Chapter Fifteen

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"Where the fuck are you going?" Jackson stopped me as I hopped off my bike in front of the school building. I saw him staring at me, knowing that he was going to pop out of nowhere after what happened last night.

It was all a blur, but as soon as Jordan stayed and didn't run like last time; I knew that this was either going to kill me or make my head hurt for a while.

After Amanda came home to get something that she forgot, I was still sitting in the kitchen when Jordan came back and sat down next to me.

We talked.

We talked about the kiss.

Then we talked about the last kiss; something I wanted to do when it happened.

Jordan told me something that made everything stop in place. I didn't want t0 believe it but Jordan was sitting in front of me, telling me everything that I wasn't sure I should hear.

Jackson disappeared for the rest of the night.

It wasn't weird at all.

We sat on the couch and watched tv, then went to bed. We didn't make it weird or jump into feelings like some of those cliché Wattpad stories.

It was just us, and we chilled.

But now since it was the next morning, my mind was on one thing; Jordan. I needed to see her, and I needed to talk to her.

Last night, I had a lot of time to think about what she told me, and in my mind, I knew that there was something I needed to talk to her about.. or at least say out loud so I could hear it through the air and make more sense out of it.

Jackson was pissed as he was standing in front of me, stopping me from entering the building.

"I know what you're doing, and it's very dangerous."


"Cause of what could happen to us! Do you not understand that? Falling in love with someone.. like Jordan, is dangerous."

At this point, I closed my eyes and took a breath. I counted to five before opening my eyes, and saw that Jackson was gone.

When I looked around, I sighed in relief before holding onto my backpack and walking towards the building. I passed by some students as I walked down the hall, going to one destination.

I wasn't sure if this was the smartest thing, but as I was tossing and turning last night getting no sleep, I thought about all those times that Jordan made me feel... happy.

She makes me happy.

She's my happy place, and I'm thankful that she's in my life.

When I came to Jordyn's classroom, I stopped for a moment before staring at it. I took a breath before walking towards the door, opening it and walking inside.

As I walked inside, Jordyn was nowhere in sight. I didn't see her at the desk or anywhere else around the room. I didn't give it much thought before walking to the table in front and placing my backpack down.

The seconds went by, and still no sign of Jordyn. I looked towards the door then looked around the room before hearing the door open, which made me look over at it.

It wasn't Jordyn. It was another teacher.

"Kinsley, Hi." She smiled at me as I watched her make her way to Jordyn's desk.

"Where's Jordyn?"

She looks at me after placing her purse and bag on the desk. "Miss Evans is out today. I'm substituting her class."

Me, Myself & I (teacherxstudent)Where stories live. Discover now