• Chapter 45 • Upset

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Aaron's POV (Edited)

The moment those words left Anastasia's lips, I knew a storm had unleashed. Still I remained quiet. Because it's not my place to interfere. It's between two siblings. So, I pressed my hands inside my pants pockets and stood there quietly seeing the color lost Kayden's face.

Anastasia looked least worried. Infact, her face was calm and collected. Not an ounce of fear, anguish or anxiety was plastered on her face.

"You're joking!"

Kayden finally muttered. His face looked white as snow. Shock was written all over his face. Anastasia shrugged before replying in a cool tone

"It is what it is, Kayden. We're both together."

Kayden's eyes snapped towards her and me. His fists were clenched tightly and I knew he was trying his best to control himself.

"We both realize that this rivalry is pointless. We don't get to live staying enemies for something what our elders did. We all can make a difference. We can right the wrong they did."

Anastasia reasoned. I knew she was trying her best to explain Kayden. I have always been a little distant with Kayden whether it was now or back then. We both always had a secret beef going on between us. Well, considering my amicable relationship with Anastasia and Kayden being an overprotective brother, he was never happy with me spending time with his precious sister.

I don't blame him though. I'm also a brother to a sister and I want nothing but the best for her. My reaction would be the same as Kayden's. But right now, I'm ready to sort out every difference with him. I can overlook everything if it means I get to stay happily with Anastasia.

"You're stupid. Atkinson's and Richmond's can never be civil with each other."

Ana clicked her tongue before walking towards him. She tried to hold his hand but Kayden jerked his hands off. My fists clenched but still I refrained from interfering.

"Kayden, please Aaron is not what you picture him as. Don't forget we all spent time with each other when were young. Please, think of those golden days we spent together. Don't you feel that those days were the best days of our lives?"

Kayden scoffed before he shook his head

"I never been disappointed in you, Ana. I always overlooked your blunders but this! This is outrageous. Tell me, how long has been this going on for?"

His voice turned icy cold. This was my time to interfere. I walked towards Ana and slid a possessive hand down her waist. Kayden's stark eyes followed my movement and he looked ready to pounce. I stood straighter conveying him the message that I'm not gonna back down.

"We've been together since a month."

I finally answered. Kayden gruff before he muttered coldly

"So, it all started at that God forsaken trip. I shouldn't have send you there in the first place."

"You don't understand it, Kayden. It would have happened without going on that trip too. It was an inevitable thing."

Kayden tried to step ahead but I pulled Ana behind me. He might be his brother but I don't trust him right now.

"Kayden, you to need to ease up a little. Calm down your mind before taking any further step."

"The heck I'm gonna listen to you, Atkinson. Stay the fudge away before I lost my temper."

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