Chapter One

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"What was the happiest moment in your life?"

"Define happiest?"

"A moment where you felt the happiest. Something that genuinely made you feel... alive."

As I stared at this man across from me, I had to look away before my thoughts got the best of me. I let my eyes focus on something else, anything to keep my eyes away from him.

I looked around this room and noticed how dark, and depressing this place really is. I couldn't think of one time that I was glad to be here because it was the same feeling every time I walked through the doors.

When I looked back at him, I noticed how crooked his face was, and how his glasses weren't straight on his nose. His face was more of a round shape, like fat but he wasn't cause his body was in decent shape for however old he was.

He had a pen in the pocket of his shirt that was located at the upper left.

It was blue.

I hated the color blue.

The shirt he had on wasn't even a color, more like a pattern. It had light blue lines horizontal across from his neck to his pants. I couldn't understand why someone would ever choose to wear that in public without being forced to do so.

The tiny fan on his desk sounded like it has seen better days. I could hear the struggle it was having trying to stay running as if it hasn't been turned off in twenty years.

This room smelled horrible like old wood.

It was revolting.

Wait, didn't he ask me a question?

"What was the question, again?"

The man sighed, placing his pen down and closing the notepad he had in his lap. "I think we've had enough today. Maybe next time you'll be willing to talk, Kinsley."

After I was dismissed, I couldn't get up fast enough. I almost knocked over the chair as I was rushing out of the room before rushing down the hall.

As I took my exit, I heard my sisters voice from behind. I stopped before turning towards her as she was approaching me.

"What happened? You weren't even in there your full thirty minutes."

"He let me go." I said as I walked out of the building with her behind me.

"What happened?" She sighed as we approached her car in the parking lot. I stopped before looking over at her, waiting for her to unlock the doors.

Once she did, I got in before she was inside as well. I crossed my arms, avoiding any eye contact from my sister as I knew she was already looking at me, waiting for me to explain.

"This is the fifth person that's trying to help you, Kinsley. We can't keep doing this. You need to let someone help you."

"What if I don't want anyone to help?"

My sister looked at me as she was pulling out of the parking lot. I saw her sigh before shaking her head, turning onto a road that was connected to another road from the hospital.

"Kinsley, you need help. We all know you need it."

"Why? What's wrong with me being the way I am for the rest of my life?"

"They'll send you back to the institute!" My sister yelled, making me look at her before looking away. "Damn it, Kinsley. You know what would happen if you don't get the help you need. I don't want to see my baby sister end up in that hospital again. Please."

As I looked out the window, I knew this was the way my life was going to be for the rest of my life. I had no escape from this cause it's who I am and it's how I'll be for my whole life.

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