Chapter Ten

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"I brought you some lunch today." Jordyn handed me a container with food as she smiled at me. I was sitting at her desk as she was looking through paperwork.

It's been a long week, and I was exhausted from my head. I had a lot of trouble trying to sleep the last few nights, and I made sure not to tell Jordyn because I didn't want her worrying about me.

She stayed in my room most nights to make sure I slept. I could tell she knew something was going on, but she never asked what was wrong.

I've just been dragging around for the last week.

Amanda has been calling me every day to check on me. I told her that I was fine, but she insisted that she still calls me to make sure I was alright.

She wasn't used to being away from me for so long, and I knew it was killing her.

Jordyn told me that Amanda would call, ask how I was, and Jordyn would tell her that I was fine. I appreciate Amanda caring so much, but sometimes it's too much.

Ever since our parents died, Amanda has been non-stop protective of me. She won't let me leave her sight, make sure I'm ok throughout the day and constantly text me.

She stopped at a minimum since I told her that it was too much for me to handle.

A lot of things are too much for me to handle. I can't stand the touching or the emotional shit that people feel when they love someone, because that's not me and I hate everything about it.

Of course, I wasn't always like that, but shit happens, and things change.

"How did you sleep last night?" Jordyn asked as I was swirling my fork around the noodles.

"Ok." I said before taking a bite.

"Did you wake up any last night?"

"Only a few times." I said, looking at her as she was watching me. She smiled before nodding and looking back down at her paperwork. "What about you?"

She looked back up at me before furrowing her eyebrows. "What?"

"How did you sleep?"

That made her smile as she looked at me. "I slept well. Thanks for asking, Kinsley."


"What made you ask?"

"You're a guest at my house. I feel like it's only appropriate to ask how you slept." I shrugged.

She smiled. "That's sweet, Kinsley."

"Don't make a big deal out of it." I said as I continued to eat.

After I was finished with the food, Jordyn placed a napkin in the container before putting it in the fridge. I leaned back and crossed my arms before shutting my eyes.

"So ready for the day to end."

"What's your plans for this afternoon? A nap?"

"Probably." I said as I kept my eyes closed.

"That actually sounds nice." Jordyn said.

After a few minutes, the bell rung, and class was now starting. I grabbed my backpack, pushed my chair away then sat down at the table in front of Jordyn's desk.

Everyone started coming in the room as Jordyn was standing at the board. She greeted everyone with a smile on her face as I watched her before leaning my head down on the table.

"Kinsley?" I heard someone say.

When I looked up, the girl that sat with me was looking at me. I furrowed my eyebrows as she motioned towards my backpack that was on the table in front of where she sat.

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