13:Hospitial Trips and Sun Chips

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Also one day just bcuz

Shoutout to DABIinREALlifeUwU

Anyways i love you

Wilbur ran out of class through there, through the outside.Into the other building and all the way to B-hall only taking occasional small breaks so he didn't have an asthma attack.

For context Wilbur probably has running and Chemical asthma idk if you can actually have both but

Wattpad Logic

Wilbur knew he would get in trouble for running out of class like that but he couldn't care less.Right now Tommy was the only thing that mattered.

And thats when he got there.He walked into the bathroom and heard Tommy sobbing.

"Toms, open the door" Wilbur said as he tried to go in but found the door was locked.Then he heard a click and walked in.His heart broke at the sight of his brother bruised, bloodied, and crying on the floor.
Ngl forgot if he was bleeding or not, so he is.

He hugged Tommy, and held him while he cried.This only lasted for about 10 minutes though because the Principal was trying to find Wilbur as he ran out of class without telling a teacher where he was going.

The Principal started to yell but came to a halt when he saw the sobbing, shaking Tommy in Wilbur's arm.

Phil was almost there since he got called when Wilbur had ran out of class and been asked to come.

After a short talk they had left (also Phil signed Techno out and they all went to the hospital bcuz yk like Tommy).

After the doctor looked over Tommy they had come to the analysis idk if that makes sense but wattpad logivc that he had broke his nose, may have a mild concussion, and had fractured his rib.

"Mr.Minecraft may I talk with you outside" The Doctor asked

"Of course ma'am" Phil said before walking out.

"Okay so Tommy has a broken nose, we will need to set that back into place.He has a fractured rib.We have to wait for that to heal on it's own, but it can be painful so I recommend icing it.Also make sure he's not doing much like physical activities like PE.He also may have a mild concussion so if he starts complaining about headaches a lot you can bring him back for that" The Doctor said

"Okay" Phil said nodding.

"Can you sign this.It's a form giving us permission to set his nose back into place, and to give him some pain medicine" Dr.Strange said yes, from the movies

"Of course" Phil said taking the paper and pen and scribbling his signature on there.

"Okay, we can go back in" The Doctor said.

"Tommy.They're gonna set your nose but it's gonna be fine, okay" Phil said sweetly in a soft voice.

Tommy just squeezed Wilbur's hand. Wilbur had been by Tommy's side the whole time.

"Okay sweetie, do you want us to countdown?" The nurse asked.

Tommy nodded.

"Okay.Im gonna give you this.Its called a green whistle and just breathe through this on 3 and you'll be just fine" She said.She had a very kind voice, and smile.

"Okay 3, 2, 1" Dr.Strange said

"Okay, keep breathing your good" The nurse said as Dr.Strange quickly set his nose.

"See, all done" The nurse said giving him a smile.

"Okay.I think I can let you go, since Ive already talked to your dad.Have a great day. Also heres a doctor's excuse if you wanna stay out a few days." The Nurse said.


"Im gonna kill that son of a-"

"Techno no murdering children, or anyone for that matter" Phil butted in.Him and Techno were sitting at the table but Tommy was absent since he had went to sleep after they


"Uh-uh.I know you love Tommy but the school is gonna take care of it"

"I just-" Tears were at Techno's eyes.

"Can I hug you" Phil asked

Techno nodded and Phil hugged him, and Techno sobbed.Cause what else was there to do.

"I love you" Phil said rubbing Techno's back.

"I love you too" Techno said sniffling




I love you, God loves you (srry if ur not christian i saw a sign saying to tell someone god loves them and most/ all of my friends are christian so they already know that)

Anyways spread love.

Stay Safe, Stay Kind.

Publish Date: August 15, 2023

Word Count: 761

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