chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning after spend the rest of the day with Ezra. I think spending more time with her made me like her so much more then before.

I love her laugh especially when it's because of me. Her smile as well. Let's just say everything about her.

I didn't want to wake her up since she was laying on my chest but I didn't want her missing school because of me.

"Amor, you need to get up"

Still didn't move. I'm honestly gonna start panicking if she doesn't wake up in the next minute.

I move her a little to try and wake her up and finally I get a sign that she is alive.

"No" was all she said before going back to sleep and trying to cuddle closer to me.

"Mi amor were going to be late if we don't get up right now and go to school" I said trying to wake her up again

"I don't care, I want to spend the day with you" She said finally looking up at me with sleepy eyes.

"You care so much for school. We should really go. Please mi vida I don't want you skipping a day because of me. Will you please get up?"

She groaned as she sat up and moved the covers aside.

"Why do we have to go to school? I don't want to" She kept whining until she got to her bathroom.

I hear the shower turn on and the door of something closing. I take this time to look around her room. She was very organized. Everything was were it should be. I noticed she really loves plants, she has them all around her room, little work space, and of course the plant room which is named that because she has the whole room with plants.

I head to her desk that was by her bookshelf. She had a grey parrot at the top of all her drawings. It was pretty, well shaded and detailed. I felt arms wrap around my waist and look down to see Ezras arms.

"Can we not go to school?" She mumbled into my back. I turn around and look down to her.

"I wish we didn't have to but your dressed and I don't want you to miss school. Plus we're late"

"Then can we not go"

"Fine" I sighed

"Yay!" she said with a yawn right after.

"I'm going back to sleep. Are you coming?"

"Sure" I smiled

We both lay in bed, me on her chest and her playing with my hair.

"I thought you were going to sleep?"

"No I think I'll just play with you hair"


I drift to sleep as she kept playing with my hair.


I wake up to a door slam close. Maybe? I think it also woke up Ezra she was rubbing her eyes when I look over at her. I hear people talking down stairs but Ezra looked scared when she heard them. She quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me out of bed to her work room.

"Don't come out until I come get you, okay?"


"Just say okay"


"Stay in here please I don't need my family knowing I had a boy over."

"Okay fine I'll stay quiet and won't come out until you come get me"

Skater boyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora