not even driving today. I am training someone new, so I can't do any favors.
ME: Alright, thank you anyways. I'll just walk to the bus, it will be good for me.

I left out a slight huff as I didn't really want to make that walk. I changed into cooler clothes since it was super hot outside. I put on some jeans and a cropped tank top, grabbing a scrunchy so I could put my hair up in a messy bun. I grabbed my most comfortable shoes to put on and my purse before leaving the apartment. I listened to music as I walked all the way to the bus stop from my apartment, which ended up being a thirty minute walk. I was afraid someone would mess with me or something, but the walk turned out to be super peaceful. I sit down on the bench and wait for the bus to arrive. Based on the schedule, I should only have to wait for about ten minutes since it took a bit for me to get here. Pain by Three Days Grace plays on my old Apple IPod from 2001 that I got from a cousin who didn't want it anymore. I feel as if I'm in my own little world as I listen to one of my favorite songs. By the time the bus got here I was listening to Little Piece of Heaven by Avenged Sevenfold, climbing up the three steps before sitting down in the first available seat. The bus ride to the mall took about forty minutes due to traffic being a bit slow. I didn't really mind since I brought the book The Hating Game with me. By the time we got to the mall I was at the part where Lucy tells Josh that she will go with him as his date to his brother's wedding. I place my book carefully back into my bag before getting off the bus. As I entered through the mall's doors I felt a rush of cool air blow across my skin, blowing away all the heat that attempted to engulf me.
I began my adventure in the mall checking out all the stores it has to offer, which was a lot as there were about twenty stores in this mall. There were several different food options that I could choose from super healthy to greasy as hell. I explored every clothing store this place had to offer, though my favorite places were Hot Topic and Torrid. I wasn't able to buy too much, but I did get myself a little something from both stores. I walk around happily with my purchases hanging on my arms when I hear a bunch of obnoxious laughter to my right. Curiosity getting the better of me, I look up, only to see that the football team is the ones shouting loudly and making themselves known. Not caring if the football team wanted to make a fool of themselves, I looked away and walked one as if I didn't even see them.
"Hey, Fattso!" Yelled out a male voice from the direction the jocks were in. I acted as if I didn't hear them and turned down a pathway to the bathrooms so I could possibly escape for a bit till they left. Sadly I wasn't quick enough because I felt a hand grasp my arm and jerked me around so I was faced with this small crowd of jerks that were smirking at me. I give a harsh glare before jerking my arm out of this blond hair jock's grasp.
"Aw, don't be like that Fatty. Especially since we just want to talk to ya," The Burnett jock laughs with his buddies as they corner me.
"What do you want?" I asked, hoping to cut to the chase since I didn't want to be in their space anymore than I have to. I can already feel my brain cells dying as we speak.
"I just want to look closely at the girl who had the nerve to act like a bitch to Lucas." The Burnett smirks.
"Yeah, you should feel grateful that he even thought about sleeping with your ugly ass," the blond laughed along with their buddies. I glare back at them, not showing them that their words did indeed hurt. I should be used to this type of banter, but it still gets to me.
"If you're done, I would like to leave now," I said through gritted teeth. The Burnett jock smiles as he comes towards me placing a hand on my shoulder causing me to twitch away from him. He tightens his hold before leaning down to make eye contact with me.
"How about no," he smiles, "anyone who insults our quarterback. Well they will be insulting the entire team and we can't just let that pass."
"I want you to get down on your knees and apologize," he finishes looking back at his buddies with a smile as one of them gets their phone out to start recording.
"Oh go fuck yourselves," I glare, "I'm not apologizing to any of you fuckers. So let me go while I'm still civil." I feel the grip on me move closer to my throat telling me that he wasn't going to take no for an answer.
"What did you say," he said, gripping my throat. I see the facial expression behind him shift as some of his teammates are uncomfortable on how this was turning. I let out a faint sigh before bringing my leg back and kicking the burnett jock straight in the balls. As soon as I felt his hold on me give, I ran past all those meat heads as fast as I could straight to the exit.  I knew not to look back and to keep moving forward till I got to the bus stop which I was in luck because my bus was already here. I quickly boarded, taking my seat in the far back hoping to God that those pricks weren't right on my ass. To my complete luck they didn't, but I knew that one asshole wasn't going to let me kicking him in the nuts fly.
I get home by nightfall, as I walk to my apartment steps I see Xanders' cruiser in the driveway. I walk to our apartment door, unlock it and march into my room so I can drop my bags onto my bed.
"How was the mall," Xander shouted. I put my new clothes away before answering.
"It was okay. Would have been way better if the football team didn't harass me," I grumbled as I entered the kitchen to make myself something to eat.  I hear Xander pause his movements as he calculates what I had just said.
"What do you mean by harass?" Xander asked in a deep tone.
"Look it's not a big deal especially since I did kick one of them in the balls." I reply with a shrug.
"Nice job, but I still want to know what happened," Xander pushes.
"Fine, they are upset with me not finding their quarterback attractive and wanted me to apologize for how I'm not head over heels for him. Saying bullshit like if you insult him, you're insulting the whole team." I finished.
"There is more to that story that you are not telling me," Xander crosses his arms showing he will push my buttons till I tell him.
"Ugh fine, they said that I should be grateful that their quarterback is even speaking to a fatso like myself. One even called me an ugly ass bitch, I think but don't count me on that. Then when they wanted me to apologize they basically wanted me to get on my knees and beg for mercy while they video the whole thing so they could embarrass me." I finished while completing my scrumptious sandwich which I can't wait to devour.
"Are you fucking kidding me, Muffin?" Xander questions.
"Yeah, I mean you know I'm used to tha type of shit," I shrug because at this point I have heard that type of banter more than once in my life. I mean several years of bullying does train you after a while. I have been well trained by now especially after being crushed by Lucas in high school. I learned that showing you don't give a fuck, really works to your advantage.
"Harper, you shouldn't have to stand for it," Xander replies.
"Well it was bound to happen when I realized my bullies followed me," I claimed, "but look I'm fine. I'm not going to let some jerks bother me."
Xander smiles at me for my boldness. Though I might have said all that, but deep down I don't believe there will ever be a time that I don't get slightly hurt by the hurtful word thrown at me. I take a seat at our island digging into my sandwich with pure delight when I feel my phone go off. I watch Xander go into the living room before answering my phone.
UNKNOWN: Hey Piggy it's Justin. I heard you kicked one of my boys in the balls and I can't let that fly. So unless you want the whole football team to make your life here a living hell. You better come to the football field tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. to apologize to Gale.
I had to read the messages six times to register what this bastard texted me. Also, HOW THE FUCK did he get my phone number.
HARPER: First off you are insane if you think I am going to go and apologize to him when your buddies are the ones who cornered me and threatened me. Also how the hell did you get my number because there is no way in hell I would ever give it to you.
JUSTIN: Lucas's phone. Plus Piggy remembers the last time you didn't listen to me. You had to wear your own lunch for hours till they found clothes to fit your fat ass because you didn't listen to me when I told you to stop talking to Lucas.
HARPER: We are not in high school anymore Justin! How about you and your boy grow a pair and leave me the fuck alone.
JUSTIN: You started it you fucking pig when you acted all disgusted about sleeping with Lucas when we all know you planned that shit. You always had a thing for him, I mean hell you followed him to the same college and degree.
HARPER: Uh no. I didn't follow anyone when I made my decision to come to this school and when it came to picking my major. Now I'll tell you like I told Lucas, I hate both of you and want nothing to do with either of you. Now delete my number and never contact me.
    I let out a deep sigh as it felt like I got some of the weight that was on my shoulders off. I get up cleaning my mess before heading to my room for bed. I hollower night to Xander as I enter my room to take off my clothes and hop into the shower. After about twenty minutes I get out drying myself when I notice that my phone lights up showing that I have a message. I hope to hell that it's not Justin who just messaged me because I thought for sure I got my point clear to him. I decided to ignore it and continued with my bedtime beauty routine that I have had since I was a preteen. I dry off, brush my teeth before I begin my skin care routine for my face putting on my face lotions to keep my skin soft. Once I'm done with that I started loutioning my body when I heard my phone go off. Shit might be Liz wanting to tell me something, I quickly go and answer my phone without paying too much attention to the type of phone call it was.
"Hey Liz, I didn't expect you to call me tonight. Just give me a bit. I need to finish putting lotion on," I say take the phone with my back into the bathroom so I can finish. I could hear her background noise, it seemed like she was listening to music. I place my phone against the mirror with the speaker facing upwards so I can hear her before continuing what I started.
"Hey I don't know what you're listening to, but it's a slap. I'm gonna need to know what it is so I can add it to my list." I smile as I jam to the music while lathering up my legs. As I jam to her music, it dawns on me that she isn't speaking to me at all. Like did this girl just butt dialed me.
"Hey Liz, did you butt dial me girl because you're not saying anything?" I asked while finishing up my legs.
I hear a slight coughing noise like someone is trying to clear their throat before I heard a familiar male voice come from my phone, "It's not Liz, Piggy." I froze in place as I didn't expect to hear Lucas' voice.
"Oh, and Piggy you're on video call," my head jerks up to see that he was indeed right as I see his face on my phone looking at my very naked body.
"Oh my god," I squeaked as I rushed to my phone to turn off the video on my end.
"I mean it's not like I haven't seen you naked before," he comments.
"Dammit Lucas, that was a mistake just like you seeing me now is a mistake," I say quickly turning my video off so that he can't see anything. All I can see now is Lucas giving what looked like a hurt expression, but I might just be seeing stuff because he was now glaring at me.
"What?" I asked.
"Well, I called because Justin barged in my room bitching about you" he explained.
"Well tough titties because I'm not apologizing and I meant what I said. He better ditch my number," I growled as I still hate the fact that he got my number.
"I heard you kicked one of my boys in the balls. Can I ask why you did that?" He asked with a stern voice.
"Why do I have to keep explaining this to you, meatheads? I kicked him because he cornered me and was threatening me." I huffed, getting tired of explaining this multiple times.
"Really, Piggy? You expect me to believe a pussy like Gale threatened you? Come on, what did he say to piss you off?" He asked, not believing my statement. I stand there frozen by the fact that he thinks I am lying about what happened. I stand there for a minute calming myself.
"I don't have to explain myself to you. I'll see you in class," was all I said before hanging up on him. I didn't want to listen to him anymore. I'm done with anyone that is involved with the football team and I'm done with all this petty bullshit that I've had to deal with since I was ten years old. I finished lotioning myself up before grabbing my PJ's, which was just a very oversized shirt, getting ready to go to bed. I lay in bed thinking about the events that played out today and how my luck is complete garbage. I've been harassed left and right by the entire football team and for what reason because I didn't like the fact that I had drunken sex with their caption. I feel like I'm in some kind of Hallmark movie where everyone is hoping I would get with the football star and live happily ever after. I'm not that type of girl though or at least I pray that I never be stupid enough to fall for all his games again. With that thought hanging in my brain I was able to drift asleep.

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