Chapter 11

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(!!Some abuse!!)

I think Ares meeting my family was a good idea yesterday. Although I think he liked my cousins Alejandr0, Rico, and Miguel. He went to talk to them when I was done introducing him to everyone. 

Ares is still sleeping on my stomach, while I'm playing with his hair. I don't know if I should wake him up. His Mom called him once and send him a text asking where he was at. 

I don't want to answer his phone for him because I feel like I'm invading his privacy. I know, any other girlfriend would answer for him but I'm not like that. Even if he did tell me I could answer his phone for him I wouldn't. 

Another call comes in from Ares' phone but this time it's his dad. I don't want his parents to worry so I answer this call but this is the first and last time I'm doing this. 

I pick up the phone and answer.


"Hi, this is Ares' dad would you mind giving him the phone? I really need to tell him something." He sounded upset but worried at the same time. 

"Mr. Rodriguez, this is Ezra"

"Oh thank god. Is Ares with you?"

"Yes he is, but he is sleep right now"

"Oh okay, please tell him to call me or his mother when he wakes up."

"Will do, Mr. Rodriguez."

"Okay thank you very much, bye" He says with a relieved sigh.

"Your welcome, bye"

With that I hang up, put his phone on my nightstand, and continue playing with his hair. 

A few minutes after the call Ares starts to wake up. He blinks a few times before looking up at me and giving me a smile.

I return the smile as I watch him get up from my bed. 

"How long have you been awake amor?"

"Not that long." I say stretching "Your parents called while you were sleeping."

"What did they say?"

"Well your dad wants to talk to you. It sounded important. Before I hung up he told me to tell you to call him back when you wake up."

"Okay, but first I need to brush my teeth."

I get up and head to the restroom after he finished his sentence. 

I get an extra toothbrush and was about to walk back to my room to hand it to him, but when I turned around to face the door, there was a very hot looking Ares leaning against the door frame. 

I look down slightly as I feel a light blush take over my checks. 

"Here you go." I say handing him the toothbrush. 

"Thank you love" he smiles and lets out a low chuckle. He walked over to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead. 

"Your welcome" I say shyly still blushing. 

I walk out of the bathroom and close the door behind me. 

I sit at the edge of my bed waiting for Ares to come out of the bathroom. 

I know I'm really awkward and shy when Ares shows me even the slightest or simplest affections but I'm still new to the whole boyfriend, girlfriend thing. I've never really interacted with boys, especially the ones I liked. 

With Ares though, I feel different. Like I can be myself around him without being judged. Yeah he's my boyfriend and he's "supposed" to be like that, but I don't know. I can't explain it. 

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