Chapter Sixteen

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The end of the week came, and Jordyn has been at my house the whole week. She spent the night, every night. She explained to Amanda that she wanted to make sure I was ok, and that she didn't mind staying here.

The way Amanda looked at us was very suspicious, but she shrugged it off and allowed Jordyn to stay.

I wouldn't say that we were dating, but it sure felt like it. I haven't been in a relationship in years, and the last one was very short and was hardly called a relationship.

We didn't talk about what we were or what we were doing. We hung out after school, talked during break at school but nothing else was happening.

It wasn't like I wanted anything else to happen. I was happy that we had our feelings shared, but I wasn't sure what was next.

Jackson hasn't been around that often, but I knew he was lurking in the shadows; waiting for something to happen.

"Amanda is going to be home tonight." Jordyn said to me as we were outside in the parking lot. She was standing next to me as I was sitting on my bike. "I won't be there tonight, but I'll text you."

After what was said, she left to walk across the parking lot to her car. I sat there for a moment, watching her disappear as I sat there. I stared at the bike beneath me before starting it, then leaving the parking lot.

But I didn't go home.

I went to the abandoned house instead.

As I raced down the back streets, I came to the driveway before parking my bike near the house. I grabbed my keys then hopped off, before walking to the opening in the house.

Once inside, I sighed before walking to the couch and sitting down. I sat there and thought about the last few weeks, then leaned my head back and stared at the ceiling.

"What are you doing here?" I asked without opening my eyes.

"How did you know I was here?"

"You're part of my mind; my imagination. I know when you're here." I opened my eyes and say Jackson sitting on the edge of the couch. "So, answer my question."

"I can be here if I want."

"I know you're here to talk to me, and I don't want to hear anything you have to say."

"I'm trying to protect you, Kinsley."

"Really?" I sat up and looked at him. "The same way you protected me when you made me kill my mom? Or when you were the reason I was put into a hospital almost my whole life?"

Jackson was silent after that.

"Everything I went through, you were there. I thought you were real my whole life. I thought you were a friend, and everyone else around me was making me believe that as well. Everyone around me lied to me."

"They were protecting you, Kinsley."

"Bullshit!" I screamed, making everything silent. I closed my eyes before sighing, wishing all these thoughts and voices would leave my mind for good.

If I could go back, I would have never made Jackson a permanent thing in my mind. I would have walked away and never allowed him inside my head.

Everything would have been better, right?

It was my fault that my mom died, therefore it was my fault that my dad killed himself.

That night... is something I will never forget. I remember Amanda waking me up, screaming and crying, telling me what happened. I have nightmares about it often, and it's something that will never be forgotten.

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