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It's in the eyes
Always the eyes.



Finishing his breakfast Hassan walked towards the study room, just as his father ordered him to. His heart thudded loudly as he neared the door of the study. The sixth sense of his was telling him it was something serious and not some business talk.

Taking a deep breath he knocked on the door of the study, waiting for Aaqib Ahwaan to call him which he did, a few seconds later.

He was busy reading some files, when he entered. “Ahem!” He cleared his throat which made him look up. “I need you to sit down before this.” He pointed towards the seat and set his files aside, making him feel nervous.

He gulped as he sat there in front of the mahogany table, tapping the chair, waiting for his father to speak with bated breaths.

And he did.

Just like he had anticipated, his words shook him to the core.

“Hassan I want you to get engaged.” He wasn’t even sure if he heard his father correct. But he couldn’t question him as he was speechless and tongue tied to even utter a single word.

“Hassan!! Speak something.” It was his father’s voice which pulled him out of his shocked state. He never thought this was the important thing his father wanted to discuss…. It was the first time he was asked for  marriage. No one discussed the topic, not even his mother.

Heck! they never even teased him or even gave him any hint about it ?! There was something called, heads-up.

“But baba…. It should be Mustafa bhaai getting married first, he is older than me.” He was so confused and scared that he tried deflecting the topic towards his brother, who was older to him and still unmarried.

“You don’t have to worry about my elder son, Hassan… And here we are talking about you, not Mustafa.” Aaqib Ahwaan narrowed his eyes, knowing what tricks his son was trying to play. 

“—and I have a good girl in my mind for you. But you can tell me if you like someone.” He finished and waited for his words to register in his son’s brain. “Baba—” Hassan’s voice croaked and he cleared his throat, meeting his gaze with his father who was looking at him expectantly.

He did not have any girl in his mind. Maybe, there was a girl who made his heart thud loudly in her presence, but he did not want to let his father down. Nor that he would be the girl of his choice, but he wanted to be with the one his father had chosen for him.

He knew his father would always choose the right for him.

“I don’t have anyone in my mind baba.” He felt he conquered the world when his father smiled widely after sighing loudly. There was some spark in his eyes and maybe, tears of happiness.

“That’s perfect. I know she’ll be the perfect life partner for you, Hassan. You even know who she is.” His ears perked up at his father’s words which he noted and chuckled loudly at his anticipation to know her name.

MY UNREQUITED LOVE (EDITED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now