Chapter Twenty

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"Slow down a little. You know, this house is old. It's going to come crashing down on you." Jackson said, but I ignored him as I smash the hammer into the wall.

It's been about three days since everything happened.

I was no longer talking to Jordyn or seeing her anymore. I broke all contact from her from what she did.

Of course, I was still in her class so I couldn't break all contact. I was forced to sit there, listening to her talk while I blacked out throughout the class.

She tried talking to me a few times, but I ignored her. I pretended she wasn't there and walk out of the classroom many times.

Amanda tried talking to me as well, but I ignored her. I didn't listen to her when she came into my room. I didn't eat with her at the dinner table. I didn't answer her calls when she tried calling me.

My life has took a tumble, and I was ok with it.

I had myself, and that's all I needed in this world; this very fucked up world that I lived in.

One night, I shouted at Amanda for lying to me. I told her that she should have been honest with me from the beginning and didn't lie to my face all these years, making me believe that Jackson was real.

"Watch out for that hole." Jackson said, making me look down at the floor where a hole was present.

"Thanks. I sighed as I looked around at the walls, knowing that my anger wasn't nowhere near done, and I was ready to burn this whole place to the ground.

"That's actually not a bad idea." Jackson said, making me look over at him.


"What you just thought." He smiled. "Let's burn this old building to the ground."

I looked around for a moment before looking back at him. "Where would I go to clear my head? This is the only place in town that nobody knows about."

This building has been my place of solitude when I'm running away from my problems. I didn't want to burn it to the ground, even though that sounded like a great idea.

As I was lost in thought, I heard my phone start ringing. I walked over to the couch and grabbed my phone, seeing the caller ID light up on the screen showing Jordyn's number.

"What does she want?" Jackson asked.

"Don't know and don't care." I ignored it and went back to smashing walls.

My phone rang again, and again. I never once answered it, but it kept ringing, and it was driving me insane.

"Answer it." Jackson said.

I walked over to the phone and saw Jordyn's name. I took a breath before answering, making sure to put it on speaker beforehand.


"Where are you?"

"Why do you care? Please leave me alone."

"It's... Amanda, Kinsley."

"What about her?"

"She went out looking for you. I don't know where she went. She tried calling you as well, but... I don't know where she went."

When I looked at Jackson, he was staring at the phone as I was staring at him. He looked at me before shrugging, making me realize that my sister is gone somewhere looking for me.

"Ok... where are you?"

"I'm at your house."

"I'm coming there."

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