chapter seven

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The race was amazing.

The start had been the best moment of any race she ever attended. When Lando overtook Max, everyone at Silverstone cheered so loud that she got chills. She could hear it through her headphones, from inside the garage. 

Throughout the race, though he got overtaken by Max a few laps in, he was euphoric. Leading the race, even if it was for so short, made him as happy as a child. She kept hearing him cheer and get congratulated through the headphones, and she could feel his smile grow wider everytime he talked. 

Everything went smoothly. Even his rookie teammate, Oscar, was doing a great job. They were dominating everyone's heart that day. 

Max was doing amazing, obviously. He was leading by a lot, the car so fast that the gap with Lando was almost ridiculous; everyone was already expecting it. At this point no one even considered him still in the race, he had already won. 

Daniel wasn't doing too bad. He had just gotten back and the car he had wasn't so good, but he was managing everything amazingly. [I know he wasn't technically there this year, but let's pretend shall we]

On the other hand though, Ferrari wasn't doing great. She felt sorry for Carlos, the team kept ignoring his talent and was always letting Charles get the lead. They were both great drivers, but it looked like everyone could only see Leclerc for some reason. Carlos got overtook more than once, losing positions towards the end of the race. It wasn't ideal, and she knew he would be frustrated. He still would've tried to be happy for Lando, but he wouldn't have been himself at the fullest. 

Part of her felt bad for Charles too. Even though he had some positions more than his teammate, he wasn't doing too great. And after overhearing him on the phone the night before, and knowing that he didn't want to disappoint the tifosi, she hoped he would gain at least a position. It didn't happen. 

"AND THAT IS P2 FOR NORRIS, WHAT AN AMAZING RACE" she heard, as he crossed the checkered flag. She took off the headphones and rushed out of the garage. When he pulled up and got out of the car, she ran up to hug him.

"You were amazing oh my god" she said happily. "You deserve it Lan, finally" Her eyes started to water.

"Thank you, for always believing in me" he whispered. She smiled, pulling back.

"Congratulations" she said, before leaving him to the press. She was so proud of him, finally getting what he had waited for years. 

She walked towards the Ferrari garage, to see how Carlos was doing. "Hey Carlito" she greeted him.

"Hey Lya" he said with a weak smile.

She sat down beside him. "How are you feeling?"

"Not good." he shaked his head. "I really hoped it would be different this time. I really thought I could get a better position, I don't know. Maybe I'm just not good enough." A tear left his eye.

"Don't say that" she said, wiping the tear from his face. "You are enough. You are good, you drive well. The car is crap, and the strategy is shit. It's not your fault. I need you to know that." she said. "You are enough. You have to believe it" 

He tried to smile at her. "Sometimes I don't feel like I am" he admitted.

"Well, then I'll always be here to remind you that you are." she smiled.

"Next time watch from here. Maybe you could be my lucky charm instead of Lando's" he smiled. She giggled at his puppy eyes.

"We can talk about it." She laughed.

"Over a drink?" he winked. 

"I mean, aren't we all going out tonight?" She smiled.

"You're just trying to get me to buy you a drink" he said smiling.

"Yes, what's wrong with that?" she questioned, eyebrows raised.

"Nothing, it's working" he laughed. 

"Good" she smiled proud. She watched him as he walked to the press. He had to start with the post race interviwes, so he wiped his face quickly and put on a fake smile.

Charles walked in the garage shortly after, with puffy eyes and a drained look on his face. She decided to walk up to him.

"It'll go better next time" she tried.

"Yeah, no, that's not going to happen. We say that every time and every single time it ends the same way. I can't keep hoping" he scoffed.

"But you can keep trying" she said. She left him there, not wanting to interfere with his train of thoughts. He had to go to the interviews anyway.

She walked to the podium, smiling at Lando when he looked at her and giving him thumbs up. He was over the moon. 

Hearing people cheer so much for his best friend was crazy. Seeing him up there was crazy. He deserved all of it, he had worked so hard for it. 

She smiled when he opened the champagne bottle, almost knocking off Max's trophy and spraying everyone with the liquid. He was happy, and she wanted him to feel that way forever. 

When he got off the podium he ran to hug her, causing her to scream since he was soaked in champagne and was soaking her as well. They laughed loudly, while photographers and interviewers started sorrounding them for questions. She smiled at him when they pulled away, and ran away as the journalists were focusing on him. 

She admired from afar everything that was happening: the cheering, the interviews, the smiles, fans' hugs and the happiness in everyone's - well, almost everyone's - eyes. She than leaned on the wall behind her, waiting for the press to finish with at least one of her friends. She talked a bit with Lily as she walked up to her, waiting for Alex, and hugged P when she ran up to her. 

A few hours later they were all heading to the hotel, giving each other appointment in the lobby at nine to go out and celebrate.

A soon as she reached her room, she walked to the bathroom to take a shower. After she filmed a few clips for the vlog and for a few tiktoks, and started editing the clips of the new vlog that she had already transferred on her laptop. Half hour later she started getting ready, wearing a black silky dress and black sandals, and then doing her make up.

When she got to the lobby she sat on the couch were she found Lando a few days before, scrolling through Instagram and scanning the hall. She saw Charles walking up to the corner where she was sitting, and taking place on an armchair a few meters away. 

He was wearing some baggy jeans and a white button down shirt, opened on the upper chest. His hair was a bit messy, and the chain around his neck was sitting on the side. Her lips parted, as she watched him focus on his phone. 

Damn, he looked good. 

Her gaze moved when she heard people chatting loudly near the elevator, and she walked up to the group. She could feel someone look at her back, and she had a feeling that wouldn't have been the last time. 

then you flashed your green eyes at me || Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now