Chapter Twenty Three

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A few weeks past, and everything was going better than ever. I was a lot happier now, and I wasn't letting all these thoughts get to me about wanting to leave this place, because I didn't want to leave until I was better.

Jordyn came by to see me for the first time, and I listened to her apologize to me. I did the same, and we stayed quiet for a while until Jordyn cried on my shoulders, telling me how much she was sorry.

I comforted her and told her that it was for the best that I was here. I didn't need to be anywhere else right now until everything was ok.

She told me how much she loved me before leaving, and I kept that with me.

Every day was getting better. I was happy, and all the medications I was taking was helping me a lot. I didn't see or hear Jackson anymore, and he was finally gone.


I'm not sure.

One can hope though.

Jordyn and Amanda comes by a lot, bringing me gifts and talking to me. I enjoy their company a lot and it made me happy every time they come to visit.

I guess you can say that me and Jordyn are back together. I wasn't sure, but she told me she wanted to be with me. She didn't see herself with anyone else, and even though that was cheesy, I still agreed with her.

Jordyn was someone that I didn't want to lose, and that was one thing I feared the most; was losing her cause of how messed up I was.

But she stayed by my side through it all.

It got rough at the end, but she came back to me. I allowed her back into my life, and this was where she belonged.

Every visit was amazing, and I loved sitting with them. I listened to them talk about their day, and everything else. I saw Jordyn smile at Amanda as she would talk about her work, making me smile as well.

I didn't have a worry in my head when the days passed. I got to see my sister and girlfriend every visit, and it made my day.

Jordyn and I kissed one day, and Amanda was smiling the whole time. I gave her a look as Jordyn pulled me into a hug before they left, and I watched them leave every time.

I made a lot of friends here. We became a little group that talked about things, and drew pictures. I was becoming really close to this one girl here, who was here for five years already.

She told me that she's had voices in her head that wanted her to kill everyone. She tried to ignore them, but nothing was helping so her mom sent her here.

When she asked why I was here, I told her everything. She nodded with everything I said, telling me that she knew my pain. She said that she had the same voice one time but ignored it and it never came back.

We had a lot in common, besides the part where her voices were telling her to kill everyone. I'm glad my mind wasn't that dark cause I'm not sure what I would have done.

Thankfully, nothing bad happened and I was able to get into this place before something bad did happen.

As the days went on, they turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. I doing the same stuff over every day, but didn't have a problem with it.

I saw Jordyn and Amanda every day. I was happy with my new best friend here, and everything was going ok.

"I drew something." I showed Amanda and Jordyn one day.

"That's beautiful." Amanda said.

"Don't talk to me like I'm five." I said, making Jordyn laugh as Amanda rolled her eyes.

"It looks good."


"We're proud of you, Kinsley." Amanda said. "I love you."

"I love you too." I said, smiling at them.

When visiting hours were over, we hugged and said our goodbye. Jordyn and I shared a long, passionate kiss and it left me wanting more when she pulled away.

I watched them leave once more as I was escorted back to my room, where I would be in until dinner time.

As I walked to the wall where the window was, I slid down it and held the paper in my hand. I smiled at it before turning it towards my right side.

"What do you think?" I said, looking over at Thomas.

He smiled before nodding. "Looks good."

"Thanks. I think it needs a little more-"

"Kinsley." I looked towards the door where a man was staring at me through the window.

"Yes sir?"

"Stop talking to yourself."

When he left, I looked over at my side and saw nobody. I smiled before looking back at my picture, realizing that this was the start of something else.

Something between... Me, Myself and I.

The... End?

Well... there it is. The ending of this amazing story. I know it came to an end fast, but I was going to make this short anyway. It took a while for me to finish it, but here it is!

Thanks everyone that stayed until the end. I appreciate you all so very much, and without you, I wouldn't have written this.

So thank you!

Much love as alwaysxx

Me, Myself & I (teacherxstudent)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang