08: Tommy's Troubles in School

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Okay so lets be real last chapter was a filler, but i feel like im putting too much crazy crap in this story.Also while on vacation i mised 2 whole pirate smp streams from tubbo so imma probably be behind when he next streams :(


Check out clumsy-cat  they have amazing books, plus they're an amazing person.

Also lastly pretend dream can like wear his mask to school.

Oh, and this is like a week or 2 after last chapter
"Hey Wilbur, Im planning to throw a party Friday, can you come" Dream asked

"Of course" Wilbur said

"Do you know anyone who could get us some alcohol, I think we drank most of it at the last party" Dream said, Dream had the best parties.He was known for them infact.

"Will you tell Techno?" Dream asked

"Yeah, we have next period together anyway, speaking of I gotta go or Imma be late, bye Dream" Wilbur said before jogging off.Him and Techno had maths together.

Dream then opened Instagram and posted a photo which was of a photo just with info about the party, soon enough word had got around the school about Dream's party.

"Hey Dream, Im Quackity.Wilbur's friend.Wilbur told me you needed a plug, I know this guy Jschlatt.He's a senior but we're friends, he can hook you up pretty well.He's got everything" Quackity rambled

"Oh that's amazing.Can I have his number, or his discord" Dream says

"Yeah" Quackity says giving Dream both before running off to his lesson.

Dream's parents were never really home, he just didn't have parties all the time because he took care of Tubbo, he was planning to ask Phil if he would watch Tubbo since having a bunch of
people over stressed him out and sometimes gave him panic attacks.

He planned to tell Tubbo about this on lunch because the highschool and middle/secondary had lunch at the same time and were allowed to go outside so he planned to tell Tubbo then.


🐝 Tubs🐝

Hey, will you meet me on the field for lunch?

Yea can Tommy, and Ranboo come with me?


Okay, gtg to class, see you then

See you


Can autistic people go to parties or would that like make them have a meltdown, because idk how to do Techno

Tommy had an english test today, and you wanna know the fun part, if he makes below a 75 his dad is gonna be called

Tommy's pov

I stared down at the paper but my mind was everywhere else.

"Tommy, if you don't bring your grades up soon then you will repeat the grade.This was worth more then a test and your overall grade is currently a 55.Maybe ask your brother Techno for help.He was my best student you should strive to be more like him"

You're just a disappointment Tommy.

Shut up

You know im right, Techno's a phenomenal student, and he's great at fencing, and football (🏈)

Just be quiet

Wilbur is in a band, he can sing and play guitar.He's even co-captian of the soccer (football⚽️) team.

Shut up, please, please

What are you good at?

Oh, that's right

Please stop


You don't play sports,


You're grades are crap

You're just a screw-up,

Please be quite

Why do you think your dad adopted Techno, and Wilbur?

Because of you.You're usless, and stupid, and ugly.

You would ruin the great name of Philza Minecraft.

Stop Stop Stop  Stop Stop Stop Stop


•3rd person•

"Okay students, please leave your paper in the 3rd period basket, and you can head off to lunch" Mr.Monk said

Tommy looked down at his paper, nothing was on it.Just his name, only his name.He had failed.

Wow guys, that was something.

Im gonna cry school starts back in a few days, but im back anyways stay safe.

I love you❤️

Publish Date: Saturday, August 5th

Word Count: 663

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