chapter twenty-two

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"Red or black?" she asked, holding up two dresses in front of her phone. She was on facetime with Max and they were getting ready for the post-race party, and she had no idea what to wear.

"Try them on?" Max answered, walking off frame for a second.

"I don't have time!" she said whining.

"Blue or white?" he asked, holding up two linen button ups. 

"White, what kind of question is that" she said giggling.

"Didn't you have another red one?" he asked, walking off frame to put on his shirt. She nodded, walking to her closet. It was a mess.

"This one?" she asked, walking in front of the phone again. He looked up.

"Yes that's the one. It looked great!" he said.

"Yeah, last month" she said.

"Don't do that" he said serious.

"Do what?"

"Worry about your body. You have an amazing physique." he said.

"That's true!" she heard Kelly yell in the background of Max's phone.

"See?" he said. She giggled, trying to shake away the feeling. "What jeans?" he then asked, holding up a pair of baggy jeans next to a skinny one. 

"Again, what kind of question is that? Baggy!" she said, pointing at the ones in his right hand. "Kelly, please, educate your man!" she said loud, trying to let Kelly hear her through the phone. She opened the door behind Max, looking.

"I'm trying, he's hopeless" she said. Max threw a pillow at her, making all of them laugh. "What it's true!" she laughed, before closing the door. 

Alya went to the bathroom to wear the dress. It wrapped around her body as a glove. It was a silky material, so it was shiny, and the red was not too bright. The straps weren't too thin and it was short. She tried not to look at herself in the mirror for too long, grabbing her make up bag and walking back to her room.

She took her phone and put it on a chair next to the mirror, where the lighting was the best for putting on her make up. Max was putting on some gel to keep his hair in the right place. 

She did a red and brown smokey eye, put on mascara and a brown-ish lipgloss. Then she looked at Max. "Shoes?" she said. 

"Not heels" he scoffed, checking himself out in the mirror. 

"Yeah but like, converse or just normal sneakers? Or sandals?"

"Black sandals. Didn't you have those black, kinda chunky, cute sandals?" 

"The ones I wore at Danny's birthday?" she asked, looking for them.

"Yes, those" he replied. She put them on.

"Okay, they look good" she said satisfied.

"Of course they do, I give great fashion advice" he said proudly.

"Don't push it" she laughed.

"I'll see you in a bit okay?" he said.

"Sure, I'm waiting for Lan right now" she smiled.

"I know, I'll see you at the bar" he smiled, before hanging up.

She picked her purse up from the floor, walking to the dresser to collect her things. She put in her wallet, some tissues, her gloss and her phone, then walked downstairs to wait for Lando. As she was walking to the kitchen to drink a glass of water, she stopped in front of the full body mirror in her hall. 

There was something she didn't like. Or maybe it was all of it? 

She started judging, not able to stop her thoughts. Her arms were too chubby. Her stomach wasn't flat. Her tighs touched. Her feet were too wide. Her hands were too thick. Her eyes weren't even. Her face was slighly asimmetrical. Her lips were too thin, and her nose was too big. Her eyebrows needed to be thinned. Her knees looked weird. Her hair was frizzy at the top. 

She felt wrong. 

The bell rang, drawing her away from her thoughts. She glanced one last time at the mirror before running to the door. She got her keys and left. 

She met Daniel in the elevator. Lando was waiting for them with Louisa in his car, and when they got in he departed towards the bar. Him and Daniel were both wearing black jeans and a black button up, while Louisa had on a purple sparkly dress and silver heels. 

They had chosen a club that had a terrace on the sea. It was a bit expensive, so there weren't going to be as many people as there had been in Silverstone. She hoped it would be a nice evening, without useless dramas or overwhelming feelings.

"If I get more than two drinks, hit me on the head" she said.

"If I tried to do that you'd hit me first and kill me" Lando laughed.

"That's not true! You make me sound like an alcoholic" she pouted.

"Still, I don't want to risk my life thank you very much"

"And there we are!" Daniel said. "Don't worry, I'm going to force you to stop drinking this time" he laughed, closing the door when she got out of the car.

"Thank you. A real one right here ladies and gentlemen!" she laughed, turning to Lando and pointing at Danny. She saw him and Louisa in the middle of a make out session, and took Daniel's hand as she ran in the bar.

"That seemed intense" he laughed, pointing at the two outside with I
his thumb.

"It definitely did" she laughed as well.

"Let's get this party started?" Danny reached out with his hand for her to take.

"Let's do it man!" she giggled, taking it. "Remember to stop me from drinking!" she said after getting her first one and drifting away in the crowd.

She was looking for Max, since they had decided to catch up before being too drunk, but she soon forgot about it as she started dancing. And then she started forgetting about all the things that were worrying her.

Soon, her only worry became dancing.

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