• Chapter 07 • The First Meeting

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Seventh update is here..

Anastasia's POV (Edited)

Good morning to me! I exclaimed internally after sitting up on my bed. It was finally the day when I'm gonna be working in the Atkinson's Tech. Never in wildest dreams did I think ever to be working in the same place as that of Aaron.

But obviously fate had different plans for me.

I turned off my alarm which states that it's exactly 7 in the morning. I needed to report to the office at sharp nine. Not a minute late. Well, I'm not shock by the punctuality strictness. Aaron resembled a high school headmistress who doesn't like tardiness.

I chuckled at the very thought of imagining Aaron as the old headmistress with crisp bun over her head, thick round rimmed glasses around his eyes. I laughed some more picturing him. But then I sobered up because of course, I don't want to be late.

I maybe desperate to work in his company for a mere deal but I'm not that giving to have him find any chances of scolding me or insulting me. Knowing him, he would find every single chance to insult me. He must be thinking of insulting me already.

I shook my head off his thoughts before climbing off the bed. I haven't told Kayden about my supposed deal with Aaron. I'm not that foolish to tell him about that. I knew his nature like the back of my hand. He would be blowing his mind off if I had told him.

He will be fuming with anger and my plan would fail. He would again scold me for not being enough. I don't want to risk yet another harsh treatment from him. He's done his quota that day.

I climbed into the shower and took a relaxing warm bath. I came out in my bathrobe. I walked into my closet. I rummaged through the clothes. I owned many fashionable clothes. But still I always fumble in choosing what to wear.

Sometimes, I prefer not to have so many choices. It really made my mind jumbled up and confused. I huffed before picking a pantsuit. I quickly changed into my clothes. I checked the time and it was close to 8:15 now. I styled my hairs and let them dry on their own.

I wore my watch, grabbed my purse and left my room. I came down and saw that my breakfast was already served. I had already informed in my office that I will be handling work online. Kayden is away on a three month long business trip. I have enough time to secure the deal with the Mitchell's. After that, I will tell him everything.

I quickly set down for a quick meal. I hurredily finished my meal and stood up to leave. I walked out of the house and sat down in my car. I revived the engine and sped off to the Atkinson's Tech...


I pulled the brakes when the familiar building came into my view. I parked the car in the underground parking area. I was about to step out but my phone rang. I pulled out my phone from my purse and attended the call.

Sarah's cheery voice reached my ears

"Hey, all set to work with the Devil?"

A laughter bubbled into my chest as her use of endearment.

"I'm ready as I'll ever be."

Sarah sighed before speaking, her voice lacking the joking tone now

"Look, you'll tell me if he give you a hard time. I'll break his bones."

I chuckled before assuring her

"I don't need for you that. I can break his bones by myself, don't you worry about that."

Sarah softly chuckled before again saying

"But still, I'm just a call away if he tries to pull a stunt."

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