• Chapter 14 • Flashback

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Aaron's POV (Edited)

Sunday came sooner than expected. Maybe, it's because I have been too much busy this past week. With the announcement coming next week, I was so indulged in working. I didn't even have time to eat properly.

I had been busy signing contracts, reviewing ideas and handling meetings. I have little to no time to have for myself. I'm not even complaining because I prefer this lifestyle.

I like working because than I'm not left with my own depressing thoughts. I don't have to wonder off onto my pathetic past. I don't have to think about how everything changed after my dad died. How my relationship with my mother drastically converted into something I can't even give a label to.

And how I lost the one person who made me sane in all that chaos.

I sighed before sitting up on the bed. I glanced at the wall clock infront of me and it's showing 11 in the morning. I don't usually wake that late but as I was not getting a proper sleep, it was due.

I left my bed not wanting to overthink anymore and went to take a shower. After coming out, I changed into my black trousers and white t-shirt. I ruffled my wet hairs with towel before throwing the towel on the chair.

I placed my phone on the charge and descended downstairs. The serene atmosphere of my penthouse welcomed me. If felt good knowing that no one will disturb me here today. I walked to my small yet spacious kitchen. I let the coffee maker made my coffee while fried an egg to have with toasts.

Once I finished my breakfast, I washed the dishes and cleaned the slabs. I prefer to do my own work. I walked back to my room and grabbed my phone off the charger.

I dialed Christian's number and he picked up at the third ring. His gruff voice greeted me


"What a pleasant way to greet your best friend!"

I couldn't help but mock back. He took a long tired breath before mumbling

"Pardon if your highness couldn't handle my outburst."

I rolled my eyes before asking him seriously this time

"What's wrong? You're the early birdie kinda guy, what made you grumpy in the early morning itself?"

His reply didn't come for a whole minute. I thought the line might be disconnected. But then he spoke

"Alana wasn't feeling well."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion before I asked


He exhaled and completely changed the topic

"So...nothing. Why did you call?"

I didn't mention the way he ignored my question. Rather I answered back

"I'm coming at your place in 15 minutes."

I don't bother waiting for a reply and ended the call. I pocketed my phone and wallet and grabbed my car keys. I left my house and sat down in my car.

I reserved the car and then changed the gears before speeding to Christian's house.


My car stopped at the red signal. I heaved a deep sigh. I started tapping the steering wheel as I glanced ahead at the red light. It still had some seconds before going to green. I slid down the glass of my window and roamed my eyes around.

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