chapter nine

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She had to throw up. That's the first thought she had when she woke up. 

She ran to the bathroom, her head was hurting and her stomach wasn't cooperating. She sat on the cold floor with her eyes closed to block the light from hurting her eyes. 

She got up from the floor when someone knocked at her door and tried to freshen up a bit, but she still looked terrible. She opened the door to reveal Lando with two coffees in his hand and two burritos.

"Should help with the hangover" he said, handing her one of each. She nodded, still feeling nauseous, sat down on the floor near the open window and looked at Lando as he followed her movements. 

"How are you feeling?" he tried to ask. She just shook her head. 

"How come you're not hungover?" she asked.

"I didn't drink as much as you" he said. "And I've been the dj the whole time basically. How did you get back, by the way? You weren't with us in the taxi"

"I have no idea" she said, taking a sip of coffee. "I can't remember a fucking thing that happened after the first tequila shot I got" 

"How many did you do?"

"Do I look like I remember?" she asked.

"Fair enough" he giggled. "What are we doing today?" he asked then.

"Check out of the hotel, at some point. And then take the train to London and the tube to my apartment." she said. "If I can get up from the floor without throwing up and prepare my bags" she added.

"You know we should check out in thirty minutes, right?"

"What?! What time is it?" She asked, suddenly awake.

"Ten thirty" 

"Oh fuck" she groaned. 

"I can put your things away if you want?" Lando tried to help.

"No, you're just going to make a mess. But you can help if you want? Please I need help" she said with puppy eyes. He giggled.

"Okay, let's do this. And by the way, I'm not that bad"

"Huh uh, keep dreaming honey" she smiled. Laughing hurt her head. 

Half hour later they were in the lobby, checking out of the hotel. "Where are the others?" she asked.

"Daniel and Heidi left about two hours ago, same with Max, Kelly and P. Carlos came by to say bye about an hour ago and said he would text you or something. Charles I don't know, and Pierre and Kika are getting out of the elevator right now" he said, pointing behind her. She turned aroung to greet them. 

"Hey, you look hungover" Kika said. 

"I am" she replied, her sunglasses covering her face even though they were inside. They talked for a bit while Pierre was checking them out of the hotel, then she checked her phone. No messages.

"What are you looking at?" Lando asked.

"I don't know, I thought you said Carlos would text? It's weird that he didn't, usually he at least says bye"

"After last night I don't know if he will" Pierre said, coming up behind them. "You know, maybe he doesn't know how to act or is a bit uncomfortable"

"What do you mean 'after last night'? What happened?" she asked confused.

"You don't remember?" Kika said.

"Remember what?" she insisted.

"Lya, you kissed him" Pierre said.

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