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Author POV.

Next day Irish was sitting beside the big window which was present inside her room while hugging her knees.


Someone knocked on the door but Irish didn't responses to it and kept starting outside.


She was too lost in her thoughts that she didn't heard the knock.

The person who knocked the door opened the door and entered the room.

She putted her hand on Irish shoulder and pushed her a little in order toh get her out of her thoughts.

"Oh Jisoo" Irish spoke watching Jisoo standing beside her.

"where have you been so lost Baby?" Jisoo asked her but she replied nothing.

Irish again darted her gaze towards the window and Jisoo sat beside her.

"You are still thinking about that?" Jisoo asked her making her look at her and sigh.

"Don't think too much Irish, believe your brother he did nothing he is innocent!" Jisoo spoke up which made tears rolling down by Irish cheeks without even her knowing.

"Don't cry baby, everything will be okay!" Jisoo said and whipped her tears and Irish immediately hugged her and started sobbing in her chest.

Eunwoo was standing outside of the room and saw Irish crying which hurt him more.

"Who are you Taehyung!"

"How do you know about Jimin?"

"Who is Jimin to you?"

"Why you did this"

"I am sorry Irish, even though you are getting hurt for me I am helpless"

"There's nothing I can do, I can't break the promise I made"

"I am really sorry!"

And then Eunwoo left from there without being noticed by Iris and Jisoo.

"Why don't he just answered my questions? What he is hiding?" Iris asked Jisoo

"Iris you know Eunwoo better than anyone else right?

Just keep your faith on him, he never did anything wrong.

If he is not answering then he must have his reasons" Jisoo spoke and patted her shoulder.

"Come on let's go and have you dinner, you haven't ate the whole day" Jisoo told her but she refused "I don't have an appetite"

"Even if you don't still you have to eat let's go" Jisoo forcefully dragged her out of her room.


"It's been a week and Iris didn't come back Taehyung" Jungkook told him and he didn't respond.

"Taehyung did you hear me? She is not home yet!" Jungkook raised his voice a little which made Taehyung look at him.


Jungkook got startled watching him not bothering.

"She is your wife Taehyung! How can you be like this?" Jungkook questioned him.

"I didn't marry her out of Love you know well Jungkook right?" Taehyung uttered calmly.

"What's her fault? She did nothing wrong. You are punishing an innocent for something she never did" Jungkook spoke

Taehyung slammed his hands on the table and stood up.

"What was his fault?

What the fuck he did to deserve this?" Taehyung clinched his hand.

TALE OF BLEEDING HEARTS | Taehyung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now