Chapter 18 x Jaison

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My font generator isn't working again. -_- Sorry for taking so long on this chapter! I hope you enjoy it!

I pulled up in front of the counseling center after Shayne's second session. It took another 20 minutes for him to come out, but that didn't worry me now that I knew what he was doing in there.

Shayne hopped into the car and buckled, and we drove off towards home.

Shayne was biting his lip and staring down at his lap. I could tell he was trying to suppress a smile.

I nudged him and grinned. "OK, what's up?" I said. "Something happened to Lover Boy."

Shayne looked over at me and blushed. "Brooke wants to go to Chipotle," he mumbled.

My smile grew. "You mean she asked you out?"

Shayne covered his red cheeks with his hands and nodded.

I laughed and side-hugged him. "That's so cool! Your first date, Shay!" My eyes got watery. "Mom and Dad would be so proud of you."

Shayne's eyes welled up and gave me an emotional smile. "You think they would?"

"Of course I do."

Shayne beamed at me. I smiled back, put the car into gear, and we drove home.

When I knocked once on the front door and we went inside, it was unusually quiet.

My brow furrowed and I took my shoes off. "Bennet? Sadie? Conor?"

"We're in the living room, Jaison," Bennet called.

Shayne set down his backpack, and we went into the living room to find all three of my friends sitting there.

Sandro was sitting in an easy chair with Sadie in his lap, who had her thumb in her mouth. Zane was on the floor with Conor playing with blocks. Ivan was on the couch next to Bennet.

I immediately rushed up to Sadie and gently tugged her thumb out of her mouth.

"Come on, sweetheart, you're a big girl now," I scolded her.

Sadie scowled at me and put her thumb right back in her mouth. I pulled it out again and Sandro took a hold of her hands so she couldn't put it back in again.

I smiled wearily at him. "Thank you," I sighed.

"No problem," he said softly. "We just stopped by to see how you guys are doing, since we haven't seen you out lately. How are you?"

A lump rose in my throat. "Not... not real great," I croaked.

Sandro's eyebrows creased. He set Sadie down, stood up and pulled me into a big hug.

I stood there with my arms around him for a minute or two. Tears sprung to my eyes and I found it harder than usual to hold them back.

Sandro stepped away, and Zane got up and hugged me next. He patted me on the back. "I'm so sorry, bro," he whispered. "I could never imagine what you're dealing with."

I silently nodded and hugged him tighter.

Lastly, Ivan gave me a short, tight hug, murmuring his condolences in my ear.

"My mama made lasagna and some rolls for you guys," Sandro said. "Bennet said to just put them on the island in the kitchen."

"Wow, thank you," I said, giving him a side hug.

Sandro's family was Italian, and the women in his family were amazing cooks.

"There's enough for everybody," Bennet said. "You guys can stay for dinner if you want."

Zane chuckled and rubbed his hands together. "Well, only if you wouldn't mind sharing some of Sandro's mom's amazing food," he said. Everyone laughed.

I cut up some of the lasagna on Sadie and Conor's small plates, then split a roll in half and placed one half on each plate.

I put the twins' plates in front of them, then put the bigger serving dish in the middle of the table for everyone to serve themselves from. Which they immediately did. Like a pack of starving wolves.

We're teenage boys, what would you expect?

"Mmm, Sandro, this is amazing," I said with my mouth half full.

Sandro laughed. "Don't compliment me. The only thing I helped with is the rolls."

I laughed. "You still did a good job," I assured him.

I looked around the table. Bennet was stuffing his face, Zane was talking to the twins, and they were talking back, while Sadie was putting her hands on his face and patting his cheeks for some reason.

I was about to scold her and tell her to give Zane his personal space, but it looked so cute I couldn't ruin the moment.

It was moments like these that I felt grateful. Like maybe life wouldn't turn out so sucky after all.

Aaaaand that's when I realized Shayne wasn't eating.

The happy family atmosphere in my mind fell to pieces.

"Shay, what's the matter?" I asked. "I thought you were doing better."

"I am, I promise," Shayne said, "It's just... I'm kinda nervous." He blushed and looked down at his lap.

I couldn't hold back my grin.

"Nervous about what?" Bennet said with his mouth full. "What happened?"

"Shayne's going on his very first date."

"Jaison!" Shayne shrieked. He hid his red face in his hands. Everyone laughed.

"Spill, Shayne," Sandro said. "I want to hear everything."

"Well, I... I met this girl at the counseling center," Shayne said. "Her name is Brooke. We've been talking to each other at the center, and texting each other, and..." He gulped. "Today she asked me if I wanted to go to Chipotle sometime."

"She asked him out," I said. Shayne blushed even harder. If that was possible.

"That's awesome, dude!" Zane said. "Your first date!"

"Is she hot?" Ivan asked.

Zane elbowed him. Ivan glared at him. "What?"

Shayne nodded and bit his lip. "She's black," she said softly. "And she has really gorgeous eyes. And skin. And hair..."

"Looks like cupid's claimed another victim," Zane said. We laughed. Shayne smiled sheepishly. Like he could help it that he was head over heels.

As we continued joking with him and poking fun at him, Shayne started laughing more and joining in. He looked happier and healthier, and eventually started eating the lasagna he had served himself. He never needed to get up to vomit, either.

Shayne had found his healing. When would I find mine? 

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