26|ball invite|

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"It's been an exciting second year at Alfea, and now that the holidays have arrived, I'm headed back home to Eridaya to visit my mother," I exclaimed.

"Which bag should I put these clothes in?" Serenity asked.

"That one," I replied, pointing it out.

After packing, I cast a levitation spell on my bag, and as I walked out of the room, everyone followed.

Outside, with the Winx and the pixies, Stella inquired, "What plans do you and Musa have?"

"We're heading to the new beach on the eastern shore today," Layla replied. "There's a shuttle bus every hour."

"Be careful!" Flora warned as Bloom's luggage nearly went out of control.

Kiko slipped from Lockette's grip, causing a cascade of falling items.

"I've got it!" Layla shouted as she caught the falling suitcases, but then Kiko fell onto her, leading to a comical mishap with Stella's luggage.

"Oops," I muttered, trying not to laugh.

Stella, frustrated, exclaimed, "Do you know how long it took me to sort my clothes between my mom's bag and my dad's bag?"

"Relax, Stel. We'll help you repack," Bloom reassured her.

"Since when did I agree to this? You don't know what you're getting into," I added, teasingly.

"Look up there!" Serenity interrupted, pointing at a glowing ball of light approaching us. A hologram of a woman appeared, announcing a princess ball from Solaria.

"A princess ball for me? I never expected this!" Stella exclaimed.

Amore chimed in, "This is so exciting!"

Bloom, unfamiliar with royal customs, asked, "What exactly is a princess ball?"

I explained, "It's a formal event where royalty is officially introduced to society, like a debutante ball."

"Back in the day, they used to announce arranged marriages at these balls," I added.

"Some kingdoms still do," Musa remarked.

Stella was taken aback, saying, "Imagine that!"

The hologram shifted to the king, who promised a special announcement at the ball.

Stella, thrilled, declared, "Change of plans, everyone! We're going to Solaria for the princess ball!"

Bloom tried to protest, but Stella insisted, "No arguments. It's a once-in-a-lifetime event, and I want all of you there."

Excitedly, Bloom exclaimed, "Alright, then! Let's go to Solaria!" as we all cheered and prepared for the royal festivities ahead.

We were all gathered in Stella's room, assisting her with packing for the upcoming event.

"I've uploaded all the data into the magic port. Everyone on your Facebook will receive an invitation, Stella," Digit announced.

"It's great that your dad is hosting a princess ball for you. Not every father knows how to do that," Musa commented.

"Unlike mine. My mom's the party planner," Stella remarked.

"Don't be too hard on Uncle Radius. Maybe your mom is in on the surprise," I suggested.

"You might be onto something there. The invitation didn't mention King Radius specifically; it was from the Royal Court, which includes both of them. I bet they're getting back together! That's probably the surprise announcement! I'm beyond excited. My parents will be together again, and I'm having a princess ball!" Stella exclaimed, brimming with excitement.

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