17: Fighting lessons with Techno

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This chapter is brought to you by clumsy-cat and Wilbur_Jacobs  cuz they commented on my post and said they wanted this updated

If you think you missed something go back to chapter 13

Okay shoutout to lisaaaaa1616 cuz i love fighting storms

Bro imma cry my friends mom was gonna take me and my friend to dream's Orlando concert where GEORGE IS GONNA SING.

But then she said no cuz it was on a Thursday so we would have to miss school😭😭

Also me and my friend have a braclet buisness and are gonna like make some braclets for Dream's new album soon and we like sell braclets for like a lot of stuff and so now our money from the buisness is going to saving up for a Dream concert bcuz how would our parents say no if we we're gonna buy our own tickets

Techno was furious, remember those stupid kids who beat Tommy up a few chapters ago, well they weren't getting expelled.

Phil on the phone a bit earlier •

"Hi, is this Philza Minecraft" A man who Phil was pretty sure was the kids principal asked.

"Yes sir"

"Im sorry to inform you but we cannot expell Tommy's bullies so they will be at school Monday just thought we'd warn you" The principal said.

Phil was infuriated at that last sentence

"WHAT?!" Phil yelled into the phone

"Im sorry, the parents of those children are big donors to our school, we wouldn't be able to run without their donations" The principal said as if that made the situation any better.

"Your donation are more important than my sons life" Phil said angrily, "those boys could have killed him, and you want to worry about your stupid donations" Phil said raising his voice.

This went on for a few minutes before Phil angrily hung up.

"Dad, are you okay?" Techno asked

"I don't know" Phil sighed.

"Wanna talk about?" Techno asked shutting the fridge he had been grabbing a water from.

"Yea, so..." assuming since i already told yall that yall wouldn't need a ranboo recap

•Techno's POV•

Kill Tommy's bullies






"Chat, cut it" Techno was now in his room thinking about the infuriating situation, and chat was not helping.

The chat quieted.

Flashback (a few months earlier)

"Technooooo,  please teach me how to fight" Tommy pleaded

"No" Techno responded in his usual monotone voice.

"But whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" Tommy said dragging out the y.

"Because I don't want you to get hurt" Technoblade said.

"But I'm a big man, and big men don't get hurt when they learn how to fight" Tommy argued.

"My anwser isn't changing" Techno said

"Pleaseeeeee" Tommy said


"Pretty please, it'd be really pog if you taught me how to fight" Tommy said.

"Nope, final anwser" Techno said and Tommy sighed dramatically and walked away

• flashback over •

Techno got up and walked to Tommy's room.On the door was a sign that said
'Big Man Tommy' on the door to signify that it was his room.Techno chuckled at how silly the sign was.Techno knocked hearing Tommy yell 'come in' from the other side.

"Hey Toms" Techno said

"Hey" Tommy said, setting his headset down as he had been playing minecraft.

"Do you still wanna learn how to fight" Techno asked knowing the anwser would be a yes.

"YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!" Tommy happily exclaimed jumping out of his seat.

"Okay c'mon.I'll teach you outside" Techno said

"Okay" Tommy said happily, he was jumping around out of excitement.

I feel like writing a whole lesson on how to fight is boring so im not gonna

Tommy got the hang of fighting really quick after he got some direction from Techno.

"Great job Toms" Techno said after Tommy had dodged one of his punches the landed one on Techno.

Tommy grinned excitedly.

Techno smiled, at how excited his younger brother was.

"Okay, dinner'll probably be ready soon let's go inside" Techno said.

"Okay" Tommy said, still excited.

Hi guys reminder that my messages are always open wether you want to vent, or just talk.

I love all of you so very much and reminder that you are loved.

I hope uou had a great day.

Hope you liked this :), feedback and criticism is always welcome

Im so proud of you.

Love you more than the stars,

Publish Date: September 11, 2023

Word Count: 789

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