Chapter Twenty Two

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A few days passed, and I was a completely different person. I wasn't sure what made me act the way I was acting, but Jackson was laughing and enjoying it, so I did too.

I acted up in classes, made everyone laugh at me. I made the teachers mad, got sent to the principal's office a few times. I had Amanda come get me from school when I was acting up, and she gave me a lecture every time.

She kept telling me that I was acting stupid, and there was no need to act like a child. I ignored her every time, and kept doing it.


Because I didn't know how else to cope with my life.

I was being tormented by my thoughts, that I had to entertain Jackson somehow to keep him from bothering me.

He kept blaming me for shit. He kept hitting me, leaving bruises all over me that Amanda kept asking about. I didn't know what else to do, but to get him away from me.

So, I started acting like a complete idiot just to get Jackson off my back.

But one day, Jordyn did something that made all this built up anger explode. I thought I was getting better and was about to start talking to Amanda and Jordyn again, but I was set off by a stupid interaction in Jordyn's classroom.

It was after lunch; I had come back from therapy feeling ok. I wasn't exhausted or stressed about anything, and I was starting to let my guard down a little and thought about talking to Jordyn after class.

"Kinsley, you will be sitting in the back of the class today."


"Because I said so."

"But why?"

"Because I don't want you near me." She said in a low voice that only I could hear.

When she said that, I was confused. But I remembered the week before, I had mocked Jordyn in a way that upset her. I called her a disrespectful bitch and said something about her being bad in bed.

Which made everyone laugh but Jordyn was furious.

It made me feel bad, but I don't care now. I made a mistake, and I was about to apologize but Jordyn pushed it too far for me this time.

"Get to the back, now."

"And if I don't?"

"Go to the office."

"Oh, scary."

She stared at me before grabbing my arm, making me push her back. "Don't fucking touch me."

"Get to the back!"

"I don't have to. You're just being a bitch because of what I said."

"Now, Kinsley."

"Ok." I said, grabbing my things and kicking the chair as I walked to the back. I sat down and looked to the front where Jordyn started teaching.

Everyone around me was paying attention, but I was constantly groaning and yawning loudly. It made everyone laugh but Jordyn was getting pissed.

"Kinsley, enough."

"Enough what?"

"Go to the office."




"Now!" She shouted, making everyone become silent. When I didn't listen to her, she called the office and had the school security come and get me.

Me, Myself & I (teacherxstudent)Where stories live. Discover now