chapter forty-four

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*author's note*
I don't know how many chapters are left, since I let the story write itself day by day. The only thing I'm sure of is that there are probably going to be two epilogues, maybe three but I'm not sure yet. Be ready for them to come in a short time...sadly I believe this story is coming to an end.
But don't worry, I'm already thinking about writing another one. Check out my TikTok for more infos!
Enjoy the chapter babes <3


"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Charles, happy birthday to you!" they sang, as the lights turned on.

They had all been hiding in Alya's apartment, waiting for him to get there. It was October 16, and none of them had wished him happy birthday, with the intention of surprising him.

He had been freaked out by the thought that none of the people he cared about remembered his birthday, but seeing that they actually worked to surprise him filled his heart of pure love. 

"Thank you" he said, with watery eyes. Alya ran up to him and he hugged her, picking her up and spinning around. He left a kiss on her temple before letting her down, while she giggled - happy to see that he appreciated their gesture. "I love you" he whispered in her ear, before moving on to thank his friends. She kept her hand on his arm, letting it slide off when he stepped away. She smiled to herself, knowing he was feeling happy.

His eyes, they could talk. And she read in them that he was grateful.

When he finished thanking everyone, they all moved to the living room - where she had put different snacks and food for her friends to eat. She took out of the fridge a few beers and drinks, displaying them on the coffee table.

She jumped a little, giggling, when Charles hugged her from behind, leaving a kiss in the nook of her neck. 

"Was this your idea?" he asked, placing his hands on her waist to spin her around. 

"Partially" she smiled. "I had the idea of making you think we forgot about it and then surprise you, then when the problem of finding a location came up I suggested my house. I knew it would've been less suspicious" 

"You naughty girl" he giggled. "You almost gave me a heart attack" 

"That means we did well" she laughed.

"Oh, so now it's good to give your partner a scare like that?" he asked sarcastically. "Well, I'll keep that in mind" 

"Try to scare me like that and my trauma from abandonment will haunt you forever" she threatened jokingly.

"On second thoughts, maybe it's not a good idea" he said.

"Good boy" she smiled.

"Say that again, please" he whispered in her ear. Shivers ran up her spine.

"Good boy?" she asked innocently. 

"You already know what's probably going to happen tonight, right?" he asked.

"Am I making you nervous?" she looked up at him sweetly, seeing his eyes shine. "I strongly suggest you cover that up" she whispered, quickly glancing down. "I'm about to walk away" 

"No you're not, love" he said. When she turned around, he quickly embraced her from behind, leaving an arm around her shoulder and a hand on her waist. 

She smirked, knowing damn well that the innocence she used to have had flown out the window after the first night they had spent together. And that there was no way for it to come back.

then you flashed your green eyes at me || Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now