19|New Witches?|

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"Huh?!" the Winx exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yeah no" I muttered, trying to maintain my composure despite the annoyance creeping in.

Faragonda just dropped the bombshell that we're going to Cloud Tower.

"We're going to study at Cloud Tower," Bloom reiterated, trying to make sense of the situation.

"You can't be serious," Layla interjected, her frustration evident.

"No way am I wearing those tacky witch outfits," Stella chimed in, voicing her displeasure.

"I agree." I replied.

"Calm down, girls. You know we have to protect the Codex at Cloud Tower," Faragonda reminded us, trying to ease the tension.

"There are absolutely no records of witches ever asking fairies for help," Tecna pointed out, adding fuel to the fire.

"And that's where Murtha's advice has been most helpful," Faragonda added, causing further irritation.

"Um, the witches think that the Alfea fairies have it easy, and all the teachers say that fairies wouldn't last two days if they were to take their classes," Murtha contributed, aggravating the situation even more.

"Try me," I retorted, unable to hold back my annoyance.

"So we just have to swallow our pride, is that it?" Musa questioned, her frustration evident.

"Fairies aren't slaves to pride like the witches are, correct," Faragonda confirmed, further adding to the annoyance.

"Then it's settled. If you're willing to take classes at Cloud Tower, Lady Griffin is willing to ask for your help against the Trix," Faragonda concluded.

"And she'll regret it. The Trix will never be able to get anywhere near the Codex," Bloom declared, displaying a mix of determination and annoyance.

"What's the problem?" I muttered under my breath, feeling increasingly annoyed by the whole situation.

At Cloud Tower...

As we approached the front door of Cloud Tower, I couldn't help but feel irritated. I had never been here before, at least not through the front door. Sneaking in was my preferred method.

We had left the pixies at Alfea, except for Zing, the one I finally remembered.

"I wish Piff could have come," Layla lamented.

"She wouldn't be happy. Cloud Tower's energy is too negative," Tecna remarked, adding to the negative atmosphere.

"It would probably give our pixies a headache," Bloom added, voicing her concerns.

"And me a good time," I said sarcastically, trying to lighten the mood despite the heavy energy in the air.

"Hey, Zing seems fine," Layla pointed out, trying to find some positivity.

"Don't worry, Layla. I'll have you protected from the dark magic," Zing reassured in her witch costume, but it didn't do much to lift the mood.

"Come on, guys, we need to think about working together with the witches," Bloom urged, trying to maintain a positive outlook.

"Yeah, right. And I don't like being in a crowd where there's a single witch," Stella grumbled, her annoyance evident.

"But they did help us fight the Trix last year," I reminded them, trying to find a silver lining.

"You seem to forget that they helped the Trix fight us a bunch of times," Musa snapped, her anger bubbling up.

"Still over that grudge," I muttered, feeling the tension rise.

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