54. life makes love look hard

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When we get to the arena, all of the girls head to the locker room, putting on their practice jerseys and the coaches go over what's going on. There's not too much media today, mostly just a practice, but there's still going to be people pulling the girls for interviews and such.

When Bluder gets done talking, Caitlin goes up to her and asks if the two of us can talk to her and Jan. When all of the girls are out of the locker room (Kate gave us both reassuring shoulder squeezes on her way out), the coaches turn to us.

"What's up?" Bluder asks. We don't know if either of them have seen the article or not, so I pull it up on my phone, ready to show them. I still haven't even read the whole thing.

Caitlin glances at me before looking back at them, "Um, so, this morning we found out that an article was published," she starts and both coaches are looking at us. Now, I would assume they hadn't seen it, "We were outed before the game last night. Someone sent in a whole thing about us with pictures of us that we only shared with friends."

I hand my phone to J, Bluder coming over to read along with her. Anxiously, I grab ahold of Caitlin's hand, intertwining our fingers, "We, uh, we know who did it," I say, making them look up from my phone, "It was Sabrina Lucia. She's a cheerleader, we called her this morning and she told us she did it."

"Kate, Gabbie, and Mon were there during the call," Caitlin adds, squeezing my hand.

Bluder nods, "Are you two okay?" she asks and the two of us nod, not really knowing what to say, "Okay, I will, um, talk to the cheer coach, see what he wants to do."

Caitlin mumbles an "okay" as Jan hands me back my phone. Bluder pulls out her own phone, presumably going to call the head cheer coach. She looks back at the two of us, "I am so sorry this happened," she says before walking out to get on the phone.

"We didn't really know what to do, so," Caitlin tells Jan.

Jan only gives us a tight-lipped smile, "I'm glad you told us," she says, "You go ahead and go to the gym, shoot around, I'll be in there soon," she says to Caitlin who nods, kissing my cheek before going into the gym.

She turns to me, "What are you thinking?" she asks and it catches me off guard.

I shrug my shoulders, tears stinging my eyes a bit, "I don't really know what to think," I say which is true, "It's just a lot."

Jan nods, resting her hand on my shoulder, "You and Caitlin love each other a lot. We can all see that, it's going to be okay," she reassures, pulling me into her arms for a hug that I gratefully accept.

authors note
love the coaches <3

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