14:im runing out of chapter names

121 7 14

This chapter is not sponsered but it could be

This is brought to you by my 7 hour nap and tylenol

Shoutout to GirlinRed29 because his new book is amazing.All of her books are amazing

It was 12 and Tommy still hadn't woke up, but Phil hadn't woke him up yet since he probably needed the sleep anyways.

Wilbur's birthday was coming up.

Phil already knew what he was gonna get him,   
                a guitar.

And there is a reason behind this. When Wilbur first came, he was mute.
Eventually he did talk but when he was mute he wrote songs in hopes of singing them.Wilbur didn't start talking till around 14, also he could play guitar because he took music in school.So Phil was getting him a guitar.

"WHAT THE FUDGE TECHNO" Phil heard Wilbur yell up the stairs.


"WHY DO YOU THINK WE GOT INTO FOSTER CARE SHE NEVER WANTED YOU" And then a bang.Phil ran up the stairs.What the heck was happening.

Phil opened the door to Techno's room to see Wilbur on the ground screaming as Techno punched him.

"Get off of me you phsyco" Wilbur yelled pushing Techno to the ground and then punching him.

"Wilbur and Technoblade Watson" Phil yelled cause what do you do in this situation.

The boys pulled away from each other and grunted. Techno had blood spilling from his nose and wilbur had a bruise on his eye which was watering excessively.

"Wilbur, please go to your room. Techno I'll be back in a sec." Phil went to Tommy's room to check on him. He knew this stuff spiked Tommy's anxiety.

He walked in and could tell he was nervous due to the fact that he was picking his fingers, a nervous stim.

"Hey Toms, Im sorry about Techno and Wil" Phil said hugging him, and his shirt quickly wet.

"Do you wanna talk about it" Phil asked

Tommy shook his head no.

"If you want Tubbo can come over.I need to go check on your brothers okay" Phil said

The 13 year old nodded.

Phil kissed his forehead before he legt.

Before Phil went to check on Techno he went to get the first-aid kit.

He then walked in.

"Hey Tech" Phil said

"Im sorry" Techno said

"Im not mad at you.I can always promise that. Just your actions, and because of your actions I will have to punish you, but first let's just make sure your okay, okay" Phil said

"Okay" Techno said.Phil always said 'Im not mad at you, just your actions' well more/less.

"Im guessing you're nose hurts" Phil said

"Yeah a bit"

"Okay, im gonna get the blood off and then bandage it." Phil said taking out a wipe and dapping at his nose. After a minute he did put some gauze on it.

"Okay what else hurts" Phil asked.

"My torso, I got pushed into the shelf"

"Okay.I don't think I can do anything about that other than ice it, and give you some tylenol." Phil said

They did this for a bit more before Phil went to Wilbur's room.

"Hi bud" Phil said

"Hey" Wilbur said looking at his feet. Wilbur had a bit of a hard time with apologies me too bro me too

"Im not mad at you.Im mad at your actions, and I forgive those actions.But actions need consequences" Phil said

"Okay" Will muttered.

Phil tilted Wilbur's chin up.

"I love you, and im not mad at you-" Phil said

"Just my actions" Wilbur cut him off.Phil chuckled at this.

"I do say that a lot don't I" Phil said

"Yea, like every time we're in trouble" Wilbur said chuckling a bit.

After Phil finished tending to his injuries he decided that after dinner he would have a talk with the boys.

Tubbo and Ranboo were coming over so he wouldn't have to worry about Tommy.

He decided that he would have a talk with them about why this wasn't okay and whatnot and then between the three of them they could decide a reasonable punishment.

Phil gave Techno and Wilbur a talk about how he wasn't mad at them or even their actions anymore because he had forgave them, and understood they regretted it.But that doesn't mean he can let them go without consequences.After a bit of speaking the 3 had agreed that 1 week grounded and 3 days with no devices should suffice.


Publish Date: Mon, Aug 21, 2023

Word Count: 753

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