02|back to school dance?!?|

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I woke up and got dress before heading into the living...There I saw the Winx ready and was waiting.I yawned.

"Ah,you finally woke up"said Stella bringing everyone attention to me.

"We were waiting for you"said Flora.

"Listen, a princess needs her beauty sleep, why anyways?"I ask.

"Because today is the first day and we don't want you to be alone"said Bloom.

"Awe thanks! I beamed I hug bloom and she almost falls over surprised and smiles.

"Let's go get breakfast"said Stella while dragging me by the arm.We all walk out of the dorm and start walking towards the lunch area.Everyone was talking about something but I just stayed quiet and behind them

"Hey,Caia you good??"asked Musa.

"Just tired."

"Goodmorning everyone,as usual it befalls me to kick off the school year. Now for those who haven't met me yet. I'm Professor Wiskies. Your teacher of metamorphosis or as I prefer to call the art of changing the way you look."he said as he turn into Miss Griselda.

All the class cheer and applaud him,while I just look at him.He said something and transform back to his normal self.He jumped on a student's table.

"Since every ending must have a beginning.Let us start with a simple exercise."he said snaping his fingers and mirrors came out of pur tables.

I take the mirror and look at myself in it.

"Concentrate,look in the mirror,look at yourself and think about changing the color of your head."he explained.

I did as he said and imagining myself with light blue hair.When I open my eyes,my hair which was dark brown now became light blue.I look good in it.

"Well done,Caia!"said Professor Wiskies.He popped out of nowhere.I turn to him and nod.

Then he skipped over to Bloom. Apparently Bloom failed."Don't worry Bloom.If at first you don't succeed ,try again." said Professor Wiskies.

I was in Bloom and Flora's room with Stella,Bloom and Flora.Stella was helping Bloom with the hair changing that she failed earlier.I was just sitting around painting my nails.

"Caia, can you help me with my plants?"asked Flora.

I walk towards her and her plants.

"Are you sure?I mean I will kill them. I'm not the warmest haha." I replied.

"You'll be fine. I have trust in you."said Flora

I water the plant. I get bored and touch the plant and accidentally freeze it.

"Whoops! I'm so sorry flora!" I said

"It's okay I know you can fix it hold your hand over it and think happy thoughts and you can absorb the frost."

I do as she said.

"How did I do that?"I said shocked.

"Well everyone know the tale of the two dragons. The ones of creation, the ice and fire dragon."she said.

i nodded.

"Well they weren't just brothers,they were twins. If one was good magic and the other had bad magic.Well even in the good dragon there is little bit of evil in his heart and inside the bad dragon there is a little bit of good.So in your heart there is good and evil.Its Ying and Yang.Thats what inside your heart.When you thought of good memories you access your power for life.You understand now?"explain Flora.

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