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BLOUD FOOTSTEPS WERE, heard by the H/C haired female that walked through her neighborhood with worry entering her heart. She really didn't trust any of the people that glared and smirked at her, but of course she couldn't do anything about the looks they gave her until they actually decided to spring into action because then that would be assault. She just wanted herself to stay safe, so she continued her walk, being sure to stare down at the floor.

"She's a pretty one, isn't she...?" One of the men way older than the young woman whispered over to his dark haired friend that nodded along with his words, only scaring the girl that fastened her pace to get away from the men behind her.

A loud chuckle was heard behind the woman, and that caused her to bit the inside of her left cheek as she felt like her legs were already beginning to turn into jelly, "Yeah, she really is, but.. look at her. She's running from us, isn't that cute?"

Y/N thought she was safe for a quick second until she heard the slick voice calling her fear cute. That's when she just prayed to herself in her head as she only walked even faster, obviously trying to get away from the two very dangerous looking men.

"Look. You're making her run...!" The man from before stopped in his tracks as he watched his friend do the same with an eye roll.

"I didn't do jack shit to her so I don't know why she's trying to run...!! Don't blame her actions on me, man!"

Huffing out as he ran a hand through his dark hair while he stood straight up, glaring at his own friend with his piercing dark eyes, that's when he shook his head from side to side, "You're an idiot."

"No I'm not, now... Let's go after her.." his friend whispered the last part, making sure that he was the only one that could hear him say those words.

Y/N clenched on her sweater as she grinded her teeth together in her mouth, her heart thumping at an even quicker pace because even though she couldn't hear the men, she already knew that they were plotting something. She wished that she'd never taken the alley way this time.

"Why? Why do we need to go after her??" His friend responded as he dropped his arm down to his side, his eyebrows knitting and his eyes straining at the man beside him.

The shorter man shrugged at his words before he allowed his eyes to wander over to the female that seemed to be getting away in his head, "Look, man... You know how women are. She may call the cops on us or something, so.. we should take her before she can even think about doing that."

Narrowing his eyes at the male while he turned his dark eyes onto a freaked out Y/N he frowned a little, "What kind of logic is that??"

"Come on. Let's just do this..." The male beside the dark haired man began walking until he felt a hand wrapping around his wrist, causing him to stop to turn around with confusion on his face, "What?"

"A-Are you sure...? I don't wanna.. I don't think I wanna go to prison.. or.. or even worse..! I don't want to be confronted by that spiderman guy...!"

"Spiderman isn't fucking real, dude. The government just made him up to scare people, I'm telling you."

"Nah, bro... I still don't think this is-"

The friend was cut off by the next disgusting words that left the shorter mans mouth, "You can have the bottom half."

Perking up at what the guy in front of him had just said, his eyes widened a little as his own eyebrows raised up against his skin, "Wait...? Are you telling me that.. I can have the-"

"Mmhmm.. Looks like I'm getting the mouth," his friend sinisterly grinned at him before he pulled his arm away from the man that was shocked, "Now let's go. I can tell that she's about to make this turn."

Before the taller male knew it, his friend was already taking a jog over to the H/C haired woman that calmed herself down, glad that the men from before didn't catch up to her.

Y/N pushed her hand up to her ear, pushing her headphones into her ear as she gave herself a comfortable smile, her body warming up a little once she felt her face hit the wind.

As she walked out of the alley, her walking calm to a halt, and it was only then that she realized the men from before probably did catch up to her, and before she could yell out a shout for help, a hand was slammed against her mouth, and that resulted in her screams to be muffled so nobody could hear her.

She was tugged back from the men, the glisten in her E/C eyes disappearing once she felt the both of them slam her against the brick wall behind her. She couldn't believe what was happening right now because it all happened so fast.

The girl didn't know what to think at the moment since it was like she became dizzy and helpless as both of the men chuckled with one another, the looks on their faces becoming more evil as the shorter one held Y/M down while the other hesitantly wrapped his hands around her shirt.

She finally came back to her senses and thrashed against their hold, causing the shorter man from before to pushed his hand away from her mouth to get a better grip on her wriggling body, and she took that as an opening to scream.

"H-HELP!! SOMEBODY HELP!! PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS, I-" Her shouting was cut off once the man pushed most of his body weight against her body while he slapped a hand over her mouth once again.

She shut her eyes and felt the way her hot tears trickled down against her cheek, but before anything else happened, all of the weight of both of them men were pulled off of her, causing her to whip her watery E/C eyes open in shock at what just happened.

Glancing down at her exposed underwear before she roughly pulled her pants up with a look of embarrassment, shock, and fear all together, that's when she heard some of the air moving above her.

She snapped her neck up, only to see someone in a red suit swinging right on top of the building in front her while he turned his head towards her.

Her mouth widened at what she was seeing and she shifted on the ground, not feeling able to say anything due to the shock of what she was seeing at the moment.

The man in the red suit didn't say anything for a quick second, all he did was tilt his head to the side before he raised his hand up and gave her a little wave that surprisingly calmed her down a bit.

She shivered at the sight of the man stopping his wave to point at a direction, "W-What...?"

Only egging the woman on to check at what it was he was pointing to, she hesitantly turned her head over, and her mouth dropped open once she saw that both of the men were also on top of the building, except they were held together with webs surrounding their bodies as they grunted and whined, trying to get themselves free.

A grin formed on her lips, and there was a small giggle that caught the man in the red suits attention, so he looked back at her and gave her yet another head tilt.

Y/N turned all of her attention back to the male with adoration filling her E/C eyes, and she was stunned by the fact that the mysterious man actually decided to say something to her, "Hey, watch this..!"

Looking back at the two men that were basically stuck together, that's when she saw him lean over a little before he flicked his middle finger at the pair of men, watching as their now conjoined bodies slammed against brick wall.

She cringed a little and let out a wince at the little bit of blood that came from one of the men's head, but since he still seemed to be alive a well, she relaxed a little before she turned her face back to the man in red, only to see that he wasn't there anymore.

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