07:Talking with Police

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This chapter is brought to you by sleep deprivation and Jubileee line bcuz its my favorite song by Wilbur.Also look at the drawing its so cute, it's not mine tho

I made some Dream fanart today which I'll probably show a picture of next chapter or smthn.

Little to no updates this week due to vacation.

Also pirate smp started today, Tubbo, and Aimsey who I love are both on it so thats fun, on top of that Karl streamed which is always amazing as he's my favorite streamer and youtuber also i got some more Karl gummies yesterday from walmart they're sooooo good.

Also my only experiences with the police are noise complainints.

A breaking and entering claim (If yall want i can tell the story on my board)

Also go checkout Wilbur_Jacobs because they have amazing books and a like sprained/dislocated shoulder so go show them love they have amazing stories and are an amazing person.

And some crap my dad did sooooooo this maybe ain't the most accurate but oh well.

The police banged on the door yelling "Police" and Phil quickly opened it.They had guns out A/N:reminds me of that one play practice they pointed a gun at us, fun.(this was about the breaking and entering claim) . "Hands in the air" The policeman with the gun said and of course everyone obliged.

We got a claim for 2 people threatening you" One of the policeman, Dave said.

shoutout to dave the policeman from that one zombie game on roblox.

"Yes, them" Phil said the police walked over.

"Get on the ground" The cop said sternly.

"They're lia-" Eliana started but was soon interrupted

"Get on the ground the policeman said and the couple reluctantly did so.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law." Dave said handcuffing Eliana, and then Frank.

"Can you call an ambulance, we have a male who seems to have had his shoulder injured, he is bleeding from it and may have dislocated it" One of the officers said before kneeling down to George who was holding his shoulder as

The two were escorted out in a police car and driven away but 2 officers stayed.

"Im officer Lily Parker, we need you to answer some questions about tonight for when they do trial" Lily said.

"Okay" Phil said.

"Any of you can go first and we can do the interview wherever makes you feel the most comfortable" Lily said.

"I'll go first.We can do this in the kitchen" Phil says since he was the adult, and then leads her to the kitchen.The other officer stayed in the living room stood by the door.

"Okay so this conversation will be recorded to be used as evidence, do you consent to this recording" Lily said yall i read to much smut to type the word consent and not just like get flashbacks of all the smutbooks ive read and crap.Also don't judge me, the storyline on smutbooks are amazing.

"Yes ma'am" Phil says politely.

Lily then clicks a button on her recording device.

"What is your full name"

"Philza Watson Minecraft" Phil said

"Could you tell me your relationship to Frank and Eliana Gold" The officer asked

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