• Chapter 28 • Heart Break

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Anastasia's POV (Edited)

"Oh, Anastasia dear. What you're doing there? Come here."

Mr. Mitchell cheerful voice broke the silent stream of my sadness. I inhaled deeply and quickly wiped my tears before Aaron could turn back. Although, I'm standing at a suitable distance but I don't want to take any risks.

I don't want to be looked vulnerable.

So, I exhaled before plastering my bestest fake smile. I straightened my spine like nothing happened. Like the weight of the scene infornt of me didn't manage to crush me down.

I walked confidently as always. My insides were burning with pain and possible heartbreak but my outer self was smiling and looking all cheery. I had practiced the stoic facade for many years. It's time I used it in practice.

I stood at the far away distance from Aaron. I didn't pay any heed or attention to the mystery girl standing next to him. Still, holding his arm like it's a task of everyday. I didn't let the impact of it get to me.

You're stronger than this, Ana.

Mr. Mitchell spoke up once again with his usual dose of extra cheeriness in his voice

"What a pleasant day today!"


My reply was short and curt. My voice is not the best today. I saw from my peripheral vision the curious gaze of Aaron directed at me. But I kept my focus solely on Mr. Mitchell. I have no other motive to see Aaron.

"Ana, have you met Ms. Elena there?"

Mr. Mitchell motioned towards the possible mystery girl standing next to Aaron. She was average height and supported brunnete hairs. She was dressed in a knee length black colored lace dress. Her hairs were tied up in half and her face looked radiant.

She was supporting a welcoming smile on her face. I focused on her and tried to pass a smile. But I guess it came more like a constipated face based on the weirdness on her facial features.

"I'm Anastasia."

I extended my hand at her. Elena smiled gracefully before joining her hand with me. Her pearly white teeth visible to my sight.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I have heard about you so much."

I just meekly nodded my head. Her voice seemed plasticy and forced. Or maybe I'm just delusion at this point and are finding ways to picture her as a bad girl. Maybe, I'm getting insane.

"I hope you've heard only the positive."

Elena laughed and again it felt like a dying hyena's laugh to me. I'm not the one to judge but today I can't recognize myself.

"Of course, I knew how much successful you are. Although, I was a little shocked when I heard that you and Aaron are working together. It might be so hard to work with your arch nemesis, ain't it?"

She spoke with an accent but her words were quick. I meekly glanced at Aaron who was quietly listening to the conversation. When he didn't say anything, I decided to do to the talking

"Actually, it's pretty easy. We both knew how to keep things professional between us."

Elena only smiled and commented back

"I see. I wish you the best."

I passed her a small smile.

"What's the work schedule today, Mr. Mitchell?"

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