• Chapter 01 • Nemesis

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Hey guys, here's the first update. Do share your thoughts in the comments too. I'll hope you like it..

"To all the lovers in the world, this is for you"

Anastasia's POV (Edited)

The door opened to the ballroom. I took a deep breath before straightening my spine and looked straight ahead. My eyes giving nothing and a small gracious yet cunning smile grazed my lips as I made my way inside.

The whole crowd was silent and watching my every moment. The men were obviously lost into my beauty. I'm beautiful. There's no doubt there. I ignored them like always.

The women on the other hand were as usual giving me cold and disgusting looks. Why wouldn't they? Their men are practically ogling at me. But that's not my fault that their botox beauty is not sounding appealing to their men.

I ignored those judgemental people and made my way further in the hall. I've met few people in between and exchanged some words of greeting. I finally reached my aligned table and placed my fancy looking clutch on the table.

I took a deep breath before smiling and turning to my best friend who was already there waiting for me.

"You nailed the look, Ana. How do you do it?"

Sarah asked totally bewildered. I broke into a small chuckle before shrugging in response and stated

"It's the genes."

She laughed lightly before nonchantly saying

"Nothing can be done of you!"

I laughed before roaming my eyes around the hall. The Mitchell's were throwing a big party in honour of announcing their new project. The Mitchell's are the high end company of course after Richmond's Industries and unfortunately Atkinson's Tech.

The Mitchell's are not unfamiliar in the business world. They have their business spread to the vast areas and their international relations are worth the talk. It will be a fortune to work with them.

And that's why I'm here.

I need to convince them to work with my company. Kayden had given me this grave responsibility and I need to be successful in it by hook or crook.

Of course if someone doesn't ruin it for me...

Sarah's voice pulled me out of my trance

"The function is starting."

I shook my head out of my thoughts and focused on the stage where Mr. Dean Mitchell was about to give a small speech..


Light music was playing on. The couple guests were busy dancing with their spouses on the dance floor. I was still standing at the exact same spot with Sarah on my right. She was sipping her cocktail. She gulped her sip before asking

"I think it's your que to talk to Mr. Mitchell."

My eyebrows furrowed before she gestured her eyes towards the other side. As I roamed my eyes there, my jaw visibly clenched. My eyes narrowed before I spoke solely to myself

"Are you planning me to ruin my plan?"

I clicked my tongue before grabbing my clutch and walking away from the table. I saw from my peripheral Sarah passing me a wink and thumbs up. I saw him talking keenly with Mr. Mitchell. I had my eyes straight on him.

Suddenly, someone crashed onto me causing me to stumble back. I balanced myself before looking upward and saw a waiter. He immediately apologized and I shrugged him quickly before looking at the front. I cursed under my breath.

Love Rekindled "Book 1 In The Love Series "Where stories live. Discover now