11:Titles are Tiring

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Roadtrip cuz its the best song by Dream.

"Blue hair" drawing update, it's going better than I thought

Also yall Wilbur_Jacobs  made me a spotify playlist, she's literally the best so go check out her stories.and if you think about not listening to me She has a Wilbur/Karl sibling AU and a Tubbo/Wilbur sibling one and they're both AMAZING.

and if you think about not listening to me She has a Wilbur/Karl sibling AU and a Tubbo/Wilbur sibling one and they're both AMAZING

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Don't yall just love when i give shoutouts


I would die if I got the chance to go to a lovejoy concert and sit/stand by Tommy innit.

Also i added text to the cover

Porttrait of a blank slate just came on (via spotify, the superior music app) I LOVE PORTRAIT OF A BLANK SLATE

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Porttrait of a blank slate just came on (via spotify, the superior music app) I LOVE PORTRAIT OF A BLANK SLATE

Quackbur or no cuz my opioin keeps changing and i need a new opionion
Wilbur and Quackity ended up not doing much, they went to Quackity's house.Quackity had got high and was tipsy cuz he had a few shots, and Wilbur had also took a few shots but wasn't drunk.

But the night quickly came to an end and around 4:00 am Wilbur was sneaking back in the Window.

He cracked in, and cut on the light and was jumpscared by the pink haired figure in his chair.

And back out the window we go. Wilbur thought and backed up.

"Nope" Techno said grabbing Wilbur's arm and gentely forcing him to sit on the bed then shutting the window.

"So" Techno says

"So" Wilbur says back lightly, he knew Techno was mad at him.

"Where have you been" Techno asked in his usual monotone voice.

"None of your business, you're not my dad" Wilbur says defensively

"Well would you like to have this conversation with our dad, cause that sure can happen" Techno says back

Just came back from johnson and this kid (teenager probs around 14-17) had like black eyeshadow all around his eyes like ALL around his eyes like sir im all for you wearing makeup but look up a tutorial on yt plzz also this guy was with him (99.99999999% sure he was his brother) and he kept like hiding behind him

"No" Wilbur responds.He would hate to see Phil's face if he found out that he had snuck out.

"Answer my question, where have you been" Techno asked.

"My friend's" Wilbur said

"What friend" Techno asked

"Quackity, I don't think you know him" Wilbur said.

"Wilbur, I love you.But you can't just leave and not tell anyone where you're going" 420 words Techno says.

"Okay" Wilbur says quietly a fee tears dropping from his eyes.

Techno hugs him, quickly feeling his shirt wet as his brother sobbed.

Techno held Wilbur to till his sobs lightened and snores arose.He decided he'd sleep in Wilbur's room that night, cause Wilbur wasn't okay (obviously).

"Morning boys" Phil says handing Techno a coffee mug.Upon seeing this Tommy quicky runs up to Techno.

"Can i have some, pleaseeeeeeeeeeee" Tommy begs

"No" Techno replies coldly.

Tommy did this every single morning without fail.Tommy wasn't allowed to have coffee as he was already energetic enough.

"Breakfast is ready" Phil said setting the last plate on the table.

Everyone ate their pancakes then everyone sat around.

"Tommy, did you take your meds?" Phil said noticing how Tommy kept zoning out while he was supposed to be working on math homework.

"Yea" Tommy say's snapping back into reality.Reality was Tommy had not took his meds.He had decided that he was tired of his meds and he had just wrapped a pill in toilet paper before putting it in the trash as to not make it obvious.

"You sure?" Phil asks

"Yea" Tommy says

How are you?

Anyways I love all of you!

Have a great day.

Publish Date: August 10, 2023

Word count: 634

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