chapter 5

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After my shift that night mav and I are heading home when I notice a single headlight behind us.

"Who's following us?" My son asked me.

"Jasper," I sigh knowing he wouldn't send his friend tonight. He'd want to be the one looking after us.


"It was a condition of waiting until Saturday. Either him or his friend will be outside the house all night."

"Seems a bit much. The hotel is only like ten minutes away I'm sure he could make it in five if there was an emergency."

"He's a bit much. What do you think about going to California?"

"I don't care mom. I just want out of here." He says as we pull in the driveway.

" Even if it means going with, jay?"

"He's my dad right? I think it would be cool to get to know him"

"I'm sorry, mav. I wish I knew where he was at all this time, I would have told him."

"I know mom, it's not your fault. I'll start packing. I'll hide my bags in my closet so Dom won't see them. You should do the same whenever you can. Just bring them to me I'll hide them."

"Okay," I nod. It's not a bad idea I want to be able to get out of here as fast as possible come Saturday night.

I debated putting in a notice to my work letting them know Saturday would be my last day, but in this town word was sure to get around and I can't risk it. I can't tell anyone my plan yet.

The next few days go smoothly I was able to pack a couple bags which mav stashed in his closet. I have been avoiding Dom as much as possible. I have been trying to avoid any kind of altercation, so far its worked.

Mav has been spending time with jay and snow after school. Jay usually takes my car to get pick him up so I don't have to use my lunch to do it. When jay asked why Maverick comes here instead of home after school I told him the truth. Dom lost his job six months ago when he kept showing up drunk, he was a probation officer for fuck sake. I didn't want mav being at hime alone with him.

When we get home thursday night the smell smacks me in the face as soon as we walk in the door, followed by the noise. I look over my shoulder and notice two cars parked out front I hadn't noticed when we pulled in.

"Mom?" Mav asks behind me, I'm sure he can smell the weed too.

"Let's just go to the kitchen I'll get you some dinner, then we'll just go to bed. Okay?"

"Yeah, mom."

Dom's friends are just like him, fucking assholes. "Where the fuck have you been?" Dom yells from the living room as we pass.

"Work." I tell him stopping to face him.

"You're fifteen minutes late." He narrows his eyes at me.

He's right I am. Mav was hanging out with jay and Lukas, who I now know likes to go by snow. "That was my bad," my son speaks up. "I messed up the computer while doing my school work. Mom had to fix it before we could leave."

The look in doms eyes says he doesn't believe mav, he wouldn't believe him even if it was the truth. "I'm going to make dinner." I tell him

"Make enough for the guys too."

Fucking asshole, like I haven't been at work all day while he sat here drinking and getting high with his friends. "Kay" I answer leaving his sight and head to the kitchen with mav following. I can feel the rage coming off my son. "A few more days," I whisper to him when we're in the kitchen.

"Could just let jasper get us out tonight."

"I'm not letting Jasper kill him."

"I didn't say kill him, just get us out. You think any of those assholes have a chance against him, snow, and me?"

"I'm not risking you getting hurt Maverick." I tell him releasing a breath.

"Jasper will-"

He cut off by a very pissed off Dom, "who's Jasper Adeline?"

"No one." I shake my head stepping away from Dom. "Mav go to your room please." I try to keep my voice steady, but I know what's coming. Doms drunk, I got home late, and we were talking about a man.

"No," mav says firmly positioning himself between me and Dom.

"Better listen to your mom, boy" Dom sneers, but never takes his eyes off me.

"Mav," my son turns his head towards me. "I need you to go to your room" I say slowly and as discreetly as possible eye the cell phone in his hand, hoping he gets what I'm trying to tell him.

When he takes a deep breath, I know he does. He doesn't want to leave me alone with Dom, but he also needs to call jay, and he needs to do it now. Snow is outside tonight and I know that he won't let anything happen to me either. He has made it clear to me more than once that he has no problem putting a bullet in doms head.

Snow told me his story yesterday while he was hanging out in the lobby. His dad died serving our country when he was ten, his parents had already been divorced. His mom couldn't handle him being gone all the time, but from what snow says his dad loved his mom more than anything in the world. He planned on winning her back after his last tour, he didn't make it back.

When snow was fourteen, his mom met a guy, they ended up getting married six months later and a year after that she lost her life at the hands of that man. That man lost his life at the hands of a sixteen year old boy. Snow said it was ruled self defense. He went and lived with his material grandparents after that. To say snow has a problem with men putting their hands on woman is an understatement.

At fist I was uncomfortable having a man I didn't know sitting outside my house. After hearing Snows story, I know that I'm safe under his watch too. So it looks like we won't be waiting it out until Saturday as we thought.

I watch mavs quick retreating steps, once he's out of sight I look back to Dom. "You been cheating on me, Adeline"

May as well go out with a bang. "You mean like you do to me every Saturday night?"

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