• Chapter 40 • Fear

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Anastasia's POV (Edited)

"You hurt me, Ana. You totally ghosted me out at that forsaken trip you took."

Sarah's not so hurtful voice reached my ears. She's a total drama queen. The moment Aaron sneakingly dropped me back to my apartment, I was welcomed by the surprise presence of my best friend who's been living here like it's her own apartment already.

Sarah's been eating my mind since then complaining that I totally kept her in dark and didn't inform her about anything. Well, alot had happened.


She's my best friend. My secret keeper. But sometimes we need to hide our secrets from the secret keeper too. It's risky like that. I know Sarah by nature. She's outgoing and outspoken. She can't keep a secret which is something that was next to impossible. She would possibly blunder it by her habit of over-excitement.

I considered her my secret keeper not because I told her every secret but because she knew all my goods as well as my bads too. But there's still some things that I can't share with her too. And some thing happened to be my relationship with Aaron.

"Don't be so dramatic, Sarah."

I couldn't help but try to lighten her. All I get was a huge dramatic gasp before she clutched her chest tightly slumping on the couch before she muttered in a very low voice

"You wound me, Ana. I thought you were my best friend. You won't hide anything from me."

I rolled my eyes at her tantrums. No wonder why Kayden and Sarah never matched. She's a total ball of sunshine. Someone who prefers the loudness and thrill of adrenaline. While Kayden's more of a controlled person. He likes to be keep everything in check. Sarah just went with flow. Kayden calculated everything thoroughly before acting on it.

"You're acting like I broke your heart, Sarah."

I couldn't help but slump beside her too. She placed her head on my shoulder before trying her last try

"Seriously, nothing changed between you and Aaron."

Oh! Alot changed between me and him. But can I share it with her? Absolutely not. But I hate to lie her too. But I remain sane and shake my head. Sarah puffed before leaning back on the couch.

"I thought I would be hearing that your old love rekindled again after visiting your childhood place. But alas! It all happens in only movies."

Oh Sarah. This not only happens in movies.

I felt an immense amount of guilt holding my chest but I tried to breath. First I will tell this to Kayden and then I will tell everything to Sarah too. I can't lie to her much longer.

"I have come after so long. Won't you do anything special for me?"

I pouted at her. Sarah narrowed her eyes at me before she stood up from the couch. She asked keeping her tone serious

"Are you in the mood for some carbonara?"

A beaming smile formed on my face before I stood up and enveloped her in a hug. She chuckled before wrapping her arms around me too.

"You're the best!"

We pulled away before she sassed her hairs back like a model she is

"Oh, that I am."


"I don't want to go but I have an early shoot tomorrow."

Sarah spoke in a sad voice. My insides melted. Sarah and me are friends since we were in diapers. Having no father, her mother raised her on her own and tried to provide her the best she can. Sarah was always so cooperative with her mother too.

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