chapter thirty-six

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She was having what can be considered a normal day.

She had woken up late that morning - as usual - and had done her skin care routine with Al the calmness in the world.

She had gotten dressed and had walked downstairs to drink some water.

She had taken her phone to the couch and had sat there for a considerable amount of time scrolling on her social medias, replying to DMs and comments.

Then she had started filming a video for youtube, she was waiting for the last package of clothes to get there so that she could do a haul.

And when someone rang her bell, she was sure it was that.

Instead, she found herself in front of a delivery man she had seen working at the cafe she used to go to with Charles, and nostalgia washed over her. She noticed he had something in his hands.

"A cappuccino and a pain au chocolat for Alya Ricciardi" he said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't order anything" she smiled confused.

"Oh no I know. A man came in this morning - I even took a picture with him, he's a famous Formula 1 driver - and told me to bring this order to this address. He has already paid and even tipped" he smiled excited. Then he offered her the little paper bag and the cup. "He also told me to specify that he hopes you still like this and that you should eat it" he smiled.

She took what he was giving her, speechless.

It had happened again.

"Thank you" she smiled. "If you see him again, could you tell him to call me? So that we can eat together directly at the cafe" she said. He nodded, then she closed the door as he walked away.

That was the first put of the blue thing that had happened that day.

She sat at the kitchen counter, eating breakfast and smiling. She was amazed by how much care he was showing towards her. And how much she cared about the care he was showing her.

After breakfast she kept on filming the first part of the haul, then before lunch time she started vlogging her day, going to the grocery store to refill her empty fridge.

She walked there, the sky grey and preannouncing rain, and picked up some vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs and so on. She didn't have anything at home, since she had just traveled back home.

She cooked lunch - not much, but she ate something - and then called Lando to hear how he was doing. He was recovering quickly, the pain disappearing fast enough without medication. In no time he could've gone back to walking and driving as if nothing happened.

When, around five in the afternoon, someone rang the bell again, she was sure it was the package she had been waiting for the whole day.

Instead, she found herself in front of Alexandra.

"What are you doing here?" she asked. "Are you okay?"

"Yes" she sighed. "No"

"What's wrong?"

"I broke up with Charles in Azerbaijan" she said. Alya's eyes widened. "And today I was supposed to go to his house to pick up my stuff. But he's not home, and he's not answering the phone, and I was wondering if you've seen him"

"I haven't, I'm sorry" she said. "You guys broke up?"

"Yeah, I thought he told you"

"We're not much on speaking terms I guess"

"I hope you will be again now" Alex smiled. "It's just that I'm worried, he always answers his phone and it's raining outside and I don't want him to get sick" she said.

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