Chapter 20

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It's lunch time and Ezra hasn't been herself like usual.

She quiet, not talking much just like she was before she met me and I met her.

She's avoided me all day, I don't think I've done anything to make her hate me, right?

She sitting alone, head on the table. As I walk to her I see her tray. It looks like she hasn't even touched her food.

I take a seat. She doesn't look up.

"Baby?" I say nudging her softly.

She hums in response, still not looking up.

"Can you look at me love?"

She lifts her head up in hesitation. Still not meeting my eyes and hanging her head low.


She looks up at me. Her eyes a darker grey then yesterday, she looked tired, her eyes looked a little red like she had cried recently.

As she's looking at me I can tell something had happened yesterday, but I'm sure.

I stand up and take a seat by her.

I pull her toward me, into a hug. She rests her forehead on my chest, her arms close to her body. My head is resting on her's and my arms wrapped around her waist.

After a few minutes her breaths even out, her body relaxes, and she leans her weight on me.

The bell rings a few minutes after. I pick her up, take her to my car, go back inside the school, get her things, and take her to my house.

I look over at her every once in a while just to make sure she's okay.

I get home, go open the door, carry her out of the car, close the doors behind me, and go to my room.

I place her on my bed, but as I'm about to leave she grabs my hand causing me to stop.

"Please don't go" she says in a whisper.

"Okay," I whisper back before laying down next to her.

She cuddles close to me, wrapping her arms around me, as I do the same.

I can't help but wonder, what happen yesterday that made her act like this today?

I slowly start closing my eyes, not being able to shake the thought though.

Before I could even process my dream, I knew it wasn't good.

And trust me.

It wasn't.

A/N: Really short chapter but I wanted to update. I honestly wrote this chapter as I went, it wasn't planned, it just happened. By the way, sorry for any spelling mistakes. Anyway, hope your having, had, are have a good day. Love you all and stay safe!! <3

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