chapter 8

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"One room?" I ask jay when we get back to the hotel.

"Yeah, I want to keep an eye on both of you just incase. There's two beds I'll take the couch."

"Jay, you're way to big to be sleeping on a couch. I'll take the couch."

"Not happening, peach." He says unlocking the door.

"Jay, be serious. Youre way too tall."

"I'll be fine I promise."

"Why don't yall just share a bed. It's not like you haven't before, exhibit A" mav waves his hand infront of himself.

"I don't think that would make your mom very comfortable, kid" Jay laughs.

"No, it's fine. If you won't let me take the couch we'll just share the bed. It's big enough."

"Are you sure?" Jay furrows his brows.

"Yeah," I nod my head. "I'm going to jump in the shower."

This was such a bad idea. I shouldn't have agreed to go to California with jay. Its all I can think as the hot water streams over my body. I jump when there's a knock on the door."yeah?"

"I got you a change of clothes out of your car." Jay says.

Fuck I forgot a change of clothes, I sigh. "Can you set them on the counter?" I hear the door open. "Thank you, jay."

"You're welcome peach." He says before the door clicks closed.

What did I get myself into. What was my other options though? Jay would have killed Dom tonight, I saw the look in his eyes. I have never seen jay like that before.

Then there's moving onto the club's property. Is he trying to control me? Is he trying to make sure we don't leave? Those questions leave my mind quickly. That's not jay, he was never that guy, he was never Dom. Do I really know who jay is though? It's been sixteen years, people change.

After I'm showered and dressed, with my hair up in a towel I make my way back to the room. Mav is fast asleep, jay is in the bed we're sharing for the night shirtless.

He's covered in tattoos, his arms, neck, and chest. I'm not blind, I see how hot jay is. "Nice shower peach?" He asks looking up from his phone.

"Yeah. I'm exhausted."

He pats the empty space next to him. "Come on, bed time. We'll grab some breakfast when we wake up then hit the road."

I nod and climb into bed next to him. "Goodnight, jay."

"Sweet dreams peach."

When I wake up the next morning I'm in bed alone.  I look to see mav still sleeping. Then I hear the shower running. 

I look at the clock to see it's only six AM. Jay must want to get an early start. I'm sure he's ready to be back home. Me on the other hand, I'm not sure if I want to know what Jay's life without me is like.

He was obviously content with however it was going. If he was miserable he would have came back to me right?

I stop those thoughts in their tracks. I don't care that he didn't come back. I got over the fact years ago. He left without a word, end of story. Jay and I together don't get a happily ever after... I don't think I get one at all.

I have Cara, her hubby, their kids and Maverick, that's the only family I have ever needed. Speaking of Cara I should probably let her know what's going on.

Me: hey, babes

Cara: hey, my beautiful best friend. You okay?

Me: ummm, yeah... I had a suprise guest show up at the hotel.

Cara: tell me it was a hot billionaire who saw you and realized he couldn't go another moment without putting a ring on it and whisking you away

Me: nope sorry... it was Jay.

Cara: Jay? As in Jasper? Jay? Wtf

Me: yep abel was in town saw me, saw what Dom did to me. He called Jay.

Cara: omg are you okay?

Me: currently in a hotel room, about four hours into a thirty five hour drive to California...

Cara: ummm whyyy?

Me: it's where Jasper lives. It was either come or he'd kill Dom. He knows about mav he said he didn't care if he spent the rest of his life in prison as long as we were safe. He was prison... that where he disappeared to for the first five years.

Cara: holy sweet mother of all things holy.

Me: yepp...

Cara: are you okay with going to California? If not you know I'll get you guys a place where ever you want. The hubby loves you and mav he will help.

Me: I know we love you all too, we'll be fine. Maybe it's a good thing. It's a chance for mav to get to know his dad.

Cara: yeah maybe... just call me if you need anything okay?  And we'll be in CA in a couple of months to visit. Love you I have to head to work.

Me: okay I love you too.

"You okay?" I hear Jay ask as I sigh and set my phone down.

"Yep, just letting Cara know what's going on."

"You two still close?"

"Yeah," I nod. "She helped with mav allot when he was a baby."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there, addie."

"I know. It's fine. I mean it's not fine, but you don't owe me anything Jay. mav, he acts like he doesn't care, I know he does. He wants a dad."

"He's got a dad, peach. I'm here now, I'll do whatever i can to make up for everything. I know it'll never be enough, but I'm going to put a hundred and ten present in everyday, for both of you."

I shake my head, "just do it for our son. The broken stuff between us isn't fixable, jay. I don't even want to let mav think it is."

"I meant what I said the other day addie, I never stopped loving you, I still love you."

I shake my head. "Jay, you abandoned me."

"I didn't think of it like that. I wanted the best for you, I didn't want you to wait for a felon who didn't have his shit together."

"Well I waited anyway. Jay. I waited for you to come to to us."

"I'm sorry addie."

"It doesn't change anything. Be a good dad to our son, that's all I want from you."

"I will, I promise."

I believe him, his childhood was as shitty as mine. My mom died a few months after mav was born. I never let her meet him, not that she asked. I heard Jay's dad died a few years ago. I don't know but I kind of expect jay to come back to town then, that obviously didn't happen. I can't blame him though, his dad was a peice of shit.

"I'll wake him up so we can hit the road, I'm sure you're ready to get back to your life."

"I like spending time you you and mav actually." He smiles.

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