• Chapter 06 • The Agreement

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Aaron's POV (Edited)

I yawned and sat on the bed. I stretched my muscles before checking the time. It's close to 5 in the morning. I usually woke up at this time. It's the perfect way to keep yourself fresh. I stepped out of the bed and went inside the bathroom.

I changed into my running clothes before coming out. I sat down on the couch and wore my runners. I grabbed my phone and earphones before closing the door on my way behind. I descended the stairs quietly as possible. Although, I know that my mother and uncle would be out like a log but it's still better not to take a risk.

Also, I don't want to greeted by their faces this early in the morning. I punched the code into the door before it opened. I stepped out the house and the guard when saw me opened the door. He smiled in my direction and I reciprocated his smile back.

I walked to the nearby park which also had a running track. The park was empty with little to no people in sight. Jogging is not everyone's cup of tea, I guess. I plugged my earphones in before chosing a calm tone and started my run. I don't listen to music. It might be a little weird because people tend to listen to music while jogging.

But I prefer jogging to clear out my mind. Listening to music while jog seemed like jumbled up. I mean the lyrics kept ringing into your ears, compelling you to pay attention to the music. While I mostly do jog to let my mind free of thoughts. So, I prefer non lyrics tone. It soothed my mind and mostly the tunes I listen are related to nature.

What's best than nature, anyways?

I kept jogging for like half an hour. I stopped at some time to gather my breath. I wiped my face with the small towel I brought with me. I sat down on the bare grass before pulling out the water bottle from a small bag. I chugged down the water before closing it. I pulled out my phone and grimaced when I saw that my assistant had already mailed my schedule for today.

I checked all the mails one by one. According to my schedule, I'm pretty much booked for today. That means, another day will be passed with my nose buried in the files. I sometimes hated that lifestyle. I mean I chose that path myself but sometimes, there's a small feeling in me that wanted nothing more than a 9 to 5 job and be able to relax on Saturdays like today.

But I guess I'm not that lucky. Also, if I don't pay attention to work, uncle will take it over. I never in my million nightmares would want that. I answered to some emails before standing up. I checked the time and it was now close to 6.

Well, it's time to go back home..


I entered the lounge. The maid had already arrived. The maids usually came around 6:30. I ascended upstairs and entered inside my room. I closed the door and threw my phone on the bed. I went straight to the bathroom and discarded my towel on the hamper at the side. I opened the shower and let the temperature set before standing beneath it.

After the shower, I walked to my closet before pulling out a white shirt with black slacks and coat. I changed into my attire before coming out. I walked to the dresser and combed my hairs. I applied perfume before wearing my watch. I grabbed my phone, wallet and car keys before exiting the room.

I reached downstairs and almost cursed at myself. The dining area was not empty like always. James Atkinson was sitting there reading a newspaper . I wondered if he even realized what's news he's reading. He tried so hard to become like my dad. But it's not possible. He's not even any comparison to my dad. He was a charmer while he only knows how to attract trouble.

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