22|Old Feelings|

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After a long night and the ski incident, we found ourselves by the forest near the lake.

The boys were racing on their bikes over the lake, the pixies and Kiko playing around, and the Winx were tanning and chatting, enjoying the peaceful ambiance of nature.

"Well, Faragonda was right. We really needed a vacation," said Bloom with a content smile.

"Absolutely," I agreed, relishing the warm sun on my skin.

"I've never felt so relaxed. But I really wanted to get my hands on one of those bikes. I've always wanted to ride one," I mumbled, watching the boys speed across the water on jet skis.

"Yeah, it feels good to get away from Darkar and his ugly plans and immerse ourselves in the heart of nature," added Flora, her eyes sparkling with tranquility.

"The red one is cute in a lifeguard sort of way, don't you think?" remarked Stella, breaking the peaceful atmosphere with her typical enthusiasm.

"Yeah, it's alright," I replied nonchalantly, not too invested in the topic.

"Hey, maybe we can put up a beach fashion show for the boys," suggested Stella, eager to inject some excitement into the day.

"Yeah, no," I quickly dismissed the idea.

"I think they're busy, Stella," remarked Layla, who was eyeing the bikes, clearly wanting to join in the fun.

"Yeah, well, I just wish they'd get off those silly things and hang out with us for a while," sighed Stella, feeling a bit left out.

"I just wish I had one so I could go ride with them," added Layla, sharing Stella's sentiment.

"I know, I wish for that too right now," I whispered to Layla, giving her a comforting pat on the back.

"You know how to ride?" Layla asked excitedly.

"A little," I whispered back with a smile.

"Stella, why don't you sit back, relax, and enjoy some peace and quiet?" suggested Musa, sensing Stella's frustration.

"It's just that there's no shopping, the boys aren't paying attention to us, and look, Tecna's not wearing a swimsuit," complained Stella.

"I don't want to tan. So what's the use of wearing a swimsuit?" retorted Tecna.

"Okay, fine," Stella conceded with a groan, realizing that her wishes might not align with everyone else's preferences.

Just then, Timmy parked and got off his bike, catching everyone's attention.

"Here's my chance," exclaimed Layla, seizing the opportunity and hopping onto the bike.

"Have fun," I called out, amused by the surprised expression on Timmy's face as Layla zoomed off.

Poor Timmy, always getting caught off guard.


The boys and Layla finally got off their bikes, joining us as we played volleyball by the lake. Stella, content with tanning, and Layla, off to gather firewood from the forest, added to the relaxed atmosphere of our camping trip.

As we enjoyed the game, Stella suddenly spoke up, her voice carrying a hint of frustration, "Well, this is who I am!" She then walked away, leaving us all momentarily stunned by her abrupt departure.

Night had fallen, and we gathered around the crackling campfire, roasting corn and sharing stories. The ambiance was cozy, and the camaraderie among friends made the camping experience truly enjoyable.

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